Chapter 80 - Special Date Night: Part 1

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Lucy's POV

I woke up with a weight around my waist and I remembered I had moved into Natsu's penthouse. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Natsu still sleeping with a peaceful smile on his face. Yesterday was a big day with moving all my stuff but with Natsu's determination, we managed to get it all done.

I decided to go make breakfast and slowly crept out the bed without waking up Natsu. As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed Happy sitting on the couch watching the fishing channel. "Morning Happy" I greeted before pouring myself a cup of orange juice. He climbed over the chair and ran over to my leg. He rubbed his body against my leg with a meow. I was sure that was his way of saying 'good morning Lucy' in his own way without his magic collar.

"What should I make?" I mumbled to myself, deciding on what to make for breakfast. Happy meowed and I had a feeling I knew what he was saying. "I'll make sure to put fish on the menu for you" I said and I saw stars in his eyes. I think I got his request spot on. Since it was my first official day of moving in with Natsu and Happy, I decided to make a big breakfast. Knowing Natsu's appetite, I'm sure he'll need a lot of food. I looked around the kitchen and in the fridge for ingredients for scrambled eggs, French toast, baked beans, bacon, sausages, pancakes and of course a raw fish for Happy.

As I was halfway making breakfast, Natsu came stumbling into the room dressed in his suit while trying to put on his shoes. "Good morning Natsu, breakfast will be ready soon" I said with a smile and Natsu speed walked into the kitchen. "Morning babe, sorry I have something I have to do urgently this morning" he said and then gave me a peck on the lips. "Wrap it up for me and I'll eat it later after I do this errand" he added and then rushed out of the penthouse. I blushed, that was the first time he called me 'babe' but I was disappointed that Natsu had to rush out before breakfast. It was odd though, what type of errand did he have to do so urgently that he would miss breakfast. For as long as I've known Natsu, he had never skipped a chance to eat a meal. Must be important for him to miss breakfast.

After I finished cooking breakfast and wrapping up Natsu's portion, I sat down at the table with Happy. "At least I can enjoy breakfast with you Happy" I said as I took a bite of my scrambled eggs. Happy meowed curiously with a sad tone. He meowed again which I took as a 'cheer up Lucy'. "Thanks Happy" I said and gave him a scratch behind the ear. He leaned into my touch with a content expression on his face.

As soon as I finished my breakfast, Natsu came back from his errand with a proud smile. "I'm home" he called out and walked towards me. Happy ran to him, "hey Happy-OW!" Natsu exclaimed as Happy scratched his ankle and ran off towards the bedroom. "Stupid cat. What was that for?" he said, confused as he rubbed his ankle. "Do you want me to heat your breakfast up?" I asked as I took my empty plates to the kitchen. "Yes please" he replied and sat down at the table. I took his plate and put it in the microwave. "What was that errand you had to do so early this morning?" I asked as the food heated up.

"I-ah had some... leftover paperwork from yesterday that really needed to be sorted out this morning" he replied. I could tell he was lying to me which hurt my feelings. He couldn't eat the breakfast I made before he worked on his 'paperwork'? I kept my eyes on the microwave and then I felt his arms wrapping around my waist. He rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry babe, how about I make it up to you?" he asked and turned me around in his arms. "How?" I asked curiously. He flashed his signature smile, "actually I was also booking a reservation for tonight just for the two of us at the Rainbow Sakura restaurant" he said. My heartbeat faster with excitement. I heard Rainbow Sakura is the hardest restaurant to get a reservation in Magnolia. It takes months to book a table and he did it in less than an hour!

"So, can you forgive me for not eating your delicious breakfast sooner?" he said with puppy-dog eyes. How can I not forgive that face? "Ok, I forgive you" I replied and he gave me a peck on the lips. "Great, I'll pick you up at seven. Wear something pretty" he said with a wink before letting me go and taking his breakfast out of the microwave. As he walked back to the table, I tried to contain my excitement. We haven't been on a proper romantic date since...I blushed at the memory of that passion night. It felt like a long time ago since I had been on a proper date with Natsu and I can't wait for seven o'clock to come.

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