Chapter 36 - Stressed

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"Yukino believed all five murders had something to with the Dragon King" I explained the information I heard from Yukino. Since she knew I was a part of the Fairy Tail Mafia, she must've known I would send these to Natsu so, in a way, she's helped us. Natsu growled when I mentioned 'Dragon King'. "I should've known Acnologia was behind this" he growled.

"The guy you told me to run away from if I ever saw him?" I asked, remembering him telling me during our interview. "Yeah, him. I'm not surprised that he would be targeting me" he replied with clenched fists. I wanted to ask further why Acnologia would be targeting him but I felt like this wasn't the time or place for it, so I kept quiet. "Levy, find out who those men are. I want to know everything about them. Also, hack into the police database and find out the locations of each murder. Maybe we can find some more clues" Natsu ordered. "Yes boss" Levy replied with a nod and then rushed into the elevator to get to work.

Natsu wandered over to one of the lounges and flopped down in the middle of it. He laid his head back to look up towards the ceiling and then rested his arm over his eyes. I decided to give him some space to think things over. He must have a lot on his mind with this newfound threat and Raven Tail. I took a step towards the elevator but stopped when he spoke. "Sit with me Lucy" he said without looking at me and patting the spot next to him. I guessed he wanted company, so I obliged.

As I sat down next to him, he lifted his arm off his eyes and twisted into a lying position with his head resting on my lap. "W-What?" I stuttered, flustered. The guy I like is laying his head in my lap! "Just let me lie here for a bit" he said as he closed his eyes and rested his hands over his stomach. He looked so peaceful at the moment. With so many enemies to deal with, he must be stressed. If by me being here helps him somehow then I don't mind him resting on my lap.

My eyes wandered to his pink spiky hair. It looked soft to touch despite its spiky appearance. 'He wouldn't mind if I quickly touch it, would he?' I thought. My fingers gently combed through his hair. It was so soft! I could play with his hair for hours. Suddenly Natsu opened his eyes and stared up at me. "Sorry" I apologised and removed my hand but Natsu quickly grasped it. His hand felt warm to the touch. "No, I like it. Keep going" he said before letting go and closing his eyes again. My hand felt cold as his hand left mine.

With his permission, I continued playing with his hair as he rested on my lap. I noticed the corner of his lips lift into a small smile. We spent a few minutes in silence before we were interrupted by the elevator dinging. Natsu's eyes shot wide open with surprise. "Hey Natsu, I've brought the forms you asked for yesterday" Gray said as he came out of the elevator with a stack of paper in his hands.

He looked over and noticed our position. Natsu immediately sat up as Gray smirked. "Did I interrupt something?" Gray asked suggestively, his smirk growing. "No, ah we were just ah..." Natsu replied, trying to come up with an excuse. "Natsu had something in his hair so I was getting it out for him" I said, quickly coming up with an excuse for him but I don't think Gray believed me.

"Oh? You know Lucy, you could do so much better than Flame Brain over here" he said, the smirk never leaving his face. "Tsk, jerk" Natsu said and then Gray narrowed his eyes at him. "Did you just call me a jerk Dragon Boy?" Gray argued as he stormed over to him. "So what if I did? What are you going to do about it, Ice Stripper?" Natsu argued back as they clashed foreheads. They continued to throw insult after insult at each other. At least we're not talking about why Natsu was lying his head in my lap anymore. It's a little embarrassing that Gray walked in on us like that though.

"That's it! You want a piece of me you Pervy Popsicle!" Natsu shouted, raising his fists. "You're just mad you've been caught red-handed ya Pink Haired Punk!" Gray shouted while stripping off his shirt. Their fight escalated into a fistfight to the point where they were knocking things over. 'Now what am I going to do about these two?' I thought, wondering how I'm going to break them up when suddenly the phone on Natsu's desk rang. Since Natsu was too distracted in his fight, I walked over to answer it.

"Hello, Natsu's office" I greeted over the phone. "Oh Lucy, is that you? Is Natsu there?" I heard Mira's voice speak over the phone. "Hi Mira. Sorry, Natsu's busy fighting Gray at the moment. Can I take a message?" I replied. "Those two are always fighting" she giggled. "Don't worry I'll tell him later. I'll call Erza up right now to stop them. Make sure they don't break anything expensive. Bye Lucy" as she said that Natsu threw an expensive glass figurine across the room. Gray dodged it and it smashed into pieces on the floor behind him. "Too late. Bye Mira" I replied before hanging up. I wonder what's Erza going to do?

A few minutes later, while I was hiding behind the lounge, trying to avoid their fight and flying objects, the elevator dinged, and Erza stepped out. Neither of them noticed her presence. "What have I told you two about fighting" she said firmly with an angered expression and both of them froze in fear. "Sorry Ma'am" they both said as they turned to face her with their heads hanging low. Wow, she's scary!

"Now, I want you two boys to clean up the mess you've made" Erza ordered. "Yes Ma'am" both of them replied before grabbing a boom from the cupboard. 'She ordered the Boss!' I inwardly exclaimed. "Lucy" Erza turned her attention to me, and I squeaked. 'Have I done something wrong?' I wondered. "The girls and I are planning to go to lunch together and we wanted to know if you would like to join us" she offered. "I would love to join" I replied with a smile which she smiled back. This would give me a chance to talk more with the other girls.

"I expect this office to be cleaned up by the time I get back. Am I clear?" Erza ordered. "Yes Ma'am" both of them replied like obedient slaves. "Good. Let's go Lucy" she said and I followed her towards the elevator. "Wait a second Lucy!" Natsu called out as he ran over to me. I stopped and turned around to see what he wanted to tell me. Once he was in front of me, he put his lips up to my ear. "Dinner at my place, seven o'clock, and dress nice" he whispered in my ear which made me blush. Is this a date?!

"Ok, see you at seven" I replied quietly, and he pulled back with a bright smile. I turned back and then stepped into the elevator where Erza was waiting. The heat from my blush still hasn't faded away. 'Oh my gosh, what am I going to wear?!' I inwardly panicked. Maybe the girls can help me prepare for tonight but there was another problem I would have to am I going to get past my big brother?

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