Chapter 369

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Tre had been hobbling around trying to ignore the shooting pains in his knee that was making it want to give way ever since he'd crashed down on it half an hour ago, not quite believing he'd been so stupid as to be messing around on the trampolines the day before the tour started. He'd been told by nearly everyone just to sit down for a bit and to put an ice pack or something on so that it wouldn't get any worse, but he felt like that would be admitting that he was actually in agony and that this could be much worse than what he was playing it down as. However the decision to just carry on was taken out of his hands when the sight of his slightly hacked off girlfriend approaching him through the doors suddenly caught his eye, making him groan and lean against the platform he was stood next to, knowing he was in big trouble.

"Tre, what have ya done ya wally?...what was the last thing I said to you before I went upstairs?" Cheryl began ranting on to him as soon as she began strolling up the steps onto the stage, making it even worse for him really as she'd told him that this would happen and now she'd been proven right, meaning Tre didn't have a leg to stand on to defend his actions really, as it was clear that he'd monumentally messed up.

"Chez, I'm fine babe, honestly...I just landed on my knee funny, that's's just bruised, I'm not gonna die or anything, I don't know why everyone's making such a big deal about it!...go back and get on with what you were doing, everyone's just overreacting...honest" Tre continued trying to play it all down and act as though it was everyone else making a big deal about nothing, however Cheryl knew him too well now and could tell by the way he was leaning against the platform for support and from the slightly pained look in his eyes that he was lying to her.

"Tre, it's bad enough that you've gone and done the one thing that I've been asking you not to do for about a hundred times already, without lying directly to my face as well...just sit down before you fall down please...let's just have a look at it and see if you need an ice pack or whatever...and if it looks fine then fair enough, you can carry on...otherwise just do as you're told so that it doesn't mess tomorrow up please" she ordered him, trying her best not to lose her temper as she knew he'd hurt himself, but she did find it very irritating that he hadn't listened to her, desperately wanting to say 'I told you so', which she miraculously managed to hold herself back from doing.

"Fine...I'll sit down, we're honestly wasting time though cos it's just a bit sore, that's don't need to worry about it bambs" Tre finally gave in and slowly slid down the wall onto the floor, not being able to hide the fact that he was wincing as he did so which obviously Cheryl noticed and made her swallow softly, trying to get her head around what would happen if this did effect tomorrow, as it wasn't really something they'd planned for and so there wasn't any stand in dancers who'd be able to take his spot last minute.

Seeing Tre wince and blow out through his mouth as he sat down and stretched his legs out in front of him made Cheryl start to behave more softly towards him, as despite being angry with him, she also hated the thought of him being in pain and being hurt, triggering her to kneel down next to him and gave his arm an affectionate squeeze to show him that she was there for him. "Is it just your knee that you've hurt?...are you sure there's nowhere else that's feeling painful?...please be truthful babe cos we need you to be fighting fit for tomorrow and the faster we start helping you, the better you'll be, yeah?" she asked him sweetly as they waited for Beth to come over and check him out now that he'd finally agreed to sit out the choreography that the rest of them were all carrying on with still.

"It's just my knee, I swear...I think I've just bruised it babe, that's's not gonna stop me from doing anything...I'm sorry for not listening to you honey...feel free to act smug...haha" Tre chuckled hesitantly whilst she affectionately stroked the back of his neck to try and help him a bit, realising that she might have been a bit insensitive towards him at the beginning as he hadn't done this on purpose really and he'd be finding this just as irritating as she was, because all he wanted to do was get back on with his rehearsals.

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