Chapter 121

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The short flight home had gone practically unnoticed by Cheryl who had spent the whole journey with her head rested on Tre's shoulder, snuggled into his arm as he quietly listened to his iPod after such a long day. The level of happiness and love that was rippling through her body in gentle waves and filling every thought that was sparking in her mind was unbeatable and she could honestly say that she'd never felt so good in her entire life before, having just taken the man she was deeply in love with back to meet her family and it having gone so well. It was only now after taking Tre home that it had suddenly hit her; she had finally moved on, she was in a new, amazingly loving relationship with the nicest, most caring man she'd ever met, and he'd just practically been welcomed into her family with open arms. Cheryl couldn't help but smile to herself as she realised that she'd finally done it, she'd finally found him, he was the one, and although she knew if anybody seen her they would think she was mad sat there with a beaming smile on her face, the happiness was literally bursting out of her and she couldn't contain it. She nuzzled her head softly against Tre's warm, muscular shoulder, loving how close they were and how affectionate he always was with her, this feeling being instantly backed up as she felt him softly kiss the top of her head, oblivious to all of the amazing thoughts that were racing through Cheryl's mind as he continued listening to his music, none the wiser.

"Right guys, I'm spent! I'm going straight to bed...those kids knacker ya out don't they?!" Gary yawned as soon as they got back into Cheryl's house late that night, already walking up the stairs.

"Night night!" Cheryl called after him, chuckling as she pulled her shoes off before wandering over to the kitchen where Tre had gone to get a drink. 

"Have you texted your dad to tell him that we're back babe?" Tre asked after downing the glass of water, smiling as she nodded cheerfully whilst walking over to him. "Mmmm...I love when you're in this mood" he groaned contently as Cheryl wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into his chest, whilst closing her eyes peacefully.

"What mood?...haha" she giggled, the feel of his strong, protective arms around her back as he pulled her into him making her want to stay like this forever.

"When you're all cuddly...I love it" Tre replied whilst kissing the top of her head again as she nuzzled her cheek against his chest, stroking his back affectionately as he held her in his arms.

"I've felt different about you's weird" Cheryl randomly came out with, causing a puzzled expression to appear on Tre's face as he wondered what on earth she was going on about.

"What do you mean babe? How do you feel different?" he asked, moving his hand in a circular motion against her back which she was finding extremely soothing as she kept her eyes closed, resting against him.

"I don't's just like...I don't know how to explain it...haha" she chuckled, not really understanding herself.

"Haha...well good different or bad different?" Tre smirked, finding her adorable as she held onto him with her warm body nestled against his.

"Good different...really good different!" Cheryl replied in a cute voice against his chest. "It's like...obviously I knew I loved you before today, but...I don't know, just having you with me back home, watching you with my family...with Aaron, Jake and heart felt so strange, it was like it was shaking or something, I was so I felt I could have burst into tears at any moment, but out of happiness not know sometimes when you see something so amazing or beautiful like a stunning view or if you watch something that just seems totally unbelievable and it just fills you up with so much emotion that you just want to cry or randomly burst out laughing or something...I felt like that, I just couldn't believe you were part of my family and they loved was like being in a dream, it was perfect" Cheryl adorably explained whilst Tre was listening to her attentively as she tried to describe what she meant, and he could understand exactly what she was talking about as he was getting that exact same feeling right then as he held her in his arms, listening to every word she said and how much love was behind each and every single word spoken. "I honestly didn't think I could love you any more than I already did before today, I think that's why I felt so strange and just hit me whilst I was watching you and I've never felt like that before, was like the love I already had for you suddenly was magnified like a thousand times or something and my heart could barely take it, that's why it felt so weird...And now that you've met my dad too, it's like this is've met everyone really important to me and I've met everyone really important to you, and so it's like we're properly official now and I don't ever want to be without you,'re the reason why now, strange as it may sound, that I'm actually happy me and Ashley didn't work're worth every single second of pain that I went through after we broke up, cos if none of it had happened and I was still married to him, yeah I was happy and I did love him, but it was nothing like this...I know I'm meant to be with you cos it just has to be impossible for there to be a stronger feeling than the love I have for you Tre, I don't think I could physically take a stronger feeling than this, my heart would literally explode!...I've probably really creeped you out with all this haven't I?...Haha...I kinda needed to say it out loud though so that I know it's not all just in my head, you know what I mean?...Tre?..." she questioned him, before his lack of response made her lift her head from his chest and look up at him. 

