Chapter 31 - Why did I do that?!

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Natsu's POV

As the others and I were about to leave for Crocus for the deal with Sabertooth, I noticed Lucy seem anxious so I decided to talk to her. At first I thought she was worried about her big brother but I was wrong. She was having a bad feeling about the deal and I tried to reassure her that we would be fine, but she wasn't 100% convinced.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it" I said as I put my hand on her head. I don't know what came over me but I then kissed her forehead. I jumped back in shock once I realised what I just did and then noticed her face was as red as Erza's hair. "A-Ah well I ah-see ya!" I stuttered nervously and then bolted towards one of the cars. My face felt like it was burning. I jumped into the back of the car I was designated to be traveling in and then slammed the door shut.

'Why did I do that?!' I inwardly exclaimed while covering my lips. I can't believe I kissed her! Even though it was only a kiss on the forehead, a kiss is still a kiss. "Stupid, stupid, stupid" I scolded myself. "I already know you're stupid" I heard Gray's voice and noticed he was sitting in the driver's seat. "When did you get here?!" I exclaimed while jumping in my seat. "A minute ago" he said and then waved out the window. I turned to see Lucy waving bye to us. I waved back before Gray started the car and drove out of the driveway with the other cars. "So did you kiss your girlfriend goodbye?" he joked with a chuckle as he drove. My cheeks heated up again. "N-No and s-she's not my g-girlfriend" I denied but I was mentally scolding myself for stuttering.

He glanced through the rear-view mirror at me and then smirked when he noticed my blush. "No way. You kissed Lucy?" he said, surprised. "Only on the forehead!" I defended but his smirk grew. "Oh man! I knew you liked her!" he laughed, and I became angry. "Shut up! What about you huh? You haven't kissed Juvia yet" I threw back at him with a smirk at the end. "S-Shut up!" he shouted as he accidentally swerved into the opposite side of the road. "Look out!" I shouted as a car was coming right at us, honking its horn. Gray immediately swerved back onto our side of the road. 'That was close' I thought as we both sighed in relief.

"Teasing aside, I'm rooting for you, and I'm not the only one" he genuinely said, and I smiled. "Thanks" I replied. "Although I am looking forward to watching 'big brother' Laxus beat you up for taking his sweet little sister" he chuckled, and I became pissed. "Bastard" I grumbled quietly but he didn't argue back because he was driving. A few years ago, we made a rule that we would never fight while one of us is behind the wheel. It was created because we had a car accident while having one of our usual fights. Luckily, no one was hurt in the end but we're not going to make that mistake again.

"So, what were you and Lucy talking about before we left?" Gray asked, changing the subject. "She had a bad feeling about the deal" I replied while looking out the window at the passing scenery. Her bad feeling made me concerned. Should I heed her bad feeling? What if her bad feeling comes true? I can't risk having any of my friends hurt badly or killed.

"Really? Are you going to trust her bad feeling?" he asked. "Well yeah. I trust Lucy's judgement" I replied. I wouldn't put it passed Sabertooth if this whole deal is a trap. I wonder what's she's doing right now. Hopefully Loke isn't flirting with her but after Laxus' threat, I highly doubt that.

"She'll make an excellent mafia wife someday" Gray commented. "Oi, don't go planning my wedding just yeeeeeee-argh" I stopped as my stomach started to do somersaults. 'When was the last time I took my motion sickness tablets?' I wondered as I collapsed across the back seat.

"Argh, don't tell me you forgot to take your tablets again and they've worn off" Gray complained as he heard my groans. "How long?" I asked weakly while holding my flipping stomach. "We'll be there in two and a half hours" he replied. "Noooo!" I cried. "Should've taken your tablets then. By the way you better not vomit on my leather seats" he replied and continued driving while putting on some music to drown out my groans.

After two and a half hours of torture, we finally reached the hotel we were staying in for the night. The deal is going down tonight but we're staying at the hotel afterwards and then driving home in the morning. "Erza!" Gray called out as soon as he got out of the car. I was still recovering in the back seat from the two and a half hours of motion sickness. "What is it Gray?" Erza asked as she walked up to him. "Natsu forgot to take his tablets again" Gray replied as he opened the car door to show Erza my weakened state.

She sighed, "what have I told you about taking your tablets" she scolded and then grabbed the spare tablets from her bag. She handed them to me with an unopened bottle of water. I weakly took the tablet and swallowed it down with water. "Woohoo!" I cheered as the somersaults in my stomach stopped.

"Well it was quiet while it lasted" Gray complained and I glared at him. "What was that Droopy Eyes? If you've got a problem then say it to my face" I argued and he glared back. "I was saying how much better the trip was when you weren't talking the whole way, Squinty Eyes" he argued back. "You wanna piece of me?!" I shouted as we clashed our foreheads together. "I'll take you head on!" he shouted back. "Enough!" Erza shouted as she forced our heads apart with a crack of our necks. I grabbed my head and clicked it back upright. "We don't have time for your bickering" Erza scolded. "Yes ma'am" we said in unison and then I got serious. "We have a few hours before the meeting, and we've got a lot to do before then. Let's get to work" I ordered and the others nodded back.

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