Chapter 572

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Cheryl had been having a blissful sleep after the amazing, joyous evening she'd had finding out that her very best friend in the world was pregnant and that the little dream the two of them had always had of becoming mothers around the same time and having their children grow up together was actually going to happen for real. The two girls had become emotionally exhausted by the end as they'd naturally cried so many tears of joy together and had chatted away for hours more about it all, that eventually they'd took themselves up to bed and had snuggled up for a long night's sleep, feeling like somehow their already incredibly tight bond and friendship had intensified even more now that they were both entering a new phase of their lives together, providing yet another example of how in sync the two best friends indeed were. Despite having slept so soundly however, Cheryl was suddenly woken up the next morning rather abruptly by the noise of retching coming from the ensuite and instantly noticed that Kimberley had disappeared from the bed, it not taking a great amount of thinking to work out what was clearly going on and so Cheryl carefully climbed out from under the duvet with her hands holding her bump which she always naturally did these days as it was really starting to get heavy now, and she especially felt it in the morning when she first got up, before she then wandered across the bedroom to find her best friend who wasn't sounding in a very good way at the present moment, something that Cheryl could deeply sympathise with her about.

"Oh dear oh dear...are you okay babe?...just try and get it all out, that's the best way" Cheryl soothingly began trying to comfort her as she found Kimberley kneeling on the floor with her head hovering over the toilet, looking very green in the face as she'd been throwing up for the past 15 minutes already pretty much nonstop.

"Uhhh...sorry for waking you up...I couldn't make it to the other bathroom..." Kimberley groaned as she felt Cheryl kneel down onto the floor next to her whilst sweetly stroking her back for her.

"No, don't worry about it...I know what it's've just got to hold onto the fact that you don't stay like this forever...once you get this sickly stage out of the way then you feel pretty much normal again for the next few months, until all of the other aches and pains start've got so much to look forward to hun" Cheryl smiled softly as she could remember very clearly how horrible it was to be sick every single morning and how it would always leave her feeling exhausted and like she needed another good night's sleep straight afterwards, before she then bit her bottom lip when Kimberley suddenly started being sick yet again, prompting Cheryl to continue to rhythmically rub her back to try and help her somehow. "'s okay, it's'll pass soon and then you'll feel normal again..." she carried on being supportive, thinking she'd probably been quite lucky in a strange sort of way not to have developed her proper morning sickness until she'd been around 8 or 9 weeks, even though Cheryl had been quite unwell beforehand which had been what had led to her finding out that she was pregnant in the first place.

"'s just disgusting when you first wake up though isn't it? stomach feels empty, I don't even know what I'm actually throwing up...and you shouldn't be sat on the floor either, get up you numpty" Kimberley whined and blew out through her mouth, making Cheryl giggle at the fact that Kimberley was worrying about her being sat on the hard tiled floor of all things.

"Haha...I don't think I can get up now...haha...are you alright? Do you think it's passed?" she chuckled back as Kimberley moved away from the toilet slightly and flushed it, looking totally worn out Cheryl thought as she sweetly stroked Kimberley's hair behind her ear.

"Until tomorrow...haha...I suppose I can't complain can I? I've been desperate to get pregnant for months now, I guess I've got to accept the downsides of it too...haha...uhh, look at the state of us...I stink of vomit and you're stuck on the floor with your Buddha belly...haha...remember when we used to be glamorous popstars?...haha" Kim smirked as the two of them began laughing together, there being no doubt that their lives had dramatically changed since this time last year and that the media world would never be able to envision the two famous women in a situation like this whatsoever, both of them having their bed hair fluffed up like bird's nests, and poor Kimberley had dark circles around her eyes and ghostly white skin from being sick for so long.

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