Chapter 555

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Tre just felt so numb when he stepped out of the taxi outside of the house he now shared with Cheryl, just about managing to say a polite 'thank you' to the driver whilst he handed the money over before slowly walking across the driveway towards the slate steps that led up to the huge, wooden front door, there being an eerie silence as there wasn't a sound to be heard except for the soft crunch of his shoes strolling over the gravel underneath and then the jingle of his keys as he tried to let himself into the house, something that was quite a task to do really as his hands were actually shaking a little bit. Eventually however, Tre managed to let himself in and closed the door behind him, once again being surrounded by a deafening silence due to the huge house being completely empty as even Buster and Coco weren't around to greet him as they were still at Nicola's who had agreed to kindly continue looking after them until this whole nightmare was over. It was such a horrible feeling for Tre to know that had everything gone to plan, him and Cheryl would have returned here yesterday morning after their long flight and with all of their suitcases so that they could properly start living their little family life together and would be settling down to get excited about their precious new arrival, however instead he was returning to the house completely by himself whilst knowing that his wife and his unborn baby were lying in hospital seriously sick, meaning that right now this amazing house felt like anything but home and he'd never felt so lonely and scared in his whole life.

Tre had actually just stood in the hallway for a good few minutes after putting his keys down on the sideboard as he genuinely didn't know what to do with himself, it seeming like his brain had literally shut down and all he could actually think about was Cheryl and how she was at this very moment in time, it feeling so wrong to be here in this house without her when she was so unwell in hospital and needed him by her side. He didn't even really notice the smell of fresh paint or the visually pleasing sight of everything downstairs being brand new, as having nice, plush surroundings was completely irrelevant to Tre's life right now if he didn't have Cheryl with him and when he had no idea when she'd finally be able to come back here and make this place into a proper home again, leading to him eventually walking straight down the hallway into the kitchen without looking at anything else around him. Had the couple returned yesterday like they were meant to have done, the two of them would have been excitedly running around from one room to the next checking out all of the new furniture and décor and such like, especially in the kitchen that Tre had automatically just walked into like a complete robot, to the point where he took no notice of the brand new layout of it all and the gorgeous dark wood floor to ceiling kitchen cabinets and white granite counter tops with the long bar style island in the middle of the room which had black leather stools around it for them to sit at, not to mention the new giant American style fridge freezer and the incredible lighting the room had been installed with which even ran under the kitchen cupboards to reflect off the white floor. As well as looking all sleek and fashionable, Cheryl had also made a conscious effort to ask for all of the edges to be curved, as really a big part of why she'd wanted to get practically her whole house re-decorated even though it had been looking amazing already, was to basically make it all child friendly, as before she'd had a lot of glass around and heavy statues and ornaments that would be pretty dangerous for a brand new baby in the house, meaning that now it was actually a home for the three of them; something that Tre couldn't see at the minute as it would only be a home when his precious wife was here with him, 'oooing' and 'ahhing' over how incredible it all looked. Tre didn't even flinch really or show any signs of acknowledging how different it all was when he pulled one of the leather stools out and sat himself down at the island, placing his phone which he'd put onto the highest volume setting onto the glossy white surface in front of him before simply resting his elbows on the counter top and buried his face into his hands as he tried to deal with the torturous ache in his heart right now.

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