Chapter 54 - Payback

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Natsu's POV

"And that's how I fell in love with you" I finished the flashback. "So basically you were stalking me" Lucy giggled and I pouted. "I wouldn't call it that" I replied. "Then what do you call it?" she playfully challenged. "Research. As Fairy Tail's Mafia Boss, I must know everything about Laxus' classified sister" I replied confidently even though I know she was right. "Sure you did" she said sarcastically while playfully rolling her eyes and then leapt off my lap. I frowned, missing her perfect body on my lap.

"Where are you going?" I asked as she walked over to the door. She turned around with a bright smile. "To get ready for my first day back at work" she replied. I'm going to miss having her around the office all the time but I'm happy for her. I know how much her job at Sorcerer Weekly means to her. At least I know she'll still be living with Fairy Tail so I'll still get to see her...and maybe sleepover.

"Wait a minute Lucy" I called out before she could grab the doorknob. I remembered I had a special little plan that I would like Lucy to help me with. "I need your help with something" I said as I stood up from my desk. "With what?" she asked, walking back over to me. I hadn't forgotten the revenge plan for Gray, Gajeel and Loke for teasing me. "I want to get back at Gray, Gajeel and Loke for teasing me so, I'm planning on sending their crushes special dinner invitations, forcing them to go on a date with their crush. I was hoping you would help me get the girls to come" I explained.

"Who are their crushes?" she asked. "Gray with Juvia, Gajeel with Levy and Loke with Aries" I replied and she squealed in delight. "The girls have a crush on the guys too. Count me in!" she said excitedly. I smirked excited to see my plan in action. They're going to regret teasing me about dating Lucy and I'll make sure they know I was the one who did it by adding a simple detail.

"I've already booked the restaurant for tonight and made the invitations but I need your help to put them in the girls' office" I said. I opened up my right-side drawer and handed her the invitations. The invitations were on white paper with a fancy gold foil border and black text. I added a simple flame-shape detail to the corner of the fancy gold foil border. It's hidden in plain sight so they shouldn't notice it straight away. "Oh and before I forget, don't mention any of this to the girls. I want them all to be clueless to our plans" I added and she smiled deviously. "You got it" she replied before walking out of my office.

Later that day, Lucy and I were sitting in my car parked across the street from the restaurant where our plan was about to be sprung. We had a good view of the restaurant entrance so we can see them arriving. "Natsu look" Lucy said while pointing to someone. I looked over to what she was pointing at and saw our first victim Gray walking towards the restaurant a little earlier than the designated time. He was wearing a dark navy suit and tie. I had different times for each date so they wouldn't get suspicious. I brought up my phone and took a sneaky photo of him. Lucy looked over at me with a slightly confused glance. "What? I could use this as blackmail in the future" I shrugged nonchalantly, and she playfully rolled her eyes.

A minute later we saw Juvia walking towards the restaurant in a blue mermaid style dress. She was wearing blue eyeshadow and a blue purse to match her dress. "Oh Juvia looks so pretty" Lucy lightly squealed and took a photo of the two of them. I raised an eyebrow towards her. She criticised me for taking photos. "What? These are for my couples collection. I ship them together" she defended herself. I shook my head with a smile. We're as bad as each other. We watched them talk for a little before they walked inside the restaurant.

We waited about fifteen minutes before our next victim arrived, Gajeel. He was wearing a pitch-black suit with a red rose poking out of his chest pocket. To be honest I was surprised he had another suit beside his white 'shooby doo bop' show suit. I also took a photo of him on my phone. Another blackmail for my collection. Five minutes later we spotted Levy walking towards the restaurant in an orange mini dress with straps tied up behind her neck. She also had her usual orange headband wrapped around her head. "Oh Levy's wearing the dress I suggested" Lucy said as she took a photo of Levy and Gajeel together before they walked inside the restaurant.

Another fifteen minutes later, our last victim Loke came. He wore a black suit with a red tie and glasses. He held a pink rose in his hand. I took a photo of him. Now I have three blackmail favours I can cash in whenever I like. Not long after, Aries arrived in a white mini dress with a sweetheart neckline and a pearl necklace. "Aries is so cute!" Lucy squealed and took another photo.

I pulled up an app on my phone and it showed me the security footage of the restaurant. I could see all three of them sitting at different tables around the restaurant with their dates. Each of the men was giving the other tables a suspicious glance. I smirked, they were catching onto my plan and I was excited to see how they react when they find out. "What's that?" Lucy asked as she looked over my shoulder to look at my phone. "It's an app Levy developed. It lets me see a nearby building's LIVE security cameras" I explained. "Cool, Levy's amazing" she replied. I felt slightly jealous by that comment. "I'm amazing too" I stated. "I know you are" she replied and then continued looking at the security cameras. I lightly blushed at her words.

"Looks like they're enjoying their date" Lucy commented while smiling at the camera feed. I looked back down at my phone as saw all three couples having fun talking to their dates and enjoying the food. Too bad we couldn't hear the audio of their conversation due to the restaurant chatter. Suddenly I see Juvia handing Gray the invitation we gave her from her handbag. Gray snatched it off her and glared at the piece of paper. I smirked knowing he was about to catch on. As predicted, he jumped to his feet and glanced at Gajeel and Loke. Both of them looked at him curiously before he waved them over. He pointed out something on the invitation to them. They took a closer look before sharing a serious glance. I'm guessing they've found my little detail. "That damn Flame Brain!" Gray shouted, clear enough for me to hear through the security cameras. I could even hear it slightly from the car.

I chuckled and then started the car. "Let's go" I said as we slowly drove off. They came running out of the restaurant looking around for me before spotting us driving past them. I stuck my hand out of the car and flipped the middle finger at them while laughing. "Natsu you asshole!" all three of them shouted as we drove away.

"So, what now?" Lucy asked with a smirk. "Well, I was thinking of taking you out to dinner before heading back to my place?" I suggested and she smiled. "Sounds great" she replied. This was going to be a great night.

A/N Warning: Lemon 🍋 coming up next. Skip to chapter 56 if you feel uncomfortable.

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