Chapter 84

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"Babe, would you like a hot chocolate?" Tre kindly shouted up the stairs to Cheryl who was changing into her pyjamas once they'd finally returned to her house after 'The Graham Norton Show'.

"Ooooo yes please!!!" she called back before bouncing down the stairs in her Mickey Mouse PJs, making Tre laugh.

"Haha...I've never seen anybody so excited for a hot chocolate before in my whole life!" he chuckled as she skipped behind him into the kitchen.

"Yeah, but you're making it, so it's extra special isn't it?!" Cheryl replied playfully and sat down at the kitchen table whilst Tre made the drinks. "You know, you have a really good back" she continued randomly as Tre slowly turned around, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Erm...thanks I suppose!...haha" he chuckled, wondering what the hell she was going on about.

" honestly, you do!...It's like really muscly and your skin's all's hot" she smirked, realising she was embarrassing him. "Aww...are you blushing Tre? getting little rosy cheeks?" she joked, wandering up to him as he began laughing.

"Be quiet you clown, I'm not blushing!...I just don't really know how to respond to being told that I have a nice back...I can honestly say that nobody has ever said that to me before!...haha" he sniggered as he turned around to finish making Cheryl's hot chocolate, before suddenly feeling her arms wrap around his waist from behind and her face rest against his back.

"Well you have the best back that I've ever seen...mwah" she grinned before kissing his soft skin which sent butterflies racing around Tre's body as he turned around to face her again.

"How did I get so lucky eh? minute I'm just living in LA, wandering around on my own, and then bang, one amazing video shoot and I suddenly find the best girl in the whole world to spend my days with!" he smiled whilst stroking her hair back away from her face as she gazed up at him.

"I love you" Cheryl pouted cutely, making him chuckle slightly as he gazed back at her.

"I love you more" Tre replied before leaning his head down towards her to kiss her lips, being suddenly stopped however as Cheryl rested her finger over his lips to say "not possible", before moving it to lay her hand on the side of his face and kissed him deeply.

Once the couple finally broke apart again, a mischievous grin spread across Cheryl's face. "What?..." Tre grinned, always feeling unnerved whenever Cheryl looked like this, as she was very unpredictable.

"Can I have my hot chocolate now?...It's getting cold" she asked with a cheeky expression on her face which made Tre start to laugh whilst shaking his head in despair.

"Haha...yeah, come on Madam, we'd hate for you to have to drink it cold wouldn't we?!" he mocked whilst picking the mug up and signalled for her to walk through to the lounge as he followed her, not being able to keep the smirk off his face as Cheryl literally skipped down the hallway and into the cosy sitting room before launching herself onto the sofa. "...Here you go bambs, don't spill it" he smiled as he passed the mug carefully down to her, before then Tre turned to walk out of the room again when Cheryl suddenly stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey, where you gannin hotty?" she asked curiously with a cute pout on her face.

"I'm just going for a quick shower babe" Tre replied, smiling as he watched her screw her face up and frown at him.

"Nooo...don't, just come and sit here for a don't smell, your're fine!" she whined like a little girl, making him laugh.

"Haha...what are you like eh?'re such a softy!" he chuckled and wandered back over to her before collapsing back onto the sofa where she immediately snuggled under his arm, leading to him kissing her forehead affectionately whilst she happily began sipping away on her hot chocolate. 

The couple sat cuddled up together for quite a while just chatting and messing around, until Cheryl's phone suddenly buzzed with a message from Kimberley.

<Hi babe! Are you free any time tomorrow? I need your advice ;) xxx >

"Oooo I wonder what this is about?" Cheryl questioned whilst smiling up at Tre. "You don't mind if I invite Kimba over tomorrow do you?" she asked, desperately wanting to know what her best friend was wanting to talk to her about so badly.

"Haha...of course I don't! It's your house babe!...haha...I need to go to the gym for a bit anyway" Tre replied whilst stroking her arm tenderly, thinking she was funny even to ask him really when it was totally up to her who she wanted to invite over.

<Hi! Is everything ok? N yeah, just come over to mine some time tomorrow, I'm free all day :D xxx>

<Yeah I'm fine :D I just want your opinion on I just want to see you too lol Is lunchtime alright? xxx >

<lol well I'm very curious now! Yeah lunchtime is great, can't wait to see you xxx>

<lol Ok hun, I'll see you around 12:30 tomorrow then, love ya xxx>

"Is she okay?" Tre asked sensitively as Cheryl put her phone back down and snuggled into his chest whilst he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her shoulder.

"I think so, yeah...she wants to ask me about something though" she replied whilst scrunching her face up, still wondering what it could be.

"Have you two always been real close?...You seem more like sisters really" Tre smiled, enjoying how warm and cuddly Cheryl was against him.

"Haha...yeah, pretty much! We just clicked straight away really, and then especially when I started going through all my shit...I don't know how I would have coped without her to be honest, she's the first person I went to" Cheryl replied as Tre listened intently, his stomach always feeling strange whenever she mentioned the bad times she'd been through in the past, as he couldn't bare thinking about it too much.

"Well it's great that you both have each other...I'm a bit like that with Tyrell too I suppose...He's more of my big brother than just a friend...he properly inspires me" Tre explained as Cheryl turned her head to look up into his eyes.

"Yeah, Tyrell's a great guy...always has been since I've known him anyway!...I bet you inspire him as well ya know babe?'re so talented Tre, it's unreal sometimes when I watch you dance!" she smiled as he scrunched his nose up, loving how supportive she was and how great she could make him feel just with a few simple words.

"Okay, now I'm blushing, stop it...haha" he laughed as she beamed up at him, watching how his eyes were twinkling at her. "Thank you means a lot" he added sincerely whilst Cheryl just smiled at him, loving how adorable Tre always was when he was shy like this, leading to her leaning up to kiss him sweetly on the lips, feeling him smile against her. She cuddled back into him and it wasn't long before she started yawning, it being quite late by now after all. "Should we go up? You're tired now" Tre spoke quietly as Cheryl shuffled so that she was lying across his knee whilst he cradled her.

"I'm nice and comfortable here though...just a bit longer" she moaned with her eyes already closed, which just made Tre chuckle as he looked down at her adorable, sleepy face.

"Okay, five more minutes Bambi!" he smiled, kissing her forehead whilst holding her hand across her stomach. He knew she was falling asleep, but couldn't help but just watch her looking so peaceful. Tre couldn't believe how beautiful Cheryl looked lying in his arms, and as soon as he noticed her eyelids starting to flutter slightly, he knew that she was finally sleeping. He chuckled quietly to himself as he began carefully standing up, carrying her in his arms out of the lounge and up the stairs to her bedroom. "Sweet dreams bambs" he smiled whilst lightly kissing her lips as he lay her down gently on the bed and pulled the white sheets up over her, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world.

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