Chapter 43 - If you love something set it free

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Lucy's POV

"Argh!" Natsu exclaimed as he was punched in the stomach by Nullpudding. My father and his Raven Tail members had taken us to their Headquarters. They'd took us down to the dungeon and chained Natsu's arms above his head. Natsu had been taking punches from Nullpudding and Kurohebi as well as whiplashes from Flare and my father for about an hour.

Natsu's shirt was ripped off from the beatings so he was now shirtless. His toned muscular torso was littered with red marks and cuts. Blood dripped from his deep cuts. "Stop it!" I cried as I helplessly watched him being tortured. My arms were cuffed behind my back and my father was holding me back by my arm. "Please stop" I begged as I cried and pulled against my father's grip.

My father ignored my cries. This is all my fault if I didn't try to convince Natsu to let me leave Dragneel Inc. for a walk none of this would be happening. There's one thing I needed to know, why has my father been so persistent in capturing me in the first place. He never cared about me before so why now? "Father" I called and he turned to look at me. "Yes my girl?" he replied. "Why? Why were you trying so hard to kidnap me?" I asked as I looked into his eyes. "Does a father need a reason to bring their daughter back?" he replied. My eyes told him I didn't believe him and then he sighed.

"It's a simple reason. I want to groom you into becoming my heir. Laxus was supposed to take that role but he chose to stay with the Fairy Tail mafia. I was furious with his decision but then I realised you would be a better candidate with your smarts. I was going to wait another year before bringing you to Raven Tail, so you could continue your normal life a bit longer, but I had to speed up the timeline since you found out about Fairy Tail" he explained.

"What makes you think I would ever agree?" I said strongly. Natsu's told me about all their horrible deeds. I don't want to be a part of a mafia like that. "I'll get you to agree somehow" he smirked and then looked back at Natsu's torture. "Give me your whip Flare" he ordered and Flare handed him her whip. He lashed the whip hard across Natsu's chest, making him scream. It broke my heart more every single time they hurt him. 'I can't take this anymore' I thought as my tears flowed down my cheeks.

"I'll become your heir so let him go!" I shouted. "Lucy...don't..." Natsu said weakly while panting heavily. "I'm glad you've come to your senses and decided to become my heir but why should I let him go? He's the boss of Fairy Tail" my father said. "Because I love him!" I shouted back and then everyone's eyes widened in shock especially Natsu's. He weakly raised his head a little higher to look at me. "I love him so please let him go" I sobbed. Now Natsu knows my feelings.

My father raised a hand to his chin and thought for a moment. When he came up with an answer, a smirk grew on his face. "Alright, I'll agree to your terms. You'll become my heir in exchange for his life" he confirmed, and I nodded. "Knock him out and let him go" he ordered his members. Nullpudding obeyed and punched Natsu's stomach harder to knock him out. "" Natsu muttered before his body went limp. It was painful to think I may never see him again, but this was the only solution for him to stay alive. It's like the saying, 'If you love something set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If not, it was never meant to be'. Maybe one day Natsu and I will reunite.

Nullpudding, Kurohebi and Flare began to unchain Natsu as my father uncuffed me. I rubbed my red wrists as I watched them take Natsu away. My eyes never left Natsu's body until he was out of sight. Once he was gone, my face went emotionless. "You promise your men won't harm him while taking him back to Fairy Tail?" I asked my father in a monotone voice. "I promise and I hope you keep your side of the deal as well" he replied with a smirk and I nodded. 'Laxus is going to freak out when he finds out I've joined Raven Tail. Sorry Big Brother' I thought, imagining Laxus' rage.

"Come with me. I will show you to your room and we will start your training first thing tomorrow morning" my father said, and I obediently followed him. 'Natsu, I'm sorry' I thought as a single tear fell down my cheek from my emotionless eye. I hope someday he will forgive me.

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