Chapter 58 - Death Wish

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Natsu's POV

I was met with silence as I entered Fairy Tail's underground bar. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. All the main lights were on so I could see everyone's stern faces and they could see my angry expression. "This bastard has a death wish. I want EVERYONE searching for the person who did this to her" I ordered. The thought of Lucy's face back in the lobby made me angry. I will find who did this to her and I will personally kill them in the worst way possible. "Yes sir!" everyone replied sternly. Every one of them could tell I was in no mood for joking around. "I'll hack into the city cameras and trace back where Lucy's been" Levy spoke up. "Good, let me know what you find" I said with a nod.

Next thing on the agenda, I need to pick a couple of bodyguards for Lucy especially if I'm not around her and I had the perfect people in mind. "Gray and Erza" I called and said people stepped forward. Even though we fight a lot, Gray is my right-hand man and I trust he will do anything to keep Lucy safe. As for Erza, she's one of the strongest women in Fairy Tail and also S-Class. "I want you two to personally guard Lucy along with Laxus until I say otherwise" I ordered and both nodded sternly. I'm sure Laxus won't want to leave Lucy's side when he gets back.

Suddenly my mobile began to ring. I took a glance at who was calling me and saw Wendy's name. I immediately answered and then I heard Wendy talking frantically with Lucy screaming in the background. "Boss, come quick I need your help" she said and I quickly hung up the phone before turning to everyone. "Meeting dismissed. Everyone knows their job. Gray, Erza, come with me" I said quickly before rushing to the elevator with Gray and Erza close behind.

As soon as I burst through the infirmary, I saw Wendy trying to hold down Lucy who was thrashing and screaming in her sleep. This is worst than I thought. I ran over and held Lucy down by her shoulders while Gray and Erza held down each of her legs. Once we had Lucy held down, Wendy stepped away and ran for a syringe on the table beside the bed. She quickly stuck it in the IV bag that was connected to Lucy's arm. After a couple of minutes, Lucy settled back into a peaceful sleep.

"What the hell was that?" I asked Wendy as we all stepped away from Lucy. "A side effect from the drug that's in her system" she replied. "Wait, drug?" Gray asked and Erza crossed her arms, waiting for Wendy to explain. "I took a blood test while Lucy was asleep and I found traces of a powerful drug inside her blood. I can't exactly identify every single ingredient but from the ingredients I did find and the symptoms Lucy was showing, it's a drug that controls the mind" Wendy explained. My anger reached a new height as my glare intensified and my hands tightly formed into fists. Everyone in the room took a step away from me. If I could, I would've burst into raging flames on the spot with how much my blood boiled. There is only one person I know who is capable and crazy enough to make a powerful drug like this. I pray that Lucy didn't run into HIM.

"Are there any long-term damages?" Erza asked while keeping an eye on me. "Luckily no. Once the drug wears off, Lucy should be back to her normal self but..." she paused, looking over at me. "What?" I asked, trying to calm down so I didn't scare Wendy. Lucy would be really upset with me if she found out I scared Wendy because of my anger. "It'll take her a week to fully get the mystery drug out of her system" she replied. I couldn't take it anymore. "AAAAAH!" I shouted as I punched the wall beside Lucy's bed and created a hole. None of them spoke a word about the damage I did to the poor wall. The fact that Lucy would go through this fear and suffering for a week, awake and asleep, was going to tear me apart from the inside.

After I took a couple of deep breaths, I lowered my fist and turned back to Wendy. "Is there anything we can do to reduce her suffering?" I asked, trying to regain my calm exterior. "I have one solution. We have to keep her sedated until the drug wears off" she suggested. I sighed with a bit of relief. Even though not having Lucy around will be painful for me, at least she won't suffer from being under the drug's side effects. When she wakes up, I'm going to take a whole week off work just to spend time with her and to make up for the lost time.

My mobile beeped and I checked my messages. It was from Levy. 'I found something. Come up at my office' she wrote. I quickly texted back 'on my way' before looking up at Gray and Erza who were watching me. "Levy's found something. You two stay here and guard her" I ordered. "Yes Boss" they both replied and then I left the room.

"What did you find?" I demanded to know as soon as I walked into Levy's office and stood beside her. "You're not going to like it" she warned before turning to her computer. "I traced Lucy's tracks till the time she was attacked" Levy explained as I watched a rewind of fearful Lucy running towards Dragneel Inc. She slowed down the video when Lucy was emerging from an alleyway but something or should I say someone caught my eye. "Wait, play the video" I order. She paused the video and then made it run forward. "Stop" I said, having her stop the video at the frame I wanted. I glared at the person who came out the alley after Lucy. There was no way I could forget his face...Acnologia. So it was him. My blood boiled just by the sight of him.

"Keep rewinding. I want to see what he did to her" I growled at the end. She rewinds it to the time where Lucy was walking home from work at Sorcerer Weekly. A small smile grew on my face at seeing how happy she looked until she turned into a crowded street where Acnologia was staring right at her. I grit my teeth knowing this was a clear ambush while leaning closer to the monitor with my fisted hand against Levy's desk. Lucy stopped when she noticed Acnologia and soon fear crossed her face. A sinister smirk grew on Acnologia's face from sensing Lucy's fear. I wanted to punch that smirk right off his face. It seems like Lucy remembered my warning because she walked in the opposite direction and then ran once she turned the corner. Acnologia followed after her in a casual walk like he knew she wouldn't get away from him.

"I tracked Lucy's route and found she was heading the long way to here" Levy said as the city cameras switched from camera to camera, following Lucy as she ran. Lucy constantly looked over her shoulder to check if Acnologia was still following which he always was. He took a turn into an alleyway a while back before dragging Lucy into another alleyway ahead of her.

My fists tightened to the point that my nails dug into my skin, drawing blood, when I saw him grab Lucy by the throat and pin her against the wall. Lucy grabbed his wrist as she struggled to breathe. I had to take a deep breath to keep my cool. Another smirk grew on Acnologia's face. He said a few words to her that we couldn't pick up on audio before reaching into his pocket for something. Lucy opened her mouth to scream but he quickly covered her mouth with whatever was in his hand.

He said a few more words as Lucy struggled against his grip to avoid swallowing whatever he gave her. Becoming impatient, he used his thumb and finger to pinch her nose to force her to swallow. When she swallowed the unknown substance, a sinister smile grew on his face and he removed his hand from her mouth. After exchanging some words, Lucy began to look terrified almost as bad as how she looked when she burst into the lobby. She struggled frantically against his grip on her neck.

When Acnologia leaned close to Lucy's ear, I slammed my fist onto the desk and turned away angrily. Levy flinched at my reaction. I sighed angrily while combing my hair back with my hand before turning back to the monitor which by that point he had released Lucy. Without a second thought, she ran towards Dragneel Inc. and then Levy turned off the video. She stayed quiet as she waited for me to process the video.

"Levy, I want you to show this video to everyone and then I want you to track Acnologia's movements after his encounter with Lucy" I ordered and then turned towards the door. "Let's find that son of a bitch" I growled while stomping out of her office. When I find him, I will KILL him for hurting the love of my life.

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