Chapter 87 - Heir of Fairy Tail

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Lucy's POV

After hours of labour, the moment had finally arrived. Our baby daughter was born. She had the cutest face I've ever seen and a tuff of pink hair like her father's. Dr Porlyusica handed me our daughter and left the room to give us new parents some privacy. I held the little bundle of joy in my arms. It was a magical moment when she opened her eyes. Looking up at me with the familiar brown eyes like mine. She was the perfect mix of Natsu and me.

Beside me, Natsu stared at our newborn child in awe. His expression showed me that he couldn't believe he was finally a father. "She's beautiful" he said softly before giving me a side hug and kissing me on the forehead. "She's as beautiful as her mother" he added and it made me smile. We kissed each other on the lips and looked back down at our daughter.

"She's got your hair" I chuckled as I gently stroked her head. "And she's got your eyes" he said happily. He reached down to hold her hand and she wrapped her hand around his index finger. There was one concern I had for our daughter that passed my mind. "What's wrong Lucy?" Natsu asked worriedly. "Nothing" I replied but it didn't get passed him. "Lucy, I know something is on your mind. What's wrong?" he asked. I sighed, "I know what I was getting into when I married you but I can't help but worry about her future as the heir to Fairy Tail. She'll be in constant danger" I replied honestly. Our daughter has a dangerous future ahead of her being the daughter of a mafia boss.

"You don't need to worry about that. She has a big bad dad to protect her from any dangers and boys" he said and I giggled. It was funny how he was already thinking of 'protecting' his daughter from potential boyfriends. He's probably going to turn into another Laxus. Speaking of which, Laxus will probably join in to protect his niece from dating. One day it's going to be funny to watch and I'll be there to calm them down. I'll want grandkids eventually someday.

"Yeah, you're right. Do you want to hold her?" I asked and his face brightened. "Yes" he said and I gently passed our daughter into his arms. As soon as she was comfortable, she grasped Natsu's shirt. I think she was going to be a daddy's girl.

"Welcome to the mafia family, Nashi Dragneel" Natsu said with his signature grin as he held our newborn child.

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