Chapter 27 - Interrogation

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Natsu's POV

After Lucy left, we took the elevator down to the dungeon which is on the same level as the bar and training room. The dungeon underneath Dragneel Inc. is small but we have a larger hidden one outside the city underneath Fairy Tail's second base. Which I'll explain later.

Laxus, Gray and I walked down the hallway, passed the training room, and opened the door to the dungeon. Four cells lined the right wall. We walked to the furthest cell where Luke was on his knees with his arms spread apart and chained up on either side of the cell. His mask was pulled down, showing his face, identical to Loke's. Loke and Gajeel stood on either side of him.

"Did he say anything?" I asked as we walked into the cell. Loke looked away disappointed while Gajeel shook his head. "Hasn't muttered a word" Gajeel grunted with his arms crossed. "Last chance Luke. What does Ivan want with Lucy and why were you ordered to follow her?" I asked in a serious and demanding manner. Lucy is a part of our mafia family and when it concerns my family, I'll do whatever it takes to get answers. Luke stayed quiet and looked up at me with a firm gaze. I waited a minute before sighing. I know he's Loke's twin brother and all but Loke knows the protocol.

"You guys know what to do" I said and Laxus left to go grab the torture equipment. Things were about to get bloody. "So, the fun starts now" Gajeel said and cracked his knuckles. He's the only one who finds enjoyment in torture but it is his forte. Luckily Lucy doesn't have to see this side of the mafia. We don't let the women join in except for Erza and Mira who are known as the she-demon and she-devil of Fairy Tail.

Soon Laxus returned with a tray trolley full of torture equipment. I stepped forward and threw the first punch across Luke's face. The other guys joined in except for Loke. Punching and kicking him until he coughed a bit of blood. I made a short whistle sound and the boys backed off immediately. "Tell us why Ivan wants Lucy" I demanded again, glaring down at him. Luke spitted the blood onto the ground but stayed silent.

"We'll see how long you'll stay silent. Gray, Gajeel, Laxus, use the tools but don't kill him. Loke, come with me" I ordered. The three boys nodded and grabbed a torture tool each while I walked out of the cell with Loke. I needed to see if he was alright. He seemed distance the whole time. This is his long lost twin we're torturing so I wanted to hear his opinion about the whole situation.

We walked over into the bar area and I walked behind the counter while Loke sat on a stool across from me. I poured us both a drink and then slid his drink to him. His demeanour looked calm and collected but I could see on the inside he was slightly shaken. "What's on your mind?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink. He was quiet for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Luke and I, we trained for situations like this, but I never thought I would be one of the ones torturing him for information. I know he won't say a word, that's just part of the job. I didn't think I would reunite with my brother this way" he vented and then took a chug of his drink. He must've been really conflicted inside. I would too if it was one of my family.

"We won't kill him since he's your brother" I said to reassure him and then took another sip. "But we need to know what Ivan is planning" I added, and he nodded. "Yeah, I know. Fairy Tail is my family also" he said. An idea popped into my mind when he mentioned family. "Do you think you can convince Luke to join our side and tell us what we need to know? If he cooperates then I will allow him to join Fairy Tail if he wants to" I suggested and Loke's eyes lit up. If anyone can get Luke to talk, I'm sure it would be him.

"You serious?" he asked in disbelief. "Your family is our family" I replied and he smiled. "You've got yourself a deal" he said and took one last gulp of his drink before placing it on the counter. I took one last sip of mine and then put my glass down next to his. "Great, I'll leave this to you. Let's go back in" I said and he nodded. I could see the determination behind his eyes. The brotherly bond they share is strong and I'm sure Loke can handle this task.

We walked back into the cell and I whistled to signal the boys to stop the torture. Luke had a lot of fresh red whip marks across his chest, arms and thighs. A line of blood dripped down his chin from his mouth. I motioned my head towards the cell door and the boys got my message. Everyone except for Loke and Luke left the cell. The boys followed me into the bar a little bit confused.

"What's going on?" Gray asked as we stood near the elevator doors. "I'm leaving Loke with this task" I replied. "Why? He tried to talk to Luke before, but it didn't work" Gajeel questioned. "Loke and Luke share a brotherly bond. I trust Loke can get through to him" I replied. Laxus shrugged, "whatever, I got what I wanted so I'm going to take Lucy home. See ya" he said as he pressed the elevator button and then walked through the open doors. "What do you mean?" Gray asked and then Laxus smirked proudly and creepily. "I got a few lashes in" he said sadistically before the doors closed. The three of us got shivers down our spines.

"Overprotective Laxus is scary" we said in unison and then glared at each other. "Stop copying me!" the three of us shouted in unison again which started a three-way fist fight between me, Gray and Gajeel. Damn these two are annoying!

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