Chapter 159

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The next morning, Cheryl woke up in the hotel to find Rosie with her head buried against her shoulder, still sound asleep and although she could already feel her head thumping slightly, Cheryl couldn't help but smirk to herself, thinking about how much worse it was going to be for the sleeping girl next to her who had probably drank twice as much. She rubbed her eyes, wishing that the beam of sunlight that was bursting through the curtains onto the bed would go away, before realising that Lily was awake too, lying on the other side of her sister, massaging her forehead. "I feel like I'm on a flaming roller coaster!" Lily groaned as Cheryl sat up slightly against the pillows, making Rosie whine slightly, however she still continued sleeping peacefully. 

"It's gonna be a bad day...haha" Cheryl chuckled, feeling the same as the room seemed to be spinning around her, forcing her to close her eyes again. "At least we won't be as bad as this nutter...she was well gone!" she playfully patted Rosie's arm.

"Yanno what though! I bet she'll be totally fine!" Lily complained back, thinking it would just be typical for Rosie to escape the dark cave of a hangover whilst the rest of them all suffered.

"Nah, she won't Lils...she was drinking all sorts, her stomach will be totally messed up...haha...look, she's already frowning, I bet she's already got a headache" Cheryl smirked down at her, amused by how funny Rosie had been last night with all of her crazy dance moves and then falling asleep on top of Gary in the club.

"I hate to think what she's like when she goes out without does she ever get home?!" Lily shook her head disbelievingly as Cheryl swung her legs out from under the sheets, feeling too hot after having Rosie cuddled up against her all night. "It was a great party though, wasn't it?!" she smiled, having thoroughly enjoyed herself as it wasn't often that they'd all go out together, especially with the likes of Nicola and Kimberley too.

"Yeah it was brilliant! Kim had a great time as well, it feels like only yesterday that she told me that she'd got the role, and now it's all over!...Time absolutely flies by these days!" Cheryl replied, smiling back at her.

" sound like such an old woman Chez!...Eeeee, the time absolutely flies by these days" Lily mocked Cheryl's voice as Cheryl pouted back, before giggling along with her.

"Haha...wey it does!...I wish the time would bloody fly to us going to Vegas, it was going really fast at the start, now it's just dragging by!" she whined, remembering how much she'd started missing Tre last night after seeing everybody together.

" will do this week though babe!...6 more days until we fly out, and just think! You've got the Jubilee concert on Monday, you've got a photo shoot on Tuesday, back to Newcastle on Wednesday for the Foundation, plus you'll be able to pop in and see your sister, and then it's just a couple of meetings on the Thursday and then we go!" Lily explained, making Cheryl feel slightly better as she did have quite an exciting week running up to her birthday.

"That sounds good actually...and me mam is coming up tomorrow to stay with me...I still haven't told her about the Jubilee yanno, she's gonna freak out...haha" Cheryl began laughing along with Lily.

"I can't believe you've actually managed to keep your big trap shut about it...I feel like I should get you a certificate or something, it's quite an achievement for you!...haha" she joked back as Cheryl scrunched her nose up adorably.

"I'm so excited!...I'll be proper nervous though on Monday, I'm just warning you...ya gonna have to calm me down or something" Cheryl pulled a scared looking face as Lily smirked whilst shaking her head.

"No you won't, you'll be fine're a pro! you're not by yourself, you've got Gary there as well, and everybody absolutely loves you two, so it will go spiffingly well darling!" she replied in a posh voice, making Cheryl giggle. "That reminds me, you've got one last tiny rehearsal tomorrow with him...he said it'll literally be no longer than an hour cos you practically had it down last time didn't yas?" Lily informed her, still knowing Cheryl's schedule off by heart even with a raging hangover.

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