Chapter 84 - Tying the Knot

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Natsu's POV

Today is the day! I was so nervous and excited all at the same time as I stood at the altar facing the dark ocean waiting for Lucy to walk down the aisle. I wore a white suit with a red tie. "Relax Natsu" Happy said from my feet. I allowed him to wear his magic collar for my wedding day plus we are on my private island so there are no cops around to see.

As planned, the wedding was taking place on the beach of my private island under the stars. Around the venue, fire torches and stand-up lights lit the area. I was standing on a wooden stage with a red carpet aisle and a pink and red rose arch. Rows of white chairs lined each side of the aisle filled with our mafia family. To my right, a line of my groomsmen stood in order of Happy, Gray, Gajeel and Romeo. They all wore black suits with dark red ties. In front of me officiating the ceremony was Gramps in his wheelchair. He insisted he wanted to be the one to officiate us as Lucy's Grandfather and my predecessor.

I fixed my tie for the hundredth time and Gray groaned. "Stop touching your tie. Just relax like Happy said" he complained. I heard the music play and I knew the ceremony had begun. I straightened my body and waited for the right time to turn around. Soon all the bridesmaids had walked down the aisle and lined up to my left in order of Levy, Mira, Erza, Juvia, and Wendy. They all wore pink bridesmaid dresses and held a small bouquet of white roses.

Everyone I could see in front of me turned to look behind me in awe. "Natsu" Happy said and I turned around to the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Lucy was walking down the aisle in a white a-line dress with a sweetheart neckline and laced with constellations. She looked more beautiful than in any of my dreams. Her hair was down with a veil silver tiara on her head. In her hands was a large bouquet of red and pink roses. Attached to her arm was Laxus in a black suit to walk her down the aisle.

Lucy's POV

As I walked down the aisle with Laxus, I saw Natsu turn around and stare in awe at me. I smiled, this was the exact expression I wanted from him. He was so handsome in his white suit. I felt a blush appear on my cheeks. This was the happiest moment of my life.

I took a glance at Laxus and I noticed tears in his eyes. "Are you crying Laxy?" I asked quietly. "No" he replied as he wiped his tears away. I smiled because I knew he was trying to hide how happy he was for me. "Before I hand you to him Lulu, I want you to know I'm happy with your choice" he said and I smiled more. It made me happy to hear that from him. "Thanks Laxy" I replied and then we stopped at the end of the aisle.

Laxus handed me over to Natsu and walked to his seat in the front row on my side. Natsu grasped my hand and helped me up onto the wooden stage. I gave Gramps a warm smile before turning to face Natsu and holding both of his hands. Gramps returned a proud smile and then lightly coughed to start the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today to unite Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia in holy matrimony. May the stars and our mafia family bear witness to this momentous occasion. Natsu, do you take this woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" Gramps asked. Without hesitation and with confidence, Natsu looked me in the eyes with a bright smile and said "I do."

Gramps turned to me. "Lucy, do you take this man to be your husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" Gramps said. I looked into Natsu's eyes and with the same confidence I said "I do."

"Happy, the rings please" Gramps asked and Happy walked to sit between Natsu and me with a small blue pillow in his mouth. On top of the pillow were two gold wedding rings. Natsu and I picked up a ring each and waited for Gramps to continue. Happy walked back to his spot with the groomsmen. "Natsu, repeat after me. I, Natsu, give you Lucy, this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honour, and respect you" Gramps said. Natsu repeated his words as he slipped a gold band ring with a row of tiny pink diamonds onto my left ring finger.

"Lucy, repeat after me. I, Lucy, give you Natsu, this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honour, and respect you" Gramps said. I repeated his words as I slipped a gold band ring onto Natsu's left ring finger. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Groom, you may kiss the bride" Gramps ended.

Natsu immediately pulled me into his arms and kissed me passionately on the lips. Everyone around us cheered and applauded. When we separated, I shrieked as Natsu surprised me by picking me up into his arms. He ran down the aisle with me towards the reception area and everyone laughed.

The reception was as rowdy as any party held at the bar, but Natsu and I wouldn't have it any other way. We held our reception in the ballroom inside Natsu's mansion. Our friends were drinking merrily and partying hard. Near the end of the night from our head table, Natsu leaned over and whispered in my ear. "How about we get some privacy Mrs Dragneel?" he asked in a husky voice that sent a slight shiver down my spine. "Lead the way Mr Dragneel" I replied and his face lit up like it was Christmas.

He stood up and caught everyone's attention. "Everyone! Lucy and I are going to retire to bed for the night. You're all welcome to keep the party going and all drinks are on me!" he said and everyone cheered at the free alcohol. Natsu turned to me and held out his hand. I took it and he helped me out of my chair before leading me to our bedroom.

As soon as we arrived at our bedroom, I noticed red rose petals trail leading from the door to the king-sized bed. I looked at Natsu who had an 'innocent' smile on his face. "Subtle" I said sarcastically with a playful eyeroll. "Well, would you help me out of my dress Mr Dragneel?" I asked teasingly and walked to the end of the bed with my back to him. He immediately rushed to stand behind me. "As you wish Mrs Dragneel" he said and I could hear the smirk on his face. He gently pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me. His eyes were hungry for something other than food. He cupped my cheek with his hand and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I kissed him back with equal passion. All night he made sweet love to me.

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