Chapter 79 - Night Fright

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Lucy's POV

A creak woke me up from my slumber. It's my first night being back in my own bed. After a week of staying in the infirmary, Wendy said I was well enough to go home. My mind immediately thought that maybe Acnologia somehow survived the fall or had raised from beyond the grave to kill me. Although the latter is very unrealistic. I turned around towards the window only to find a shadowy figure standing beside my bed.

Just as I let out a scream, the shadowy figure put his hand over my mouth muffling my scream. "Shhhhhh! It's me Natsu" the figure whispered. My body relaxed when I heard his voice although my heart was still beating out of my chest. He moved his hand away from my mouth and I sat up. "Natsu! You almost-mm" Natsu covered my mouth with his hand again. "Shhhh! I don't want Laxus to know I'm here. He'll kill me if he finds out I snuck in" he whispered. I shoved his hand off my mouth, "who's to say I won't kill you for scaring the life out of me" I said back with a light glare and turned on my bedside lamp. The light illuminated the room. He chuckled nervously, "oops sorry. In my defence, I was hoping not to wake you" he replied with that charming signature smile of his.

"Why are you sneaking into my room and how did you get in here?" I asked. He blushed and looked away while scratching the back of his neck. "The window and..." he paused, and I waited for him to continue. "I couldn't sleep without you. I get nightmares" he continued, clearly embarrassed. My heart warmed at his answer and I didn't have the heart to turn him away. Even while I was healing in the infirmary, Natsu stayed with me every night. If he had a choice, he would've stayed all day too but Erza kept dragging him out of the room to do his boss duties. This explained why he chose to stay with me rather than sleeping in his own comfortable bed.

I patted the empty spot beside me on the bed. "Come on then" I said and his face brightened up like a child on Christmas. He stripped off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers. My face felt slightly hot, no matter how many times I see his shirt off, he always makes me blush. He jumped into my bed and then opened up his arms. I smiled at his cute and obvious invitation. I happily shuffled closer into his arms so we could cuddle. My head rested on his chest and wrapped one arm around his torso. His arm rested behind my head and his other arm rested on my arm around him. The warmth his body created made me want to melt back to sleep. "Goodnight" Natsu said softly and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight" I replied with a yawn and slipped back into my peaceful dreams.

We woke up abruptly by a loud deep roar. "NATSU!" Laxus' voice boomed into the room from my doorway. Our eyes snapped open and Natsu scrambled out of my bed. "Laxus!" I shouted angrily, how dare he scare Natsu out of my arms when I was extremely comfortable! "M-Morning Laxus" Natsu nervously greeted, probably hoping to calm Laxus down to some extent.

"How dare you sneak into Lucy's room!" Laxus growled. Damn Laxus' protectiveness! I crawled out of bed and stood in front of Natsu. "I thought we were over this! Natsu is always welcome in my bedroom since he is my boyfriend" I argued. Laxus stepped closer until our faces were only inches away. I didn't move and kept serious eye contact with him. "Not under my roof he's not!" Laxus argued back. Well since this is Laxus' condo, I can't argue with that fact but there is something I can fight back with. "Then I'll move in with Natsu" I argued which shocked both Laxus and Natsu. "What?!" they both exclaimed. I looked over my shoulder to look at Natsu. I better make sure he's ok with this. "Are you ok with this Natsu?" I asked and a blush dusted his face. "Y-Y-Yeah, of course it is!" he replied happily.

Laxus growled and then launched past me to attack Natsu. Immediately Natsu jumped over the bed to run away from Laxus. "Stop it!" I shouted as their chase circled around the room a couple of times before moving into the living room. Natsu parkour over furniture to avoid Laxus. I sighed since neither was listening to me and stood in the hallway watching them. "What's going on?" I heard a female voice behind me and saw Mira tiredly walk out of LAXUS' ROOM! So he can have his girlfriend in his room but I can't have my boyfriend in mine?! Unfair!

I explained the whole situation to Mira and she turned mad. "My ship" she growled and then stomped over to the boys. She grabbed Laxus by his ear and started dragging him towards his room. "Ow, ow, ow, Mira. She's my little sister" Laxus whined as he was pulled. "She doesn't need your protection from Natsu. Now accept your punishment" Mira replied before dragging him into his room and slamming the door shut.

"Phew" I heard Natsu say in relief before walkingto me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back into my bedroom. After shuttingthe door, I pulled him over to the bed and sat down. He sat down next to me withoutletting go of my hand. "Did you really mean what you said before? Do you reallywant to move in with me?" he asked. His eyes searched my face for any sign of doubt.I was completely confident in my decision, and I believe it was time for ourrelationship to take the next step. "Yes I do, as long as it's fine with you?"I replied with a smile. His eyes lit up at my response. "Of course! I'm sohappy! We need to start packing right now!" he replied and jumped to his feet. Hepulled my suitcase out of my cupboard and began throwing my clothes from mydresser into the suitcase. Wow, I was surprised by how eager he was for me to movein but it was very cute. With a bright smile on my face, I stood up and helpedhim pack my suitcase. Looks like I'm living with Natsu and Happy from now on.

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