Chapter 34 - 10 Million Dollars' Worth of Damages

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The day after we returned to Magnolia, after the whole 'Sabertooth kidnapping me' incident, I was woken up by someone knocking on Laxus' and my apartment door. I crawled out of my bed and wrapped a pink robe around myself before answering the door. As I opened the door, I found a certain pink-haired mafia boss standing behind it. "Good morning Lucy" he greeted cheerfully. He was dressed in a suit for work.

I let out a tired yawn before replying. "Good morning Natsu. What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well I was thinking of coming over for some breakfast. I miss your cooking and I thought you could repay me for saving you by making me breakfast" he replied with a bright smile. "I think you need to go back to school Natsu. How is twenty dollars' worth of breakfast equivalent to one hundred million dollars?" I asked. "It does when you make it with love" he replied, and I blushed. How he can say something like that so calmly?!

Even without the one hundred million dollars, I would've made him breakfast if he asked. "Ok then, come in" I said while opening the door wider to let him in. His smile brightened like it was Christmas day when I said that. "Great, so what's for breakfast?" he asked as he walked in and put his suit jacket over the couch. "I haven't thought about it yet. How about you choose? Would you like an omelette? Pancakes? Or bacon and eggs?" I asked while walking over to the kitchen. "How about all three? I'm starving" he replied. I almost forgot he has a huge appetite.

"Alright. Do you want coffee or juice while you wait?" I asked. "Coffee with milk and two sugars please. Need to keep myself awake for work today after the late night last night" he replied with a yawn. "Ok. It'll take me a while to cook everything so why don't you make yourself comfortable on the couch" I said as I put the coffee machine on. "Can I put the news on?" he asked as he walked over to the couch and flopped down on it. "Sure" I replied and then he switched the TV on.

"-reaking news this morning. An explosion has destroyed part of a mansion and a garage full of sports cars last night. Police say the property is owned by the multi-millionaire Sting Eucliffe. Luckily no one was on the property at the time of the explosion. It is estimated to be approximately ten million dollars' worth of damages. The police are currently investigating this crime further" the news lady reported. My eyes widened when I heard them mentioning Sting's name.

"That was fast" Natsu commented nonchalantly as he watched. I watched the news as the coffee machine finished brewing the coffee and then poured it into a mug. The news showed a photo of the mansion with a side burnt and crumbled into rubble. I don't think Sting's mansion being attacked at the same time I was kidnapped was a coincidence.

I added the milk and sugar to Natsu's coffee before walking over and handing it to him. "You have something to do with that aren't you?" I asked narrowing my eyes, knowing I'm right. "Just getting my money's worth" Natsu replied smugly as he took the mug from me and took a sip. "Delicious" he said with that cute smile of his like he didn't bomb Sting's mansion and cars last night. Something by that tone of voice he used tells me that that's not the only thing he did to Sting. "What else did you do?" I asked and he smirked deviously at me. "We also stole ten million dollars' worth of magic weapons, ten million dollars' worth of oil and twenty million dollars' worth of diamonds" he replied smugly. "It's payback for kidnapping you" he added before taking another sip of his coffee.

"Wait, isn't it also payback for Sting doubling the money?" I asked and he looked at me confused. "No, I don't care how much I had to pay to get you back" he replied and it felt an arrow had struck my heart. "He needed to know that I won't sit back and let him or anyone else kidnap you without paying a price" he added with a dark chuckle which gave me shivers but my heart was beating hard. 'Why is my heart beating so hard after a few words from him?' I wondered but then a thought struck me. 'Oh my Mavis...I've fallen in love with Natsu!' I inwardly exclaimed. With this new revelation in mind, I rushed back to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast.

A minute later, Laxus walked into the room tiredly with dark bags under his eyes. A large yawn escaped his mouth. "Good morning Lulu" he tiredly greeted while scratching the back of his head. I don't think he's noticed Natsu yet. "Good morning Laxy" I greeted back as I poured him his coffee the way he likes it and handed it to him. "Good morning Laxus" Natsu greeted with a bright cheeky smile and Laxus immediately glared at him. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Laxus growled. "Lucy's cooking breakfast for me" Natsu replied happily, ignoring Laxus' glare. "Sorry but there's none for you" Laxus said with a deathly glare while crossing his arms. If I don't step in, I feel like Laxus might start a fight.

I immediately stepped in front of Laxus, gaining his attention. "It's ok Laxus. Natsu spent one hundred million to save me last night so I'm ok with making breakfast to repay him" I said and then Laxus sighed. "Fine but just this once" he replied and then sat down at the kitchen island. Natsu smiled proudly, knowing he's won before turning his body to watch the TV again.

I sighed in relief and went back to cooking breakfast. What am I going to do about Laxus though? If he finds out I've fallen for Natsu, he'll freak out. I'll just have to make sure he doesn't find out until I find the right time and the courage to tell him. Hopefully, he doesn't try to kill Natsu once he finds out...

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