Chapter 4 - Fire and Ice

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"I can't speak about the details here but I left a file on your desk back at HQ. You need to leave by tomorrow morning" Natsu said to Laxus. While they were talking I heard a car pulling up outside my apartment and I looked outside my window. A lady with long braided red hair that was tied behind her waist, a red dress and red arm-length gloves stepped out of the car with four men in black. I didn't like the look of these people. "Guys!" I called out to Natsu and Laxus. They rushed to the window and glared at the people below.

"Shit" Natsu said with a scowl and then walked a little away from the window calling someone on his phone. "Oi Ice Princess, we've got trouble. Cover our exit and tell Metal Head to have the car ready in the back alley. We will be coming out of the back exit" he said before hanging up and pulling out his gun.

"Lucy, I need you to stay close to me alright. I won't let them hurt you" Laxus said as he pulled me away from the window and pulled out his gun. "Wait a minute, who are they?" I asked, scared about what's about to happen. "The crazy red-haired bitch is named Flare and they're from our old man's mafia, Raven Tail. I'll explain more later but right now we have to get out of here" he replied. That derange woman is from Father's mafia?! "Flare might take the elevator so the stairs are our best option. I'll go first, Laxus you'll cover our backs" Natsu ordered. "Yes Boss" Laxus replied.

I felt scared but strangely safe with Natsu and Laxus. Natsu grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the door with Laxus following closely behind us. Both men had their guns out, ready for a gunfight to break out. Natsu opened the door slightly and peeked through the gap. "The coast is clear" he said and we hurriedly walked to the staircase. As soon as we were about to descend the staircase, two of the men in black were coming up and spotted us. Natsu quickly pulled me into his arms and then pulled me behind the wall next to the staircase before the men started firing at us. I screamed and put my hands over my ears inside Natsu's arms. Natsu fired some rounds back while Laxus focused his gun on the elevator in case it opened.

"Lets go" Natsu said and then we ran down the stairs. I stopped at the top of the stairs when I saw the two men's dead bodies. They were burnt from head to toe and the stench of their corpses burned my nostrils. "Lucy! We need to keep moving!" Laxus shouted, shaking me out of my shock. He pulled me down the stairs until we got to the lobby where one of the men in black was frozen in a large ice crystal. 'First fire and now ice?!' I thought, staring at the ice crystal. Gray stood next to the ice crystal with his gun in his hand. "Gajeel's got the car ready lets go" he said and then we ran towards the back door.

We managed to get out the back of the building and climbed into the black car before driving off at top speed. Gajeel sat in the driver's seat, Gray sat in the passenger seat while I was squished in the middle back seat with Natsu on my left and Laxus on my right. "Flare was obviously aiming for Lucy's apartment. Why did Raven Tail decide to attack Lucy's apartment now?" Gray asked as Gajeel slowed down the car when we were far away from my apartment. "They must've been watching Lucy's apartment in case I came for her and now they know she knows about our mafias" Laxus said. 'So basically, our father has been watching me to get to Laxus' I thought. "Are you ok Lucy? You're strangely quiet" Natsu asked, concerned. I stayed quiet, I felt like my whole life was spiralling out of control.

"She saw dead bodies for the first time. It's no surprise she's overwhelmed. This is why I told you not to join the mafia Lucy" Laxus said while looking out the window. "This isn't the time for an 'I told you so' moment!" Natsu shouted at him. "She wouldn't be like this if you didn't insist she join our mafia!" Laxus shouted back. They continued to argue back and forth. The image of the dead bodies appeared in my mind and reminded me of our mother's death. Their shouting wasn't helping with my overwhelming emotions and I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I began to hug myself for comfort.

"Shut up you two! Don't you see your childish arguing is upsetting Lucy!" Gray shouted and then looked sympathetically at me. "Please don't cry" he added and I wiped the tears from my eyes. "I'll be fine" I replied, trying to be strong until I was pulled into a hug by Natsu. I heard Laxus growl behind me. "It's ok to be weak. You can cry on me until you feel better. We won't judge you" Natsu said softly and I felt the tears falling again. I hugged Natsu tightly and let my emotions flow. The car was silent except for the sounds of my sobs.

"Who knew a Flame Brain like you was such a lady's man" Gray said with a smirk towards Natsu. "Shut up Ice Stripper!" Natsu shouted and I giggled. I felt a lot better after the cry and laugh. "Thanks Natsu" I said. "Anytime Lucy" he replied with a bright smile and then I turned to Gray. "Thanks Gray" I said and Gray replied "your welcome Lucy" with a smile too.

I looked at Laxus and saw him quietly sulking with his arms crossed while looking out the window. To other people, he would look like he's uninterested in what's going on around him but I know he's just sulking that I hugged a male other than him and Gramps. "We're almost at HQ" Gajeel announced and I saw the Dragneel Inc building up ahead through the front windscreen.

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