Chapter 69 - Tracking

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Natsu's POV

"Tomorrow, no, right now. I'll send over five, no, ten more bodyguards right now!" I shouted my rant through the phone until I heard beeping. My jaw dropped at the sound. Did that bastard hang up on me?! Oh hell no! I immediately began calling his phone. After a few rings, he picks up and dramatically sighs. "What do you want Pyro?" he groaned. "How dare you-" I started to say and then I heard the beeping again. "Hang up on me..." I finished and then growled. I grabbed my suit jacket from over my chair and put it on. I'm going to find that bastard and punch him.

I took the elevator down to the lobby and stomped towards the exit. "Where are you off to Natsu?" Mira asked from the front desk and I turned to her. "I'm going to find Gray and give him a knuckle sandwich. It's time for 'lunch'" I said. "No need" Levy joined in our conversation with a couple of books in her arms. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Gray texted me a few minutes ago saying he is coming here with Lucy" she explained. I smirked, "looks like he's making my job easier" I said as I punched my other hand. The girls shook their heads.

About half an hour later, Lucy and Gray walked through the lobby where I was lying and waiting. Without expecting me, I ran out and punched Gray in the face, knocking him to the ground. Aha, he didn't see that coming! He jumped up to his feet and glared at me. "What was that for Pinky!" he shouted. "For hanging up on me Stripper!" I shouted back. We went into a semi-heated argument which turned into an insult war.

"Enough!" Lucy shouted and we went quiet. "If you two don't stop fighting right now, I'm going to ring Erza" she threatened while holding up her phone with Erza's number on the screen. After a quiet moment, Gray and I both said "yes ma'am." "Good" she replied and then realised the entire lobby went quiet because of her outburst. She became embarrassed and her face became a little red. She was so cute...and scary when she wants to be.

I walked up to her, wrapped my arms around her and gave her a kiss. Gray rolled his eyes at our PDA before Juvia rammed into him with a hug. They both tumbled to the floor but Juvia didn't let go. "Juvia knew she felt her beloved's presence in the building!" Juvia said excitedly and tried to give him a kiss. "Juvia, not here" he replied quietly, embarrassed and trying to pry her off of him. 'Just kiss your girlfriend already' I thought. Yes, Juvia is now Gray's girlfriend. He asked her out after the island holiday and he only told me because he wanted relationship advice.

"So why are you here and why did you call Levy?" I asked Lucy since Gray was obviously occupied. "We thought Levy might be able to track where Acnologia called from using my phone" she explained. The was a good idea. Maybe we could find him quicker this way. My body shivered with excitement, after a long time of having no clues. This could be his downfall. "Great idea. Let's go" I said as I grasped her hand and pulled her over to the elevator.

Soon Gray, Lucy and I gathered in Levy's office. We stood behind Levy's chair as she had Lucy's phone connected to her computer and typed some fancy code to track Acnologia's phone. I kept my arm over Lucy's shoulder while we watched the screen. After a few minutes of excessive typing, Levy exclaimed "no!" We lent in to see what was going on. "It was a burner phone. I could ping the general area of where the signal was coming from but not enough to pin a location," she explained while showing us a map on her screen that covered the edge of Magnolia. "Shit" I cursed, I combed my hair with my hand in frustration. 'Another deadend' I thought.

"Sorry my phone couldn't help you find Acnologia but maybe all is not lost. What if Levy tries researching around that area for potential places he may hide. Anything related to him, he is a high-profile businessman" Lucy suggested. My whole body lit up in excitement. "That's a great idea. Levy, can you do that?" I asked. "I can certainly try. No promises but I'll see what I can do" she replied confidently.

Satisfied with her answer, I turned to Lucy. "My girlfriend is a genius!" I said and gave her a big kiss. "You might be jumping the gun there" Lucy said with a smile. "I know but that doesn't mean it's not true and it's a great excuse to kiss you" I smirked and she blushed. "If they're going to start making out then I'm out. See ya" Gray said, reminding me of his presence and walking out of the office. "Jealous? Are you off to make out in Juvia's office?" I called out to him as soon as he walked out the door. "Shut up Dragon Boy!" Gray shouted back, slightly rattled. Looks like I guessed correctly.

"Wait a minute" Lucy said, bringing my attention back to her and Levy. "Are Gray and Juvia dating?" she asked. I could tell there was interest in her voice and Levy was also curious. "Yep, they got together after our island holiday" I replied and both girls squealed in excitement. I had to quickly block my ears from how loud they were. "We have to tell Mira" Levy said to Lucy and both girls immediately ran out of the room, leaving me on my own.

I turned towards the screen where Levy left the map on and leaned close to it. "I will find you and kill you before you hurt anyone else, especially Lucy" I said while glaring at the screen. "Cute" a voice behind me spoke. I jumped and quickly screamed as I turned around. Standing by the door was Erza. I put a hand to my chest and felt my racing heart. I thought I was the only one in the room. "Geez Erza, don't scare me like that" I said and she chuckled. "It'll take a lot more to scare you" she stated, which she was correct. I've dealt with a lot of stuff that would make any normal person shake in their boots.

"So why are you here?" I asked. "Since you have a business dinner coming up, I was wondering if you'd be ok with Mira, Levy, Juvia and I taking Lucy out dress shopping tomorrow?" she asked. She was right, Lucy would need a fancy dress for the dinner. I nodded, "good idea and use my credit card to buy her anything she wants" I replied. "Don't worry, we'll make sure she looks beautiful for the dinner. See you later Natsu" she said with a smirk before walking out the door. "She's already beautiful!" I called out and I heard a giggle. It's true Lucy would look beautiful in anything but she's the most beautiful when she's being herself. That's why I fell for her.

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