As soon as Cheryl looked at Tre's face, she instantly realised how red and teary his eyes were and how he immediately looked away from her up to the ceiling as soon as she'd gazed up at him, biting his lip. Cheryl's natural caring and sweet instinct made her instantly lift her arm up and lay one of her hands softly on his cheek, stroking it gently with her thumb as she quietly comforted him. "Oh babe, please don't...I didn't mean to upset you...please don't cry, it's okay" she spoke softly as he slowly raised his own hand and rested it on top of hers which lay on his cheek, trying his hardest to fight back his emotions after listening to what she'd just told him, before gazing back down into her eyes, seeing how much she cared for him, as Cheryl's eyes always showed exactly what she was thinking. "Tre, I didn't mean to freak you out or upset you or anything...I know that was a bit full on, but it's just how I feel...I'm sorry" she spoke quietly, worried that her sudden confession of how strong she felt about him had been too much.

Tre shook his head slowly whilst breathing in deeply through his mouth as he still was battling with his emotions as he stroked a lock of her hair behind her ear, his other hand holding hers gently as she stood in front of him, looking up deeply into his eyes. "Don't be sorry Cheryl, you don't need to be sorry...what you just said was beautiful...nobody has ever said anything like that to me before in my entire life...I love you so much Cheryl, you're the love of my life, I know you are...and that strange feeling you explained when your heart feels like it's going crazy in your chest...I just felt that now when you were talking" Tre's sweet, American accent met her ears; "...and you're right! does make you feel like you could just burst into tears cos you feel so happy!'re unbelievable baby, seriously, every day I wake up loving you a little bit more and then every now and then you do or say something incredible just like now or when you wrote me my song and put it on your album...and then my love for you just suddenly jumps to a whole other level and literally takes my breath away...I'm gonna be here for you forever Cheryl, I promise you that babe...I can't imagine my life without you in it and I'd never want to!" Tre gazed adoringly into her eyes which were also brimming with tears now too, leading to him tenderly catching the few that had escaped onto her cheek with his thumb. "I love you baby" he smiled lovingly down at her as she blew out through her mouth slowly, shaking her head.

"This is amazing...haha" Cheryl giggled slightly, trying her best not to burst into tears which she was very close to doing. "I'll love you forever Tre...I know this feeling won't ever leave me...I love you just as much as I love my family, cos that's what you are to me're my family, and that never goes away" she gushed, loving the look that was in his eyes as he gazed directly into hers. 

The sudden touch of Tre's warm, soft lips against hers covered Cheryl's entire body in goosebumps, and had it not been for his strong, safe arms wrapping around her, holding her up, she was sure that her legs would have given way, her whole body feeling like jelly as waves of love, emotion and passion crashed through her, making her feel like she had no control whatsoever over her body as she was taken into a dreamlike state, feeling totally lost in him. Tre's fingers moved tenderly against her back as he held her close to him, the electrifying pulses he felt like he was receiving as she kissed him back, sending each and every nerve in his body crazy with desire and such intense love for the woman in his arms. After a while, even as he pulled away, his body was fighting him, not wanting to leave Cheryl's lips for even a second as he kept being drawn back down to them each time he lifted his head up slightly. He dotingly pecked her lips a few more times before eventually gaining control of his actions once more, resting his forehead against hers as their eyes reflected into each other's and they breathed slowly but deeply against each other's mouths. They both quietly said 'I love you' a few more times as he cuddled her into him again before finally pulling apart, both feeling so amazingly happy that they couldn't keep the adorable smiles off their faces. "Come on, we need to go to bed...I need to be up in a few hours...haha" Cheryl chuckled whilst taking Tre's hand as he beamed back at her, stroking her hair around her face as they began wandering out towards the stairs, both feeling emotionally drained.

"...and to think! I only went into the kitchen for a glass of water" Tre breathed out jokingly, suddenly making Cheryl burst out laughing as they made their way up to bed.

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