Chapter 39 - Letter to Lucy

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Natsu's POV

"Wow, sounds like you went through a lot to join me on this date. I'm honoured" I said with a bright smile and she blushed cutely. Just knowing she blushes at what I say makes my heart skip a beat. I noticed we had both finished our plates of spaghetti and decided it's time to move onto dessert.

"Excuse me for a moment" I said before leaving my seat with the two finished dishes to get the desserts from the fridge. I put both plates into the sink and then found in the fridge two strawberry parfaits and a plate of chocolate-dipped strawberries. Next to the plate was a folded note that read 'You're Welcome' with a drawn winking face. I playfully rolled my eyes with a small smile, 'thanks Mira' I thought before taking the desserts out and closing the fridge.

I brought them over to the table and placed a strawberry parfait in front of Lucy. Her eyes lit up at the dessert while I place my parfait in front of me and the chocolate-dipped strawberries in between us. "Wow this looks delicious. Did you make these too?" she asked. "Actually no. These were made by Mira" I replied. She took a bite of her strawberry parfait and moaned in delight. "I love strawberries and chocolate-dipped strawberries are my favourite" she said and then took a chocolate-dipped strawberry. 'Thanks Mira' I thought happily now that I found out one of Lucy's favourite foods.

While she was enjoying the dessert, I knew it was time to confess to her but I felt so nervous. "So ah Lucy, there's something I wanted to tell you" I said. She looked up at me and put down her spoon, giving me her full attention. "I lovvvvvv..." I was surprised by my hesitance. It was like my mouth didn't want to work properly so I tried again. "I loooovvvvv" I hesitated again. 'What the hell is wrong with me?! Just say the three damn words' I inwardly scolded myself. Lucy had a bit of a confused expression on her face but waited patiently for me to finish. "I loooove...THIS DESSERT!" I panicked and then stuffed a big spoonful of dessert into my mouth. 'You idiot!' I inwardly facepalmed. Lucy looked a bit disappointed but then gave me a small smile. "It is delicious. I should ask Mira for the recipe" she replied and then continued eating her dessert.

After we finished our dessert, it was time for Lucy to go home. "Thank you for the dinner tonight Natsu. I had a great time" she said as she turned to me on the other side of the door. "The pleasure was all mine. Good night Lucy" I said. "Good night" she replied with a smile and then I closed the door. I took two steps to the side and started banging my head against the wall. "Stupid, stupid, stupid" I muttered repeatedly to myself. I'm a fucking Mafia Boss and I was too scared to say three simple words.

'Maybe it was too soon to tell her?' I thought. Raven Tail is still after her so it's probably better to wait until after this all blows over anyway, but I can't just leave it like this. I should write a letter and send it to Lucy tonight. If I write it down, then I won't sound as stupid as I did earlier. I rushed around my apartment to find a pen and clean piece of paper before writing the letter on the kitchen island.

Dear Lucy,

There's something I was too nervous to tell you tonight, but I realised now it may have not been the right time to tell you. Once everything with Raven Tail is over, please let me take you out for dinner again and tell you when the time is right.

Yours sincerely,


After I finished writing down the letter, I walked into my room and opened my secret safe. It was hidden in a concealed compartment behind my row of suits in my walk-in wardrobe. I typed the combination and then opened it to take out a special green cat collar. Usually, I only use this collar in case of emergencies, but I need this to help get my letter to Lucy without Laxus seeing it. After locking the safe again, I walked out into the lounge room looking for my blue cat. "Happy" I called out and he jumped onto the back of the lounge. He looked excited to wear the collar again as he noticed it in my hand.

I wrapped the collar around his neck and clipped it on. "Ah, thank goodness I can talk again! I know why I can't wear this collar all the time but it feels so good to be able to talk" Happy rambled, happily. The collar is a special magic collar that allows Happy to speak. Since it's illegal to have magic weapons and items like this, it was safer for us to keep it off.

"It's good to hear your voice again little buddy. Now, I have a special mission for you" I said and then handed him the folded letter. "What's that?" he asked as he sniffed it. "It's a letter to Lucy and I need you to get it to her without Laxus knowing" I replied and he smirked. "You loooooove~ her" he teased. "Finally I can say that!" he added. 

"Don't make me take off that collar and get Panther Lily to deliver my message" I warned. He has a non-existent romantic rivalry against Panther Lily, Gajeel's black cat, over Wendy's white cat, Carla. "Fine. Gimme the message" he groaned and then I put it gently into his mouth. White wings sprouted from his back and he flew towards the open balcony door. The collar also gives him the ability to fly called Aera magic. "Don't be seen" I reminded him. "I know" he muffled back since the paper was in his mouth. I walked over and sat down on the lounge, waiting for Happy to come back.

After half an hour, I was wondering what could be taking him so long but then he flew back into the apartment with another letter in his mouth. He landed next to me on the lounge and placed the letter on my lap. "It's a reply from Lucy" he told me and I eagerly opened the letter.

Dear Natsu,

I look forward to it.

Yours sincerely,


A smile grew on my face as I read her letter. I can't wait to take her out to dinner again but until then I can still take her on some other smaller dates. Hopefully, by the time I take her out to dinner again, I will be able to say those three words without stumbling. 

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