Chapter 24

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"Soooo..." Lily called straight away as Cheryl wandered into the kitchen the next morning, still wearing her pyjama bottoms and a turquoise vest top with her phone already attached to her hand as Cheryl smirked and walked past her to switch the coffee machine on, before grabbing a mug from the cupboard.

"Soooo what?" she playfully replied, knowing exactly what Lily was referring to but loved the opportunity of winding her up.

"Erm...let's think shall we? Maybe...oh yeah! That was was your date with the tremendous Tre?!!!...haha...Last I heard from you, he was amazing!" Lily mocked Cheryl by acting all dreamy, having giggled to herself when she'd received Cheryl's text message last night.

"Oi!...haha...I don't act like that!!...Freak!" she playfully hit Lily as she sat opposite her at the breakfast bar, making her laugh. "...And he WAS amazing!" Cheryl then smiled, not even lying or over exaggerating when she said this, having lay awake for hours when she'd went to bed last night just thinking about him and smiling to herself, before eventually she'd fallen asleep and spent the whole night dreaming about him too.

 "I'm not gonna see him emerging from your bedroom in a minute am I?!" Lily opened her mouth wide open in shock.

"Hahaha!...No...I didn't mean like that! As if I would after our first date!...haha...No, it was the most perfect night ever!" Cheryl smiled whilst playing with her coffee mug as Lily made an 'aww' sound, watching her best friend looking so dreamy and joyful this morning. "Shut up!...haha" Cheryl pouted as she could feel her cheeks starting to blush, making Lily chuckle at her as she just found this whole situation completely adorable.

"Where did he take you then?...where was the big mystery destination?" Lily quizzed her, wanting to know every single tiny detail about her best friend's first date in God knows how many years.

"Oh my God, it was incredible!!!...He took me to this dance show that was on downtown where he used to perform before he got signed up, and oh my God, it was just like...they were so talented, honestly! I couldn't keep still!...haha...the poor guys behind me must have wanted to murder me by the end!" Cheryl laughed, still buzzing off the experience as Lily just grinned back at her, noticing that Cheryl was actually glowing due to feeling so happy. "...and then he bought me some popcorn too, so he was onto a winner after that really!...haha...That's when I texted you" she giggled as Lily chuckled and shook her head, finding it hilarious that for the past few days when Lily had been making her subtle comments to Cheryl about Tre to try and wind her up, she'd been acting all cool and like she didn't know what she was going on about, whereas now Cheryl was totally gushing over Tre and literally couldn't sing his praises loud enough.

"Haha...he literally couldn't have picked a better place to take you could he?!...haha...Well I never heard you come in, and trust me I waited as long as I possibly could!...haha...So what did you do after that?" Lily laughed, beaming at how animated Cheryl was about it all, until Cheryl's phone suddenly buzzed before she had a chance to answer, meaning that instead Lily had to watch a massive dimpled smile instantly break out onto Cheryl's face.

<Morning beautiful :D Last night was so perfect, I couldn't get to sleep for ages when I got home! I just kept bursting into laughter from remembering some of the random stuff you came out with lol I'm leaving mine now n I'll grab some breakfast for all of you OK? I'll be around in about 20 mins...I'm thinking about kidnapping you so that you can't go lol xxx>

"Tre?..." Lily simply smiled, having learnt very quickly that there was only one person in the world right now who could make Cheryl come over all giddy just with a text message, being proven right as Cheryl nodded with a big, cheesy grin on her face before texting him back.

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