Chapter 51 - Confession or Rejection

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Lucy's POV

A round of applause roared as soon as we entered the lobby. Everyone cheered, "Party in the cafeteria for Lucy's return!" Cana shouted happily while throwing a fist in the air. "You just want to drink" Macao said and everyone chuckled. Suddenly someone grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the crowd. "Woah" I exclaimed and then turned to see it was Natsu who was pulling me towards the elevator.

"Oi Natsu! Where are you taking my sister?!" Laxus shouted and was about to run after us but Gray, Erza and Gajeel blocked him. Natsu pulled me into the elevator and pressed the button to his top-floor office. "I'll bring her back down to the party after I'm done with her" he said with a smirk before the elevator doors shut.

The entire trip up the elevator was silent. My anxiety was growing the closer the elevator climbed to his office. Thoughts raced through my mind, but they were all hoping that he wasn't going to reject my confession. My heart felt like it sunk into my stomach when the elevator dinged and the doors open.

Natsu was the first one out of the elevator and he gently pulled me out with him. My cheeks heated up when I realised we have been holding hands the entire time. He pulled me towards the skyline window with the entire view of the city and then gently released my hand while turning to face me. I took a deep breath, ready for whatever he was about to say.

He took a nervous deep breath in and out before looking directly into my eyes. "Lucy. When Raven Tail took you away from me, I became lost and angry. Angry enough to lose my cool, which I rarely ever do, but this time I was angry at myself. I was angry at the fact that I couldn't protect you at the time and in the end, you sacrificed your freedom for my life..." he paused and looked out the window. Regret was evident on his face. "You know that was my choice Natsu. I couldn't just stand there and let them kill you. It hurt me to see them torture you" I replied. I felt tears coming as I remember my father torturing him. Natsu surprised me by whipping around to face me again and gently cupping my face with his hands.

"I know but I couldn't let you go! Especially when I haven't replied to your confession" he replied passionately which shocked my tears away. He took a breath and then continued. I could see the determination in his deep onyx eyes. "I love you, Lucy. I always have since the moment I saw you" he said and then I felt tears coming back again but this time they were happy tears. "Ah! Why are you crying?!" he exclaimed with worry, and I giggled. "They're happy tears you idiot" I said and placed my hands over his. He smiled that handsome smile of his and then leant down. His lips sealed over mine and I felt sparks fly within me.

When we separated, his hands guided my hands down until they rested comfortably in front of us. He raised my right hand where my ring sat. "This ring wasn't just a tracker. It's a promise ring that I will always come for you, protect you and love you" he said. I let go of his hands to wrap my arms around his neck and then pulled him into another kiss. He immediately returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly like he never wanted to let me go. Truthfully, I hoped he never would let me go.

After we separated from the kiss, he smirked. "Looks like we have two reasons to celebrate at the party" he said. "And what are they?" I playfully asked. "You returning to Fairy Tail and you becoming my girlfriend" he replied. I like the sound of being called his girlfriend.

"Speaking of the party, we shouldn't let our friends wait too long for the guest-of-honour" I said, releasing our hug. He grasped my left hand and interlocked our fingers before pulling me towards the elevator. "You're right and I'm so fired up to rub it in Ice Stripper's face that I got a girlfriend before he did" he replied enthusiastically. I giggled and then we entered the elevator.

Suddenly his face drained of colour and he had a look of worry as soon as the elevator doors closed. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I almost forgot your brother is probably going to kill me when he finds out I'm your boyfriend now" he replied. "Don't worry I'll protect you" I winked at him and he chuckled. "I feel safer already" he joked.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, the party was in full swing. Everyone was happily drinking and talking with one another. It was great to see this again. An arm surprised me as it wrapped over my shoulders. "Finally you two decided to join us" Cana said and then her eyes travelled down to our intertwined hands. She whistled and then turned to the crowd. "Hey everybody! Look at the happy new couple!" she called out. Everyone turned their attention to us and then cheered when they saw us as a couple.

"Finally you two got together. Gajeel, you owe me a hundred dollars. Pay up" Gray smirked and held his hand out palm up towards Gajeel. Gajeel groaned in disappointment but handed over the money. "You bet on us?!" Natsu exclaimed. "Yeah, I bet you would confess your feelings" Gray said, "and I bet you would chicken out" Gajeel added. "I can't believe you guys" Natsu playfully glared at them and I giggled.

Natsu's face turned pale when Laxus pushed himself to stand in front of us. Natsu froze under Laxus' deadly glare. Beads of sweat dripped down his face in fear but I knew he has nothing to worry about. I could tell behind Laxus' expression wasn't an intention to kill. Out of nowhere, I heard a click and found Gray taking a photo of Natsu and Laxus. If Natsu finds out about that photo, he will surely burn Gray's phone.

"You better protect her" Laxus said sternly. "Yes sir" Natsu replied. Sir? Laxus turned to leave but paused. "If you ever break her heart, I will break you" he said with a side glare. "Don't plan on it" Natsu said with determination and looked Laxus dead in the eye. A proud smirk grew on Laxus' face before he continuing to leave. When Laxus left the room, Natsu let out the breath he was holding the whole time. "Looks like you got Laxus' blessing Salamander" Gajeel chuckled. "Good for you Natsu" Erza said with a smile.

"Lu, come over here" Levy said and then pulled me away from Natsu. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him pout. So cute. Levy pulled me over to one side of the room and all the girls followed. "The girls and I have decided to have a girls-only sleepover at Erza's tonight" she told me. "I'm in" I said and the girls smiled. "Great because you have to tell us how Natsu confessed to you" Mira said and I lightly sighed. I should've known they were going to want all the details.

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