Chapter 47 - Rescue: Part 1

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Natsu's POV

Loud chatter filled the almost full cafeteria. Everyone was gearing up their weapons and slipping on their bulletproof vests. I had every single mafia member gathered inside the cafeteria, including Loke. He was back to normal with his orange hair and his gold ninja outfit, standing next to Gray charging up his Regulus Light Gloves.

When he came back from dropping off my package for Lucy, he told me all about the state she was in. They were training her hard, harder than I would've, to the point where bruises and whip marks were covering her body. The thought of them hurting her just made me want to burn them all to ashes.

Once I was sure everyone was ready, I climbed up onto a table to address the crowd. "Listen up!" I shouted and everyone quietened down as they turned their attention to me. "One of our family members is captured.-" "Yeah, your girlfriend!" Gray interrupted which resulted in almost everyone laughing and me blushing. "Shut up Stripper!" Laxus shouted which silenced everyone. He shouldn't have made that joke with Laxus in the room.

I fake coughed to quickly break the silence. "As I was saying. Our family member is captured and we're not going to give up until we get her back. Does everyone know and understand the plan?" I asked and everyone nodded their heads. "Then plan T starts now. Let's go save Lucy!" I shouted and put my right hand up, pointing my index finger and thumb. "Aye!" everyone cheered, putting their hands up like me and then we filed out to our waiting cars.

Our thirty black bulletproof cars drove in three different routes to Raven Tail's Headquarters. Thirty black cars going the same route might cause some suspicion. I sat in the passenger seat in one of the two SUVs with Laxus driving and Erza in the back. The other SUV was driven by Gray with Juvia, Mira and Wendy.

We arrived at our destination at two o'clock in the afternoon and skidded to a stop on their gravel driveway. Raven Tail's Headquarters was an abandoned mansion with dirty white worn down walls and a black tiled roof. Cracks spread all over the walls and some vines grew out of them. The mansion was big enough for all their members to hide in. Immediately heaps of Raven Tail members started exiting the building to protect their headquarters. Everyone in Fairy Tail except the people in the two SUVs exited their cars and began shooting the enemies from behind their cars. Multiple bullets bounced off the cars thanks to Gajeel's hard work on the cars.

When I was sure most of Raven Tail's forces were outside defending their headquarters, I picked up my hand-held radio beside me. "You ready Ice Stripper?" I asked through the radio and waited for a reply. "Ready when you are Flame Brain" he replied immediately and then I turned to Laxus. "Punch it!" I ordered and he slammed his foot on the accelerator. Our SUV, with Gray's following right behind us, drove straight through the crowd of enemies. Raven Tail members who were in our way instantly ran away to avoid getting hit. Unfortunately for them, we ran over a couple of them before smashing through their front door and into a large entryway.

Two worn down white marble staircases hugged the left and right walls of the room climbing to the second floor. An old gold chandelier hung from the roof covered in dust and cobwebs. Three doors were on each floor leading to different parts of the building. One of these doors is going to lead us to Lucy or Ivan.

As soon as both SUVs stopped, we all jumped out and hid behind our doors with our guns out. Gray and I looked at each other and I lifted my radio close to my mouth. "You got the tracker?" I asked him and then he raised his radio to his mouth. "Yeah, and don't worry I'll make sure Lucy comes back safely" he replied. "You better or I'm beating your ass when we get back to HQ" I said and then fired a bullet at the enemy and hit one. "What you say" he growled. "I second that" Laxus added. "BOYS!" Erza shouted from the other side of the SUV. Both Gray and I look at each other and nodded. We both knew our jobs to complete the rescue. "We'll cover you. Wait for my signal" I said and he nodded.

"Laxus, Erza, get ready to cover" I said and they both nodded. I waited for an opening in the enemies' shooting. Once I did, I shouted "now!" and then Laxus, Erza and I started shooting at the enemy. When the enemies took cover, Gray signalled for the girls to follow him and then they ran to one of the nearby first floor hallways. Laxus, Erza and I took down a few more Raven Tail members until there were two left on the second floor. Knowing they were outmatched, they retreated further into the building.

"Let's follow them, they might lead us to Ivan" I ordered and began to run up the stairs to the second floor with my Fire Dragon Slayer gun ready in my hand. Laxus and Erza followed me and we all kept our eyes out for any enemies as we searched for Ivan. We navigated our way through the maze of hallways but luckily for us, Levy managed to find the floorplan. "Ivan's most likely hiding in his office. Let's head there first" I said without turning my head as we walked swiftly down a hallway.

Suddenly a Raven Tail member appeared around the corner and began shooting at us. We ducked and quickly ran into the closest room. When there was an opening, I returned fire. After a few shots, one of my shots hit him and he screamed in pain before going down in flames. We waited a moment in case any more show up before continuing towards Ivan's office.

Before we turned the corner into the hallway where Ivan's office was located, we stopped and then I carefully peeked around the corner. I saw two Raven Tail members guarding Ivan's office which confirms he's hiding in there. Both members were on guard looking down either side of the hallway with machine guns in their hands. I turned my head to Laxus and Erza, hiding my head before the guard could spot me. "There's two guarding the door" I told them quietly. "I'll handle it" Erza said and re-quipped her gun into two handguns. Without hesitation, she walked out into the open. Both guards noticed her but just before they could raise their guns, Erza shot them both in one go.

I whistled, impressed. "That's Erza for ya" I said and then noticed Laxus was unusually quiet beside me. He also seemed a bit distracted. "You ok?" I asked him and he looked at me. "Yeah, just worried for Lucy that's all" he replied honestly. I understood the feeling, but I had faith that our friends will get her back safely. We just have to focus on our part of the plan. "I feel the same but I trust our friends. All we can do is make sure Ivan doesn't hurt her again" I said and he nodded.

"Coast is clear. Let's go" Erza said and we joined her at the door. Erza stood on the left side of the door while Laxus and I took the right. I gave Erza a nod to open the door with my gun ready. She nodded back and then reached for the door handle. As soon as she turned the knob, multiple bullets shot through the wooden door and she quickly retracted her hand. Unfortunately, she got shot in the arm. She quickly held her hand over her bleeding wound. "Are you ok Erza?" I asked with concern. "I'll be fine. Wendy can heal it later" she replied while ripping the hem of her shirt and quickly wrapping it around her arm.

Once the firing stopped, without hesitation, I stood up and kicked open the door. "Ivan!" I shouted as I spotted him standing behind five of his men who aimed their guns at us. He didn't look surprised to see me. "I'm not surprised you have come, Natsu Dragneel, but unfortunately for my daughter, that means our deal is broken and I can kill you now" Ivan said and then a sinister smile grew on his face.

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