Chapter 61 - Romantic Morning

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Lucy's POV

I woke up from my comfortable slumber, cuddling my boyfriend, by his movements. I looked up from his shirtless chest to find one arm around me and his other arm was holding his phone. On his screen, he was texting someone one-handed under the name 'Ice Stripper' which I immediately recognised as Gray. Before I could read their texts, he put his phone face down on the bedside table beside him. "Morning Beautiful" I heard his husky voice say and I looked up to see his gorgeous smile, onyx eyes and spiky cherry blossom hair. "Good morning Handsome" I replied and then he gave me a good morning kiss. "I missed being able to cuddle you" he said. "But I was only out for a week" I replied and he playfully pouted. "A week is too long" he complained as he cuddled me closer and then pulled me into a passionate kiss.

Once we separated the kiss, I decided to ask him why he was texting Gray. "What were you texting Gray about?" I asked and a playful smirk grew on his face. "He was just texting me to let me know your surprise is ready" he said smugly. I lifted my upper body to look at him better. "What surprise?" I asked, curiously as I raised an eyebrow. The smug grin never left his face. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you but what I can tell you is that it's all my idea and our plane leaves in an hour" he replied. A plane?! An hour?! Where are we going that we need to take a plane?!

"Wait, a plane? I don't have time to pack and I don't even know what to pack since I have no idea where we're going" I said. "You have nothing to worry about. I had Mira pack your things for you" he replied. I'm not too confident with knowing Mira packed my clothes. Knowing her, I'm sure she'd 'innocently' pick out some very 'suggestive' outfits so I could show off to Natsu.

Natsu pulled out from underneath me and got out of bed which I pouted. I wanted to stay in bed and cuddle him all morning. He chuckled at my pout as he slipped a white shirt on, covering his well-sculpted tan abs. "Come on and get dressed. We'll eat breakfast on the plane" he said before walking into his ensuite with a pile of clothes in his hands. I groaned as I buried my head in his pillow. "But I want to stay in bed" I grumbled to myself. "If you don't get dressed by the time I get out, I'll dress you myself" he called out from the ensuite with a mischievous chuckle. My face immediately blushed a deep red and I buried my face further into his pillow. Wait, I don't have time to be embarrassed! I need to get dressed before he gets out and does it himself. Ah!

I rushed around the room grabbing my clothes and putting them on. Luckily, I got dressed before Natsu got out. I was wearing a white summer dress and sandals. Natsu was wearing an open white buttoned shirt and light brown shorts. He pouted when he saw me dressed. "Aw, I really wanted to dress you" he whined. I giggled, "maybe next time sweetie" I teased with a wink and then walked out of the room. As I left the room, I hoped he didn't notice the bright red blush all over my face. I couldn't believe I said that and what was with that wink. What in Earthland was I thinking?!

When I reached the main room, I found Laxus resting against the wall with three suitcases and a broken front door beside him. "Laxus? What are you doing here?" I asked but he glared at someone behind me. "My door!" Natsu exclaimed from behind me as he walked over to inspect the damage to his front door. "I was waiting for you two. I'm coming with you" Laxus replied to my earlier question, ignoring Natsu's exclaim. Wait if he was waiting here for then did he know we were cuddling in Natsu's bed?! "And before you ask, I didn't go into Natsu's bedroom to spy on you two. I trust you" he said like he read my mind. I was glad he was respecting my privacy and my love life. "But if I find out he has 'touched' you before you've been wedded then I'll rip his dick right off his body" he added threateningly. Okay, maybe he hasn't completely accepted my love life.

Natsu slowly turned around with a wide-eyed stunned expression. Couldn't he be any more obvious? I guess I couldn't blame him, he knew he would probably be dead if Laxus found out I've already lost my virginity to Natsu. I immediately looked away to look out the balcony. Trying to avoid Laxus' eyes which unfortunately for me and especially Natsu, Laxus noticed my tell. "Wait a minute, you're looking away from me. You only do that when..." Laxus trailed off and then realisation appeared on his face followed by a scowl as he turned to Natsu. Oops... "Natsu, run" I said carefully like Laxus was a wild untamed beast. It felt like one decibel higher and the beast would go on a murder frenzy. "Don't need to tell me twice" Natsu quickly said in a slightly high-pitched voice as he ran out of the open door without a second thought. "Hey! Get back here you piece of shit! How dare you touch my sister!" Laxus shouted as he ran after him.

A few seconds later, Gray walked into the room while looking out the front door with an eyebrow raised. "I'm guessing Flame Brain did something to anger the big bad older brother?" he asked me. "You could say it was something me and Natsu did but Laxus is going to take it out on Natsu" I replied calmly. "Ah. Anyway, I was coming up here to escort you and Natsu to the car but I guess we'll meet up with them later" he said, getting straight to the point of his arrival. "Yeah let's leave them to burn off some steam before the flight" I replied. He chuckled and then grabbed two of the suitcases. I wondered what Natsu had in store for my surprise...that is if he survives Laxus.

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