Chapter 48 - Rescue: Part 2

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Natsu's POV

I smirked, Ivan really thinks he could kill the mighty Natsu Dragneel. "You're completely outnumbered. Prepare to die" Ivan said with confidence. "Are we now?" my smirk widened. As soon as I finished that sentence, two of Ivan's men were shot dead in the back of the head from the large window behind them. "What the?!" Ivan exclaimed and then he ducked for cover in front of his desk while his three remaining men hid behind other large objects around the room.

While they were focused on not getting shot, I shot another one of Ivan's men. Now it was down to Ivan, Kurohei and Nullpudding. "Look at that. Now we're even" I said and then put a finger up to my ear. "Thanks Alzack, thanks Bisca. We've got it from here" I said through my earpiece. "No problem Boss" I heard them reply. This was all going to plan. I knew Ivan would have bodyguards, so I had Fairy Tail's best snipers, Alzack and Bisca, hide in the trees by the room he's hiding in for this moment as backup.

Ivan growled at how the tables have turned on him. "Leave Ivan to me" I told Laxus and Erza. "Fine by me just make sure he suffers" Laxus said with his arms crossed. "I will" I chuckled while putting on my Fire Dragon Slayer gloves and then punched my fist into my hand, lighting them up. "I'm all fired up" I said. Luckily Ivan's office was huge enough for a massive beat down.

Ivan stood up and then opened a wooden box on his desk. He dug his hand inside and pulled out a human-shaped paper cut out with blue and red markings. "I'm pretty sure you'll be the one who will be suffering" he said and then threw the paper cut out. Thousands of paper cutouts flew out of the wooden box to join the first one and formed into five streams.

The streams flew at me and hit my sides. I fired up my gloves more and punched away each stream over and over. My flames weed out large groups of paper cutouts but there were still too many and they kept flying out of the box. I made a circle shape with my hands and put it up to my mouth. "Fire Dragon ROAR!" I chanted and fire blew out of my gloves like I was breathing fire. My roar burnt away half of the paper cut out while the other half scattered away. The remaining paper cutouts flew together to gather above Ivan and formed into a huge ball. It grew bigger the more paper cutouts flew in.

"When I kill you, I'm going to show off your decapitated head to Lucy and watch her weep with the loss of her lover. Maybe then she will become stronger" Ivan shouted. My blood boiled at the thought of Lucy crying. How dare she call her weak too! Suddenly the paper cut out ball shined purple and then Ivan pointed his hand towards me. I quickly jumped away, next to a bookcase, as the magic ball flew towards me. I quickly threw down the bookcase in front of me and hid behind it before the magic ball landed. The magic ball created a large purple explosion but thanks to the now mostly destroyed bookcase, I survived the bomb.

I leapt out and charged towards Ivan. He thrust his hand out and more paper cut out streams attacked me. With one swift move, I burnt away the paper cutouts and closed the distance between us so that I was standing in front of him. He pulled out his gun as a last line of defence and aimed it at me. I quickly pushed his gun away with the back of my hand and then used my other hand to undercut him. The force of my punch threw him back, but I didn't let it end there.

I charged forward again and punched him over and over again. He was slow to react to my attacks. My punches continued until he hit a wall and slid down. He tried pointing his gun at me again but I kicked it away and then stomped my foot on his chest, holding him there. He weakly glared up at me. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at his heart. I'll 'warm' up that cold dead heart of his.

"Wait a minute Boss" Laxus interrupted me. I turned to look at him as he walked over. A few metres behind him laid Nullpudding's dead body. "Let me be the one to kill him. It wouldn't be right if I involved you in my family matters" he said. I thought about it, but what if Lucy hates Laxus for killing their father. She's a kindhearted person and I'm sure she still has some feelings deep down inside for her father. I couldn't let Lucy hate her brother over something like this.

"No, I'll do it. Let me be the bad guy. Any final words?" I replied and then faced Ivan. "I should've made Lucy suffer more just to see the angry faces on both of you" Ivan said just to irritate us. "Rot in hell" both Laxus and I growled and then I shot Ivan as I stepped off of him. His entire body was engulfed in flames, and he let out a bloodcurdling scream. Within seconds, his body was burnt away into a crisp.

Laxus sighed, "it's finally over" he said. I smiled, now Lucy is safe from her father but I just hope she won't hate me for killing him. "Any news on Lucy?" Erza asked as she joined us. I'm guessing she has defeated her opponent, Kurohei. As soon as she mentioned Lucy, I eagerly picked up my radio. "Let me check" I told her before turning on the radio.

The only reason we were using handheld radios instead of our earpieces for this part of the mission was to make sure our earpieces weren't interfered this time. When Ivan and his members took me and Lucy, they tampered with our equipment so we couldn't contact the others. So Levy came up with the idea of using handheld radios this time, which use a different frequency, to communicate.

"Oi Ice Princess, have you found Lucy yet?" I asked through the radio. There was a minute of silence as we waited for a response. We began to worry until we heard "we got her Ash-for-brains. She's safe and sound. We're bringing her to the extraction point" Gray replied. I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding. I was so happy to hear the good news. She's safe and coming home.

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