Chapter 24 - Coffee Date

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After my shower, I changed into a blue crop top and skirt and then walked out to see only Natsu standing outside with his arms crossed. He was dressed in a casual red t-shirt and black cargo pants. "Where's Laxus?" I asked, not seeing him anywhere. "He had a job to do" Natsu said distastefully towards Laxus while looking to the side. As he turned, I noticed a bruise on his left cheek. "What happened to your cheek?" I asked worriedly as I inspected his cheek. I suspect Laxus had something to do with it.

"Oh, I accidentally walked into the door" he lied with a light chuckle while scratching the back of his neck. "Don't lie. I know Laxus had something to do with it" I said with a sigh. "What am I going to do with him?" I added to myself. His forced smile turned into a gentle one. "You're right but it's fine. There was another reason for it anyway" he replied honestly this time.

"Huh? What other reason?" I asked curiously. "Never mind, forget I said anything" he replied, shooing the matter away with his hand. "Now you've made me more curious" I pouted with my arms crossed. He chuckled at my childish sulk. "Don't worry, you'll understand soon enough" he said with a bright smile and then held out his hand. "Ready to go for that coffee now?" he asked. I took his hand, "yep but first let me patch up that bruise" I replied, returning a smile.

After patching up his bruise, we walked down the street towards a nearby coffee shop. The sun felt amazing on my skin. It's been a while since I've been out in public, enjoying life. "Happy to be outside?" Natsu asked as he watched me spin around on the path. "Yep, I missed this" I replied with another spin.

"So, how's Happy?" I asked since I haven't seen him in a while. "He's been good, but I think he misses you. This morning he tried leaving with me when I mentioned seeing you today. He's never tried leaving with me before" he replied. "I'll make sure to visit him soon" I said with a smile and then we arrived at the coffee place called Mira's Café. "Wait a minute, this isn't...?" I questioned. "It is. This is Mira's business. Kinana runs it while Mira works at my company" he replied and then opened the door for me.

We walked in and a woman with short purple hair walked by with a tray of drinks in her hand. "Welcome" she greeted and then stopped when she saw Natsu. "Oh good morning Mr Dragneel" she added. "Good morning Kinana. I told you, you can call me Natsu. Anyway, I'd like you to meet Lucy, she's new and works for Sorcerer Weekly" Natsu introduced. I guess she knows about the mafia too. "It's nice to meet you" I greeted. "It's nice to meet you too. Feel free to sit anywhere you like and I'll come to take your order in a moment" she greeted back before going back to work.

"I see a seat over there by the window, how about we sit over there?" Natsu pointed out. "But what if Father's men see us and try to attack? Wouldn't it be better to take a seat near the back?" I suggested. "Well, uh, yes but wouldn't you like a view? You might not be able to go out like this again until we stop your father. Plus, I'll protect you and everyone here if anything happens" he replied. His reasoning seemed solid, so I agreed.

We sat down at a booth next to the window and looked at the drinks menu. "Do you want something to eat as well? You must be hungry after our training. I'll pay" Natsu offered. "No thanks, I'll just stick with my hot chocolate" I replied and then Kinana came over with a notepad in her hand. "What would you like to order?" she asked. "I'll have a hot chocolate" I ordered. "With marshmallows and whip cream?" she asked, and I replied, "yes please." "What about you Natsu?" she asked, turning towards him. "I'll have my usual with a spicy BLT sandwich, please. Also..." he motioned her closer with his hand. He whispered something into her ear and then she nodded with a smile. "I'll be back soon with your orders" she said before walking away.

"What did you whisper to her?" I asked suspiciously curious. "Not telling" he replied with a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes playfully. "So anyway, Laxus told me Gray froze your chair yesterday, is that true?" I asked, amused to find out if it is. "Argh, he did! It took hours to thaw out! Hours! Even after the ice was gone, the chair was soaking wet from the melted ice!" he complained, and I inwardly giggled. "Why did he freeze your chair? Was it a prank?" I asked. "No, it was revenge for ditching my paperwork and giving it to him" he grumbled while looking out the window. "Are you going to get him back for it?" I asked. "Definitely" he said with a sinister grin and then Kinana came over with our drinks.

"A hot chocolate and a spicy latte. I'll bring your food in a moment" she said as she put our drinks down and then walked away. "Spicy latte? Didn't know you could get spicy coffee" I questioned before taking a sip of my hot chocolate. "Yeah, Mira created it just for me" he replied and then took a sip of his own drink.

A moment later, Kinana came back. She put a spicy BLT sandwich in front of Natsu and a slice of strawberry shortcake in front of me. "Ah, I didn't order this" I spoke up, pointing to the cake, but Kinana smiled. "No but a certain someone did" she giggled before walking away to serve the other customers. I looked over at the 'certain someone' across from me who had an innocent smile on his face. "So that's what you whispered to her earlier" I said. "Think of it as a reward for doing well in your first training session" he said with a bright smile. How sweet of him...and sneaky.

"Fine, thank you for the food" I said and then took a bite. The cake was delicious, the vanilla sponge was light and fluffy, the cream had the perfect amount of sweetness and the strawberries inside were juicy. My eyes unconsciously widened at the taste. "This is delicious" I commented, astonished. "Isn't it? Mira's Café has the best cakes in Magnolia. Erza loves that particular cake the most. You could say she has an obsession to it" he chuckled. "It's hard not too" I giggled and then he suddenly leaned forward with his hand beside his mouth in a whisper.

"Quick warning, if you want to stay alive, never destroy her cake" he said with a deadly serious expression which scared me. "G-Got it" I stuttered, 'is she really as scary as what everyone says?' I wondered. I've heard a lot of rumours about Erza. Before I could ask him, he leaned back and began to gobble his sandwich. Looks like I'll have to find out one day. 

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