Chapter 533

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*3 months later

It was a hot and humid day in Los Angeles as the date approached the end of March, although it didn't really matter what season it was as it was pretty much always warm and sunny in the coastal city all year round anyway. Outside, the sky was crystal blue, the ocean was constantly sparkling away in the sunshine, the beaches were golden and full of people sunbathing or jogging to enjoy the blissful outdoor lifestyle, and the city was alive with glamorous people strolling around casually whilst they shopped and dined out at the many bars and restaurants available in this beautiful part of the world. In one small apartment however it felt much more like the Arctic due to the air conditioning having been turned up to the highest setting as well as there being 3 different electronic fans dotted around the main living area blowing cool air around rapidly too, not to mention the jug of iced water on the coffee table with actual ice cubes bobbing around in it waiting to top up the glass that was currently being sipped by a rather heavily pregnant woman sprawled out across the sofa feeling like she was living on the sun right now. Cheryl may have been feeling extremely hot and wasn't coping well with the extreme temperature change after flying out from chilly London only a few days ago, but it was safe to say that she still suited pregnancy very well with her glowing golden skin, more curvaceous frame and her now very round and rather big baby bump that was currently being covered by a beautiful pale blue maxi dress after Cheryl had quickly learnt that loose clothing was the only way to survive as a pregnant woman in scorching hot LA. She only had two and a half more months to go until her due date and the past 3 months since her wedding day had absolutely flown over, making her start to feel quite nervous now as she was sure that before she knew it the day would be here that she'd finally have to face the biggest hurdle in her life and actually give birth, although of course she was also very excited about it too, as she genuinely couldn't wait to get the hard part out of the way and then be able to just enjoy the baby that she'd longed for for so long. The reason that they were here in LA right now however was because it was finally time for Tre to make the big move over to London permanently, having found a new tenant for his flat and having signed up with a dance agency over in the UK that actually had some links with the one he'd previously been using in LA which made him hopeful that maybe at some point he'd end up working with the likes of Tyrell, Fefe and Marshall again like he'd been doing for the past few years. There'd been no real reason for Cheryl to actually come over to LA with him and she had to admit that the long plane journey had been extremely uncomfortable for her even though she'd obviously been sat in First Class and so there wasn't much else that the flight crew could have done to help her more, but Cheryl had been adamant that she accompany Tre and help him box up all of his belongings and such like to be shipped over the Atlantic, as she knew fine well that despite Tre's brave front he'd been putting on, this move wasn't exactly easy for him and still wasn't really what his ideal choice would have been.

Cheryl had pretty much spent the whole morning just lounging across the sofa sipping on her icy water and softly caressing her precious baby bump or looking at her many scan photos, as she'd been to the doctors much more than was actually necessary due to her becoming very paranoid and worried about the fact that she hadn't felt any proper kicks yet despite her being so far along in her pregnancy now, however each scan had showed a perfectly happy and well developed baby with a strong heartbeat, putting her mind to rest for all of a day or two before she'd then start fretting about it again and make a new appointment, something that Tre had just gone along with even though he felt much more reassured by the doctor's words of encouragement than Cheryl clearly was. She may have been having a lot of daunting thoughts running through her mind constantly and she may have been wishing that she could feel her baby kicking away morning, noon and night, but a beaming smile would always appear on her face nevertheless whenever she'd look at one of the sonogram pictures, her baby being so clear to see now and so much more like what a baby that had already been born would look like that it was impossible for her to not feel a surge of love and happiness whenever she gazed at her child's perfect little face or tiny hands, everybody having started to say how much like Cheryl the baby looked even though in her eyes all she could ever see was Tre.

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