Chapter 40 - Happy and Lucy's Chat

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Before heading home, I picked up my stuff from Levy's place and promised to tell her everything tomorrow. If I didn't hurry, Laxus is going to be suspicious of what I've been doing. I arrived home ten minutes after ten o'clock and opened the door to find Laxus still sitting on the lounge, watching TV. Trying not to get noticed since I'm still dressed up from my date, I tiptoed quietly towards my bedroom. "You're late" Laxus spoke up after I took two steps and I inwardly cursed. 'Damn his heighten hearing' I thought. "You know how Levy and I are with books. We just get so into our books" I replied nervously as I took big steps backwards towards my room.

Before I could get out of sight, he turned around. His eyes widened when he saw how I was dressed and then squinted into anger. He shot to his feet and stomped over to me. "Why are you dressed up? You lied to me! You had a date with that fucking Flame Brain, didn't you?! I'm going to fucking kill him!" he growled. "I can date whoever I want!" I shouted before running into my room and locking the door. A few seconds later I heard his fists banging on the other side. "You come out here young lady!" he shouted. "You're not my dad and I thought you said you wouldn't freak out about little things anymore?!" I shouted. "A date is not a little thing!" he shouted back. I groaned and then turned away from the door.

"Hey Lucy" I heard a voice and saw Happy sitting on my desk next to my open window. "Hey Happy" I replied and then it hit me. Wait a minute..."You can talk!" I exclaimed as I backed up against my door. "Aye!" he replied with a smile. "Did I just hear a voice? Who's in there with you! It better not be a man!" Laxus demanded to know while banging the door. "It's nobody! You're hearing things! Just leave me alone!" I shouted back. "You and I are going to have a serious talk when you come out" I heard him say and then I heard him stomp away from my room.

I sighed in relief that he's gone and then turned my attention back to Happy. "How are you able to talk Happy?" I asked. I've never seen or heard of a cat who could talk. "This collar. It's a magic collar that allows me to talk and fly" he said showing his green collar and then sprouted wings. He flew once around my head once and then landed back where he was sitting. "Natsu doesn't let me wear it often because if anyone saw it, it could put everyone at Fairy Tail at risk. Plus he hates it when I tease him" he added with a chuckle. "Wow, so what are you doing here?" I asked. "Natsu wanted me to give this to you" he replied and then pushed a letter, which I didn't notice until now, towards me with his paw. I opened up the letter and read it.

Dear Lucy,

There's something I was too nervous to tell you tonight, but I realised now it may have not been the right time to tell you. Once everything with Raven Tail is over, please let me take you out for dinner again and tell you when the time is right.

Yours sincerely,


I smiled at his messy but sweet letter. This must be about the thing he was about to say before saying he loves the dessert. I can't wait for our next dinner date. Without hesitation, I grabbed a piece of paper and pen and then started writing my reply to Natsu's letter.

Dear Natsu,

I look forward to it.



I hope he likes my reply. It's simple and to the point. "That smile makes you look creepy Lucy" Happy said and my smile instantly turned into a scowl. "Now I see why Natsu doesn't let you wear it, Cat" I said with a slight glare at him. "You know, it's obvious that Natsu really likes you" he said, changing the subject. "Really?" I asked with a blush. 'It would be great if he felt the same about me' I thought. "Yeah but don't tell him I told you" he replied with a wink. "He would kill me if he knew" he added.

I nodded and then held out my letter to Natsu. "Could you send this back to Natsu please?" I asked as I handed it to him. "Sure but before I go, could we chat for a bit? I won't get to a chance to talk to you for a long time when my collar's off" he asked with a sad expression. Even if I wanted to disagree, his sad face was too adorable to ignore. "Ok sure" I replied as I sat on the edge of my bed and pat the spot beside me. His face lit up and then he flew over to sit beside me. "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

He started telling me a story about Natsu before he became the boss. When Makarov, or Gramps as everyone liked to call him, was in charge, Natsu used to get into all kinds of trouble. One time he stole an S-Class job from Gramps' office. It was to take down an assassin called the Grim Reaper. First Gray was sent to knock some sense into him and drag him back to the guild, but he ended up joining him. Afterwards, they sent Erza, who was already S-Class. Luckily, she found them before they found the Grim Reaper and then dragged them by their hair all the way back to Fairy Tail. Talk about painful.

"Oh I've got an embarrassing story about Natsu" he said eagerly and mischievously. Maybe I can use this to my advantage in case I ever need to blackmail him like I sometimes do with Laxus. "Oh really? Do tell" I smirked, leaning in. "Lately, I've been hearing him mumbling someone's name while he's sleeping" he said with a mischievous smirk. My heart panged with jealousy. What if he's been mumbling another girl's name? Was he mumbling Lisanna's name? I heard they're childhood friends.

"Whose?" I asked anxiously and then he flew up to my ear. "Yours" he whispered in my ear and then quickly flew over to grab the letter I wrote while I was a blushing mess. "Well, I'll make sure to give this to Natsu. Bye Lucy" he quickly said before flying out my window. It took me a minute to process what he said. Oh my Mavis, Natsu's been mumbling my name in his sleep?! Could Happy be lying? What if he's not, how am I supposed to look at Natsu the same way now?! 

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