Chapter 13 - Sweet Devils Strip Club

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Natsu's POV

"Everyone understand the plan?" I asked my field team, which consists of Gajeel, Laxus and Erza, who stood in front of my desk. Luckily, Laxus came back from his S-Class mission earlier today in time for the mission. All three of them nodded firmly in understanding. "Good. Now I need to inform Levy" I said but as I was about to reach the phone, it rang with the ringtone that meant there was a mafia-related emergency.

A bad feeling grew inside of me as I quickly tapped the speaker button. "What is it?" I asked firmly. "Natsu. Gray and Lucy's car are being followed by Raven Tail" Levy reported. "What?!" Laxus and I exclaimed. "How many cars are following them?!" I demanded to know as I shot up out of my seat. "From the city's security cameras, just one" Levy replied.

"I'm going to go get her" Laxus stated without hesitation and then started walking towards the elevator. He stopped when Levy spoke. "Don't worry Laxus, Lu will be fine. Gray can handle this and Natsu needs everyone for the mission tonight. Plus, Gray's car is bulletproof" Levy said through the phone and then Gajeel spoke up. "Shrimp's right-" "Don't call me shrimp!" Levy interrupted over the phone but Gajeel continued. "Bunny Girl is in good hands with Ice Boy. He is Salamander's righthand man for a reason, right? If you want her to be fully safe then focus on taking down that Ivan punk, gihi" he chuckled the end.

I sighed in frustration as I combed my hair back with my fingers. Even though I'm worried for Lucy's safety, Metal Head actually has a point for once. She'll be safer once we take down Ivan. Plus, Gray's one of the best fighters and drivers I've got so I should trust him to keep her safe. "Aright, Gray can handle protecting Lucy. Laxus, I need you with us to take down Ivan" I ordered and he sighed. I can tell in his eyes he really wants to go help Lucy but knows she won't be truly safe until we take down her and his bastard father. I then spoke towards the phone. "Levy, I want you to send all updates on Lucy and Gray's situation to my lacrima phone until they reach the apartment. We'll explain the mission to you on the way" I ordered. "Yes Boss" she replied formally and then hung up. "Lets move" I said and led my team out of my office.

We took the elevator down to the underground parking lot and got into two black Audi A8Ls. Erza and I rode in one while Gajeel and Laxus rode in the other one behind us. Both cars pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road. Gajeel would explain to Levy our place as we were driving to our destination.

During the drive, I kept checking my lacrima phone unconsciously, waiting for an update from Levy, and Erza seemed to notice. "Lucy will be fine" she said while keeping her focus on the road ahead. After she said that, my lacrima phone beeped with an update from Levy. I quickly checked the message. 'Lucy and Gray have arrived safely at their destination' the message said and I sighed in relief. "Told you" Erza said, noticing my relaxed demeanour. Now that I knew Lucy was safe, I was fired up. That bastard is going to regret messing with Lucy and Fairy Tail.

When we arrived at Sweet Devils strip club, we parked the cars out the back, facing away from the building in case we needed to make a quick getaway. No question, this meeting will end in a gun fight. We got out of the cars and walked towards the back entrance with me at the front. All our faces had an emotionless expression. We're here for business not pleasure.

At the door there was a bald buff bouncer with a tight black t-shirt. As we stood in front of him, I reached into my suit jacket pocket and pulled out 1,000 jewels to give to him. He took the money and stepped aside for us, letting us enter. Inside was dark with multiple different coloured light dancing around the room. Women in skimpy clothes danced around silver poles while the surrounding men drooled over them. In the back were some VIP lounges.

It disgusts me when men drool over women like they are a piece of meat. I hate places like this where they treat women like prostitutes. Women shouldn't sell their bodies for money. It's no surprise that Raven Tail mafia owns this horrible establishment.

Surveying the room, I spotted Ivan sitting on a pitch black lounge on the other side of the room. I nodded to my team, signalling that I've spotted Ivan, and they separated to different areas of the room. Ivan spotted me and a smirk grew on his face. I kept my emotionless face as I walked towards him. As I got closer, I noticed sitting beside him was one of his mafia members, Flare.

"Good to see you've turned up Dragneel" Ivan said and then tilted his head to look around me. "I see you didn't bring my daughter with you" he said, like he didn't order his men to follow Lucy earlier today. "I won't be handing her over to you" I stated and he chuckled. "Well then, I guess you know what happens next?" he asked and then whistled loudly.

On command, ninety percent of the men in the room turned and aimed their guns at me. "Last chance Dragneel, give me my daughter" Ivan said with a smug grin. A deadly smirk grew on my face. "I'm fired up" I said and Laxus fired the first shot at one of Ivan's men. With that one gun shot, the whole room turned into chaos.

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