Chapter 233

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The couple spent the rest of the day pretty much in bed; watching films, listening to some music quietly whilst they snuggled up, chatting about random little things and laughing away together, as well as joining Joan downstairs for some dinner and joked around about her disastrous supermarket trip which had ended up taking around 3 hours. After hearing that Joan was going to stay downstairs to watch a film before bed, the couple had given each other a knowing look and then snuck away together upstairs where they adoringly made love to each other once more, making sure they kept the noise down and were just delighting in the fact that they back with each other again, and in Tre's case, that Cheryl was perfectly alright again after the fear he'd felt last weekend.

The next morning when they eventually woke up, both of them couldn't help but just smile as Cheryl opened her eyes to find her face nestled into Tre's warm chest with her arm and leg wrapped over him, whilst he'd held her close to him all night and had rested his head down against hers, having the gorgeous scent of her hair wafting over him as soon as he left his peaceful slumber land. It was clear from the birds tweeting outside and the bright glow that was behind the cream curtains, that the weather must have changed for the better finally, and there wasn't a single sound of rain or thunder to be heard at all; still however, Cheryl couldn't make herself move away from Tre's warm body which she cuddled into more as she woke up, nuzzling her cheek against his chest whilst neither of them said a word for a good while even though they both knew that the other was awake, but just wanted to enjoy their first morning in bed together in a while.

As the sound of Buster and Coco barking downstairs filled the quiet house, Tre yawned and moved one of his hands that had been resting on Cheryl's waist to rub his eyes, making himself come around properly as Cheryl also began grazing her fingers in a circular motion against his soft skin next to her face, before smiling as she felt him hug her into him. "Morning Bambi" Tre groaned as he kissed the top of her head, making her move around slightly so that her head lay on the pillow next to his, allowing them to gaze into each other's chocolate drop eyes before she began affectionately stroking the side of his face and smiled sweetly back at him.

"Morning handsome...haha...Ohhh, I just love waking up with you, it's my favourite thing ever" Cheryl scrunched her nose up before cuddling into him again which made him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her and began stroking her hair, feeling unbelievable himself.

"Me too babe...cosy Chezzie cuddles are the best!...haha...Mmmm, let's just stay like this all day...all week even...haha" he groaned before smiling brightly as she turned her head to repeatedly kiss his cheek and then nuzzled his nose with her own. "I love you dimples" Tre pouted his lips as he looked back at her.

"Love you too hotty...haha" Cheryl giggled back before kissing him softly, feeling him smile against it whilst rolling onto his back and brought her on top of him. "Oooo all your stomach muscles are getting bigger yanno? I can feel them even more than I used to!" Cheryl suddenly announced as he began chuckling, gazing up at her as he stroked his hands soothingly up and down her back, grazing over her bum each time he did so.

"Haha...well thanks, I think!...haha...probably from them amazing workouts you put me through yesterday!" Tre cheekily winked at her as she began laughing, stroking his cheeks with her thumbs as she rested her hands either side of his head.

"Haha...well I was pleased that you gave it your all, Holloway" she smiled flirtatiously as he nudged her nose with his own, grinning back before they began giggling together, Cheryl's eyes widening as he squeezed her bum and then squealed playfully as he rolled her over and began tickling her. "Hahahaha...TRE!!!...hahaha...arghhhh!" she screamed as he continued, Tre just enjoying watching her laughing so much as he chuckled himself, before leaning his head down and began blowing raspberries onto her chest just above her purple bra that was the only thing she had on. "Hahaha...NOOO!...hahaha...babe, pack it in! That tickles too much!...arghhh" she kept yelling, trying to push him away as he continued, finding it hilarious as she kept giggling uncontrollably and screaming.

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