Chapter 50 - Lucy's Return

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Lucy's POV

My rescue team and I waited at the extraction point for Natsu, Laxus, and the others to return. We stood by the side of the road far away from the war. Smoke could be seen in the distance from where the Raven Tail mansion stood. Flare left us a few minutes ago saying "thanks for your help but I have to find my own path. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you" before running off. I hope she finds the place she's looking for.

"Lucy!" I whipped my head towards the voice and saw my pink-haired love running to me with his arms out wide. My face immediately lit up at the sight of him but then it became shocked when he was punched to the ground by Laxus.

Without a care about Natsu, Laxus ran over and hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad you're safe" he whispered. A smile grew on my face as I wrapped my arms around him, returning the hug. "What the fuck Laxus?!" Natsu exclaimed from the ground while rubbing the spot where Laxus punched him. Laxus loosened our hug a little bit to glare at him.

Before Laxus could say anything, Mira came over to us with a suspiciously sweet smile. "Laxus, can I speak with you privately?" she asked. Laxus hesitated but nodded before releasing our hug and then walking away with her. Once they were out of sight, I swear I heard him shout "ow, ow, ow" in the distance.

With Laxus gone, Natsu took his chance to hug me tightly. "Thank you for rescuing me, Natsu. What happened to my father?" I asked, even though I already had an idea of what happened. He pulled away from me with a guilty look on his face. "I..." he paused like he was dreading answering my question. "I killed him" he answered without looking into my eyes. I could tell he was feeling guilty for killing my father even though my father was a horrible human being to begin with. Plus I'm sure Laxus was there to witness our father's death too.

The best way I knew to show Natsu how I felt about him killing my father was to hug him. He flinched in shock, not expecting the reaction I gave him. "Thank you" I mumbled for only him to hear and I could feel Natsu's confusion. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke. "Aren't you mad?" he asked hesitantly. I pulled back my head to look at him. "No silly. It was a necessary evil" I replied. He sighed in relief and wrapped his arms around me.

"When we get back to Headquarters, can we have a chat in my office?" he asked with a vibe of certainty. I was nervous because I knew this must have something to do with my confession when we were both kidnapped. Oh my Mavis, is he going to reject me? I don't know how I'm going to cope if he does. Despite my anxiousness, I nodded my head. He gave me a bright smile like he was trying to reassure me and strangely enough it did.

A low rumbling sound in the distance caught our attention and we saw black cars driving towards us. "Looks like the rest of Fairy Tail are here" Natsu said as a smile grew on his face. "Are you two done hugging?" Gray spoke up, reminding us that there are others around us. Natsu and I quickly jumped away from each other. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment and I swiftly hid my blush with my hands. "Did someone say hug?!" we heard Laxus say in the distance and a moment later, he stomped back over to us with Mira following behind him.

The cars stopped beside us and all my friends at Fairy Tail jumped out to greet me. Levy was the first to leap into my arms for a hug. Almost all the girls joined into the hug, making it into a massive cluster. "Thank you for rescuing me guys" I said to them. A clap caught everyone's attention and we turned to Erza. "I'm glad Lucy has returned to us, but we have to keep moving before any cops or reinforcements arrive" she said and everyone immediately began to file back into their cars without question.

I was about to follow Natsu into the same car he was going in with Gray, Wendy and Erza as the driver until Laxus dragged me over to the car he was going in. He put me in the passenger seat and then walked around into the driver's seat. Just this once I'll let his overprotective big brother scene slide.

In the back seat, I saw Freed, Bixlow and Evergreen sitting comfortably. "We're glad to have you back Lucy" Freed said. "Thanks. I'm glad to be back with everyone" I smiled and then turned to look out the window. The scenery was refreshing to see after being locked away from the outside world, even for a few days.

After the two-hour car ride, Dragneel Inc. finally came into view. A smile grew on my face at the sight of the familiar building. 'I'm home' I thought with a warm filling in my heart. I've finally come home. While I was in Raven Tail, I had given up the thought of ever returning. Words alone can't express the happiness I feel to be back.

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