Chapter 46 - Life in Raven Tail

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Lucy's POV

It's been three days of torture. Ever since I agreed to be my father's heir, he's been training me. The major difference between Natsu's and my father's training is that I didn't end up with bruises after Natsu's training. Every time I lost my battle with one of my father's mafia members or make a wrong fighting move, my father would whip me.

I found out on day two that I wasn't the only one to receive this punishment. As I was passing Flare in the hallway on my way back from an afternoon training session, I noticed she had a few nasty bruises on her face. She noticed me looking at her and tried to give me her creepy smile. "Whatcha looking at Blondie" she said in her creepy voice but it was less threatening than usual. I looked away and continued walking towards my room, without bothering a reply. Luckily, she didn't continue our interaction any further.

Right now, I laid on my bed while blankly staring up at the ceiling. My room was completely plain and dull. The walls were grey and the bedsheets were a dirty white. The only pieces of furniture that decorated the room were my bed and a wooden closet. A single window gave me a view of the outside world but vertical bars covered the window.

Multiple times my mind begged for me to escape this hell, but I had to keep reminding myself that I'm here to protect my friends. So far, my father has kept his word, but he warned that if Fairy Tail plans an attack to rescue me then he will not hesitate to kill my friends, including Natsu.

A sudden knock on my window startled me out of my thoughts. I whipped my head around to see a silver ninja hanging onto a rope. It took me a few seconds to realise it was Loke. I rushed to the window and opened it. "What are you doing here Loke? They might figure out you're a spy if you stay around me" I whispered to him. He pulled down his face mask so I could see his whole face. "I know but I've got a message from Natsu" he replied and then pulled out a small white cloth wrapped package from behind his back. My heart raced with excitement and a smile grew on my face when he mentioned Natsu. He handed me the package through the bars, and I gladly took it.

"Now that I've done my final job, I must bid you farewell for now. Natsu has asked for me to return to Fairy Tail but fortunately, the stars show that we'll each other again soon" he said flirtatiously, and I giggled. "You better go before someone catches you" I replied and he smiled. "Until we meet again" he said before covering his face again and then climbed up the rope. "Bye Loke" I replied and then shut the window. My eyes went back to the package that Natsu sent me as I walked over to my bed. I sat down on the edge of the bed, with my back facing the door, and opened the package on my lap.

Inside was a letter and a small black velvet box. First, I opened the letter and it read:

Dear Lucy,

I hope this letter gets to you safely and Loke better not have flirted with you!

I chuckled as I read the part about Loke and then continued reading.

Anyway, I've attached a little gift for you with this letter. I want you to wear it and remember it's a promise that I will always come for you.

There's so much more I want to say but I'll save it for when I see you again.

From Your Saviour,


P.S. Make sure to destroy this letter so Raven Tail doesn't find it

I folded and put the letter next to me on the bed and then opened the black velvet box. Inside was a thin gold ring lined with five jewels. Four pink jewels and one red jewel in the middle. It was gorgeous and I immediately put it on my right ring finger.

As I was inspecting the ring on my hand, my mind went back to Natsu's letter. 'Did he just hinted that he's coming to save me?!' I wondered and then picked up the letter again. After rereading it, I confirmed he was saying he's going to save me. Honestly, I had mixed feelings about the whole 'saving me' thing.

I mean, I want to get out of this hell hole and away from my father but I left so I could keep my friends safe. 'Argh, why didn't I think he would do something like this!' I thought, scolding myself. After a few minutes of worrying, I decided to just accept it and look at the positive. I'll be rescued soon and will be back with my brother and friends. I raised my hand, "I'll see you soon Natsu" I muttered with a smile as I stared at my new ring. 

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