Chapter 450

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The couple literally hadn't moved a muscle all night from being so exhausted after their long and tiresome journey back from the Maldives, both of them sleeping in exactly the same positions they'd been in when they'd first drifted off; Tre with his body still protectively spooned around Cheryl's whilst she lightly held his arms which were wrapped around her front, their heads resting together and their legs interwoven under the duvet so that they were more or less moulded into each other's bodies extremely snugly. They hadn't even woken up when Cheryl's phone had buzzed during the early hours of the morning with a reply finally from her dad to say he was happy they'd got back safely, and even the birds chirping noisily outside of the window once the sun had come up didn't seem to filter into the couple's air waves, leaving them to continue revelling in their deep sleeps well into the morning, until eventually when the time hit just after 10am, Tre's eyelids lightly began fluttering. A happy smile had formed on his face even before his eyes had fully opened due to the fact that he got a wave of that fruity, fragrant scent coming from Cheryl's freshly washed hair, it causing him to naturally nestle his face into the scrunched up bit of her top knot so that he could breathe it in more, it definitely proving to be a nice way to wake up on a morning and instantly put him in a great mood; not that much could tear him out of the incredible state of mind he was currently in anyway after the amazing week he'd just had with his new fiancée. Tre could tell from Cheryl's quiet, steady breathing that she was still fast asleep, and remembering her threat from last night that she'd kill anything that woke her up before she was naturally ready, he decided it was best to slowly move away from her after he'd softly kissed her cheek so that he could carefully climb out of bed, not wanting to disturb her when she was still so peaceful and lost in a dream.

It was strange not waking up to the stunning sight of the crystal blue Indian Ocean and not being able to literally climb out of bed and jump straight into the cool, sparkling water Tre thought to himself as he quietly crept out of his bedroom and closed the door behind him, being met instead by the familiar, dull sight of his lounge and kitchen which were still dark until he opened his blinds and let the LA sunshine in; it being at least one comfort that they were still in a hot, sunny place, even though it wasn't quite as scorching as the Maldives was. He groaned as he spotted their two suitcases still sitting by the front door, it bringing it home to him that their vacation was well and truly over and that he needed to now adapt himself back into the real world, meaning that once he'd quickly had a cool shower, brushed his teeth and crept back into the bedroom to pull on some jeans, a grey vest top and a short sleeved, red and blue chequered shirt which he left open, of course pulling one of his trademark snapbacks on too, Tre emptied his suitcase into his laundry bag and snuck out of his apartment to take it to be washed at the launderette he used just down the street.

It was quite a cloudy morning in Los Angeles, with only a few splashes of bright blue sky managing to break its way through, but the sun was shining still and warming the air to a nice, comfortable temperature as Tre strolled happily down the street and into the launderette to dump all of his clothes in one of the machines to set away. He had no idea he was actually doing it, but he was literally whistling cheerful little tunes to himself the whole time and kept giving people he passed beaming, friendly smiles which probably made their day, as he was basically walking around like the happiest man alive and it was radiating off him like a joyful glow. Whilst he was out and about and knowing that Cheryl was still asleep in bed, Tre decided he may as well pop into the grocery store on the corner to pick up some food and drink seeing as his cupboards and fridge were more or less empty due to him not having actually been here for months, giving the old man who was sat at the front behind the till a wave as he grabbed a basket to fill up. "I'm in love with that girl...So don't be mad at me...I'm in love with that girl...So don't be mad at me..." Tre quietly sang under his breath as he slowly made his way around the store grabbing things to put into his basket, the Justin Timberlake album the couple had been listening to throughout their whole holiday still very much running around his head, this song in particular proving to be very fitting to how he was feeling at the minute too. "...I'm in love with that girl...And she told me, that she's in love with me..." he continued as he threw a tub of cookie dough ice cream into his basket for Cheryl later, knowing how much she loved it, before then smirking as he realised there was a little boy giggling at him for singing, making him chuckle as he gave the cute kid a high five when he passed him. Just before he'd been about to go and pay for all of his groceries, Tre spotted some fresh bouquets of flowers just by the door that caught his eye, making him smile as he wandered over and picked up the brightest bunch of purple, pink and white flowers he could see and finally took everything over to the old man waiting behind the counter.

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