Chapter 438

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Once the couple had arrived back onto their own island and returned to their accommodation, it was safe to say that they were both definitely exhausted after their day trip to the local market and spending so much time in the scorching sun, leading to them sluggishly dragging themselves down the wooden walkway with all their bags and then climbing into bed almost straight away for a little nap before it would be time to start making their evening dinner. It was nice and soothing to feel the coolness of the white sheets against their skin and to be lying in the shade with the ceiling fan turned on to give them a cold breeze, leading to them falling asleep pretty much as soon as their heads had hit the pillow, drifting off into their own peaceful dreams that were bound to be happy ones after the lovely day they'd had together and all the interesting things they'd seen whilst sightseeing.

It was Tre who naturally woke up around an hour and a half later, having slept for longer than he'd originally planned, but it had definitely been worth it as even from just opening his eyes he felt much fresher and alive compared to how groggy he'd felt getting off the boat earlier, the heat having worn him out and made him extremely tired it had seemed. He yawned loudly and stretched his arms right up into the air and his legs all the way down the bed, looking in front of him to notice the sky had turned that beautiful dusky pink colour as the sun was slowly starting to set over the horizon, making the ocean actually appear a soft lilac colour with amethyst crystals sparkling in it from the last rays of the sun beaming down and reflecting off the water. As beautiful as the view outside was, there was genuinely nothing more stunning than the vision next to him on the pillow, as Tre turned his head and smiled to see Cheryl still sleeping soundly whilst lying on her side facing him. He seemed to naturally just turn onto his side too without even realising he was doing so, almost as if he literally was magnetically attracted to her, gazing at her beautiful face and the way her long, dark eyelashes were looking extra pretty next to her increasingly tanned skin; the sun definitely having topped up the bronze colour she was gradually turning the longer they were here, and the dusting of adorable freckles across her nose and forehead were also increasing day by day, much to his delight. The innocent, angelic aura Cheryl gave off was rather breathtaking as Tre continued just gazing at her, gently stroking his finger across her hand that was resting on the plump, white pillow by her face, smiling at the fact that she was wearing the bracelet he'd just made her at the market, whilst he was also wearing the one she'd made him; two jigsaw puzzle piece charms fitting together perfectly, like a match made in heaven. Had it not been for Cheryl's lips appearing so soft and rosy, having caught Tre's attention and made him stare at them for a good minute or so, he probably would have just lay there simply watching her sleep from a short distance, however instead he couldn't fight that overwhelming temptation and so slowly leaned his head forwards to tenderly kiss them, closing his eyes and affectionately stroked a loose piece of hair that had come free from her plait back behind her ear, his lips against hers truly being one of Tre's most favourite sensations. He chuckled when he pulled away again due to Cheryl groggily groaning from being dragged out of the deep sleep she'd been relishing in, still remaining in a light one however as she suddenly rolled over to face the other direction, clearly not interested in waking up just yet despite Tre's loving kiss he'd just gave her without her knowledge, leaving him to grin away to himself as he climbed out of bed and decided to give her another half an hour to dream and rest, finding her far too sweet to wake up right now when she seemed so blissful.

It might have been starting to get dark outside, but that didn't make the water any less inviting, leading to Tre for the first time ever switching on the underwater lights that made him very excited as the area surrounding their suite suddenly began glowing, making it look truly magical. He'd grabbed his snorkel and diving mask that he'd bought the other day, before jumping straight into the water off the deck, the ocean now being a nice cool temperature which felt refreshing against his warm skin as he floated back up to the surface again and dragged his hand down his face, wondering how on Earth he was ever going to get back to reality next week after living this complete dream over the past few days and living in this incredible place. The lights seemed to add a whole new dimension to the already enchanting underwater world, the brightly coloured coral and plants on the seabed seeming extra vibrant, the fish swimming around looking like they were actually twinkling as the light shone off their scales, the shadows moving across the white sand right at the bottom appearing much larger, intriguing Tre as he floated around on the surface with his snorkel just gazing down, occasionally swimming down under the water whenever something interesting caught his eye that he wanted to explore further. It was only around 20 minutes later when he'd been deep down under the water after finding a couple of starfish, did he suddenly spot two petite feet dangling into the ocean from off the decking when he began slowly swimming back up, there being a beaming grin on his face as he broke up out of the water right in front of Cheryl's legs as she was sat on the edge, smiling back at him.

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