Chapter 3 - Room 775

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Laxus really disapproved of my decision of joining the mafia because during the whole drive to his place, in his electric yellow mustang, he refused to talk to me. "Laxus don't give me the silent treatment. You're not going to change my mind" I said and he kept focusing on the road. Soon we arrived at the building where his place is in. We took the elevator to the second top floor and walked to room 775. The only other room on this floor was room 776 which was across from Laxus'.

"Natsu owns this entire building and every room is filled with mafia members" Laxus explained before pulling his keys out of his pocket. I wonder how Natsu became rich? Was it given to him when my Gramps passed it onto him or did he have it before? I looked over at room 776 and wondered who lives there. "Who lives in room 776?" I asked. "Guildarts, he barely shows his face at the mafia. Sometimes I wonder why we even have a room for him since he barely lives in it" Laxus said and opened his room door.

I was amazed at his room. "You didn't say it was a luxurious condo!" I said as I rushed in and explored the whole place. The walls were snow white and the floor was white marble tiles. There was a spacious living room with a really long L-shaped white Italian leather sofa, an ash grey shag rug underneath a walnut-coloured glass top coffee table and a 65-inch 4K Ultra HD flat screen TV hanging on the wall. Windows covering the whole far wall where a beautiful view of the city was. The open-air kitchen was right next to it. It had black marble countertops, white cupboards and silver boss bar kitchen handles.

Down the hall, I found a bathroom and two bedrooms. The bathroom was covered in large white tiles and had a grey marble accent wall on the back wall. It had two square-shaped white sinks in front of two circular mirrors with white lights behind it. There was a bath next to the shower which I was excited to try later. Laxus had a spacious bedroom with white sheets on his bed, wooden flooring, a walk-in-wardrobe and large window with a view. The guest bedroom had the same features except it was slightly smaller.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" I exclaimed. "Glad you like it because the guest bedroom is all yours. You can use the bathroom to clean yourself before bed if you want. I'll get you something to change into" Laxus said and I stopped him. "Hey Laxus, why didn't you become the Boss of the mafia? You said our Gramps was the Boss before Natsu so why didn't you inherit it?" I asked. He turned back to me and shrugged. "Gramps offered but being Boss isn't my thing and besides I was in charge of the Thunder Legion. If I'm busy running the whole mafia they would miss me. Now go have a shower you stink" he replied and then held his nose. "Shut up!" I shouted playfully as I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. He quickly dodged it and swiftly escaped to his bedroom while laughing. I missed our playful banter.

I walked into the bathroom and found a clean rolled-up towel underneath the vanity. Before I shut the door, Laxus came up to me with his large black T-shirt with a lightning bolt graphic on the front. "You can use this" he said, handing me the t-shirt. "Thanks" I replied, accepting it and then closing the bathroom door.

After stripping down, I hopped into the shower since it was too late for a bath. Or should I say too early? Anyway, as I was washing myself, I thought about every crazy thing that happened in the last few hours. 'I got kidnapped by the Fairy Tail mafia which turned out to be the mafia my long lost brother has been hiding in for the last three years and I ended up joining it' I thought. Today has been a crazy day.

When I got out of the shower, I used the towel to dry my hair before wrapping it around my body. Once my body was dry, I put on Laxus' shirt on which was like a dress on me and put my underwear back on so I wasn't completely naked underneath the shirt. When I was done, I walked into my new room and found Laxus sitting on the bed waiting for me. "My shirts were always too big on you. Remember when we were little, you tried to pretend to be me by wearing my clothes for a day" he said with a smile. "I told you to forget about that" I pouted.

"Anyway, I came here to ask if you needed anything else and to say goodnight" he said as he stood up. "I'm good now, thanks Laxy. Goodnight" I said and tucked myself into my bed. "Goodnight Lulu" he replied, using my childhood nickname as he turned off the light and closed the door. I let out a quick yawn before falling asleep.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room and then I remembered the events from last night. The smell of coffee, bacon and eggs tickled my nose and I followed it to the kitchen, where Laxus was sipping a cup of coffee next to the frying pan. "Good morning Lulu" he said, "good morning Laxy" I replied and looked at the delicious food cooking in the frying pan. "What's on the menu?" I asked as Laxus gave me a mug of hot chocolate. He knows I have a sweet tooth.

"Bacon and eggs with some cut-up strawberries on the side since I know how much you love strawberries. Sit down at the table, it's almost finished" he replied. "Mm yummy" I said as I walked over and sat down at the table. He came over to the table with the frying pan and put the bacon and eggs on our plates. I waited for him to put the frying pan in the sink and sit down. He was about to dig in but I stabbed the back of his hand with my fork. "Ow!" he exclaimed, "you forgot to say grace" I scolded him. "Thank you for the food" we prayed and then we began to eat.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked as we ate. "I was thinking of taking you back to your apartment to pack some clothes since you will be living with me from now on" he replied. I was a little excited to be going back to my apartment even though I was only going to pack some clothes. After I finished my breakfast, I rushed to my room and changed into the clothes I was wearing yesterday since I don't have any other clothes. We jumped into his mustang and he drove us to my apartment.

He parked outside my apartment and we walked up to the third floor where my apartment is located. As we got to the top of the stairs, Laxus puts his arm out in front of me to stop me. I looked over his arm and saw that my apartment door was ajar. Fear raised in my chest, wondering who broke into my apartment. Laxus pulled out a pistol gun from his concealed shoulder holster and aimed it towards the door. "Stay behind me Lucy" he whispered, looking back to me and I nodded. I stayed close behind him as we walked slowly into my apartment. Nothing was out of place which I thought was a bit weird. Suddenly we heard a crunch noise from the lounge room. Whoever broke into my apartment was still here. We crept towards the noise and found the person who broke into my apartment.

"NATSU?!" I exclaimed while Laxus lowered his gun with a sigh. Natsu was lounging on my couch eating some potato chips. "Oh hey Lucy *crunch crunch* nice place you got here" he said while chewing on a chip. "Are those my chips?!" I shouted as I stomped over to him and snatched the chip packet out of his hands. "Awe but I was hungry" he whined. The fearsome Boss of the Fairy Tail is such a child. "Doesn't mean you can raid my kitchen" I scolded him. Laxus fake coughed to gain our attention, "why are you here Boss?" he asked. "I was installing some hidden cameras. You never know when someone might break in while Lucy's living with you" Natsu replied. "Like you" I mumbled and Laxus chuckled beside me. "Anyway, since you're here Laxus. I have an S-Class mission for you" Natsu said and Laxus went serious. I wonder what an S-Class mission is?

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