Chapter 122

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'WOW!' was the first thought Tre felt the next morning as soon as he woke up, immediately feeling Cheryl's small, delicate hand encased in his as he lay with his body curled around hers and with her head rested underneath his on the pillow, sending waves of her sweet smelling hair to wash over him as he nuzzled his face into her long, brown locks, hearing her still sleeping peacefully in his arms. It had taken him ages to drift off to sleep the night before after all she'd said to him; he hadn't been able to get it out of his mind and it was quickly taking over his thoughts once again. Tre had always been a very sweet and caring guy, but never particularly emotional and very rarely cried, but this was the second time now that Cheryl had managed to make his eyes fill up. 'What's this girl doing to me, seriously?!' he thought to himself as he began grinning slightly as he snuggled against her more whilst softly rubbing his thumb over her hand affectionately. He was always torn on a morning whenever he woke up before Cheryl; on one hand he just wanted to wake her up straight away so that he could talk to her, watch her dazzling smile and gaze into her enchanting eyes, however he also loved just watching her sleep, looking so peaceful whilst he could just snuggle into her adoringly, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. He fought the battle for a while longer but in the end he just couldn't wait anymore and so softly began planting small kisses on her shoulder, stroking her leg with his own which was entwined with hers until she gradually began waking up, making him smile as he moved his kisses from her shoulder to her cheek, the softness of her skin feeling so nice against his lips. 

"Morning" Cheryl eventually groaned adorably as Tre leaned over her slightly with his warm body still pressed against hers as his lips left her cheek and tenderly rested upon her lips, making her smile instantly. She giggled quietly as he pulled away again and twisted herself around whilst barely losing body contact with him at all as he kept his arms wrapped protectively around her, their matching brown eyes instantly gazing into one another's.

"Morning Princess" Tre smiled adorably, feeling Cheryl's arms wrap around his back and begin to trace small, extremely therapeutic circles against his skin. "Did you sleep well?" he asked, just wanting to hear her speaking to him in her cute accent which he adored so much.

"Mmmm...really well thank you...I always sleep well when you're cuddling me, you're like the biggest, cosiest teddy bear there is!" she replied whilst giggling slightly as Tre rested his forehead against hers, smiling back .

"Shhhh...Don't say that around Ted, he'll get jealous!" Tre joked whilst pressing one of his fingers to her lips and pointed at the giant teddy bear sat in the corner, making her chuckle even more.

"But I didn't say it around Ted...I said it around Walter" she stuck her tongue out playfully as Tre sniggered before kissing her again, this time sucking slightly on her tongue which made her start to laugh as she pulled away.

"Oh sorry, I thought you sticking your tongue out at me was an invitation for me to have" he smirked sarcastically as Cheryl's eyes twinkled back at him from giggling so much as she shook her head. "Well why else would such a pretty, sweet girl stick her tongue out at someone?...surely you weren't just being rude!" Tre continued, joking on just so that he could hear her laughing more, which she did uncontrollably. "'re so cheeky, I love it!" he grinned whilst tickling her sides softly which made her start to wriggle around, screaming as he rolled on top of her whilst tickling her more.

"Tre!...haha...stop it, I'm gonna wet myself, I swear!...TRE!!!" she squealed as he continued, laughing hysterically himself as he watched the little diamond like tears glistening in her eyes. "TRE! I swear to God I'll piss all over you!...don't think I won't!" Cheryl yelled, making him literally howl with laughter as he eventually rolled back off her and allowed her to catch her breath.

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