Chapter 477

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"Arghhhh...this is so bloody dangerous man!...I'm gonna break me flippin hand in a minute!...owwww" Cheryl's loud scream echoed around the blissful beach, followed by her disgruntled whines as she began bouncing around on the sand whilst clutching her sore hand which she was randomly blowing on too, leaving Sophie, Gary and Joan in complete hysterics at her as they all stood around a volleyball net just watching her being a total drama queen.

"Hahaha...Chez, you need to make sure your fingers and thumbs are tucked right in babe!...haha" Sophie had called across amidst her hysterical laughter as she stood at the other side of the net in her bright pink bikini on Gary's team, it amusing her greatly to listen to the other three shouting all of the time in their funny Geordie accents, making this game far more entertaining for her than it should have been.

"She's just a wimp, ignore her...she's being a typical girl...scared of the bloody ball..." Gary cheekily added as he rolled his eyes and smirked across at his sister who was now scowling back at him whilst having her hand carefully inspected by Joan, before Sophie then began loudly making an 'Oooo' noise for him being so sexist, it ending up with Gary laughing hysterically as she playfully attacked him and managed to get him into a headlock whilst he staggered around, the two of them practically wrestling in the sand.

"Do I need to swap my microphone hand?...are my fingers all mangled up?...does it need to be amputated altogether?!" Cheryl pouted and groaned as she deliberately looked away from her stinging hand which her mam was holding to have a look at, all the while playful screams and laughter from Sophie and Gary continued to fill the air as they managed to fall over onto the sand, which had made them lose the plot altogether it seemed.

"You know what Cheryl? I think you're going to be absolutely fine pet...I'll call off the air ambulance shall I?" Joan jokingly replied and dropped Cheryl's hand to fall back by her side, making her daughter stick her bottom lip out and examine it for herself instead, having wanted a bit more sympathy really; her fingers were looking very red in her defense, and it had actually hurt quite a bit when the hard volleyball had smashed into her tiny, delicate hand which she hadn't been prepared for and so had still had her fingers sticking out.

"Well don't be too hasty...maybe I should still be rushed to hospital just in case!...what if I get that gangrene thing or something?!...or maybe my fingers will all turn black and fall off...then Tre will not want to have anything to do with me and I'll be all single and miserable again and I'll be a spinster for the rest of my sad little life!...Oh God, it's going to be life's over" Cheryl dramatically burst out before dropping to her knees in the sand looking all defeated, making her mam just laugh and playfully push her over before turning to leave and walk away.

"Right kids, I'm going to the bar...yas have knackered is out!...haha...Gary, keep an eye on your she doesn't die or anything from her sore fingers!" Joan grinned as she began making her way back up to the top of the beach where the plush resort was, not actually getting any reply from Gary however as he was now in the middle of a deep kiss with Sophie on the sand after he'd finally managed to overpower her and pin her down, it just making Joan chuckle really at what funny children she had as she left them to it, making good use of the bar on what was their last full day in Hawaii.

After a short while of messing around, and after Cheryl had managed to get a grip of herself and finally got up off the ground to throw the volleyball at Gary's bum to disturb him from making out with Sophie, the three of them had returned to the comfy sun loungers to chill out for a bit, Cheryl hating the fact that this time tomorrow she'd be on the plane home back to cold and rainy London; something that Gary was having great fun reminding her of on a frequent basis now that he was staying for an extra week at the little cabin Sophie stayed in further down the beach. The only comfort Cheryl was finding in knowing she was going home tomorrow, was that she knew that even though she was working every day and that it was probably going to be very early mornings and late nights, the next day off she'd have was going to be the Sunday when she was flying over to New Jersey to be back with Tre; this thought making the realisation that she was going to have an exhausting week somewhat more bearable. Gary had sweetly ran up to the bar to bring them some iced drinks back to help them cool down a bit, Cheryl having grown a slight addiction to lemon and lime juice poured over crushed ice which she began slurping away on straight away, not caring about the fact that she began to feel like her brain was freezing, the drink just tasted too good to sip on slowly.

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