Chapter 17 - Brother and Sister Fight

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"Oh yeah! Now can you hear the voice that's calling out to you? 

Oh yeah! Though I know its shouts have caused its overuse.

Oh yeah! But will it stay until your heart can hear it through?

Oh yeah! OH YEAH!" 

I sang one of my favourite songs called 'Snow Fairy' while I was cooking dinner. Suddenly I heard the door open and slammed shut. "I'm home Lulu" I heard Laxus called out. "Welcome home Laxy" I replied, without looking up from the stove.

Laxus followed his nose over to where I was cooking in the kitchen. "What's for dinner?" he asked as he leaned his arms on the kitchen island. "Steak with roast potatoes and vegetables" I replied and he said "nice." "So, did you apologise to Natsu like I told you to?" I asked and looked over my shoulder at him. Even though I have already apologised for him, Laxus needs to be one to do it since he was the one to attack Natsu. "Yeah I did" he grumbled while looking out the window. "And what did he say?" I asked, curious if Natsu accepted his apology or not. "He rolled over the floor laughing along with Gray who happened to be there" he grumbled and I giggled. "Sounds like him" I said and then turned back to cooking.

"You better not be developing a crush on that pink-haired idiot. I don't want him as a brother-in-law" he complained. "You know that even if I was, you have no say in who I date" I said as I began to plate our food. "Yes I do, it's my responsibility as your big brother to protect you from these savages" he replied. "So every man" I stated as I carried the two plates over to the table. "Only if they aren't good enough for you" he defended as he grabbed the two glasses of water and put them on the table. "How will you know they're good enough for me if you scare them away the first time you meet them?" I asked annoyed as I sat down at the table. "I'll know it when I see it" he replied as he sat down on the seat across from me. I rolled my eyes and then we put our hands together in pray. "Thank you for the food" we prayed and then started eating.

The table descended into silence for a moment until Laxus decided to break it. "So, anything interesting happen today?" he asked before taking a bite of his steak. I thought back on today's events. "Well, I got a call from Jason and he wants me to write an article on the unveiling of Magnolia's new Aquarium. I just need to go to the press only opening in a few days" I replied. "Does Natsu know about this?" he asked. "Not yet, I only got the call when I got here. I'll give Natsu a call about it after dinner" I replied and he choked on a piece of the steak. After coughing a few times and taking a sip of water, he slammed his fist onto the table. "You have his phone number?!" he exclaimed. 'Maybe I shouldn't have said that last bit' I thought as Laxus went into his Overprotective Big Brother mode. Instead of answering, I quickly stood up in my seat and then bolted towards my room. I could hear Laxus' heavy footsteps running after me.

Luckily, I managed to run into my room before he could catch me. I quickly slammed the door and locked it behind me just before Laxus started banging against the door. "Lucy let me in and give me your phone!" I heard him shout on the other side of the door. "No! I'm not letting you delete his number! There's nothing wrong with me having a guy's number in my phone!" I shouted angrily. "I'm just trying to protect you!" he shouted back and I screamed in frustration. I've had enough of this. I don't need his protection when it comes to guys and dating. I can make my own decisions!

I grabbed my small suitcase and started packing while calling Natsu. After two rings he picked up. "Hello?" I heard his voice speak over the phone. "Hi Natsu" I replied. "What's up? You sound upset" he asked. "Yeah, Laxus and I had a fight and I need to sleep somewhere else for the night. Could I stay at yours? It'll just be for tonight" I asked. Natsu is the only person I can call at the moment. Levy is on a date with some guy which she refuse to tell the identity of and I don't have the other girls' phone numbers yet.

"Yeah, no problem. You can stay for as long as you want. I'll see you soon" he replied. "Thanks Natsu. See you soon" I said and then hung up. I pulled my suitcase off of my bed and took a deep breath. "Time to face Laxus" I muttered under my breath as I walked towards my door.

I opened my door and saw Laxus standing beside it. Without a word, I pushed past him with my suitcase rolling behind me. "Where are you going?" he asked in a stern voice. He sounds like he's my father. "I'm going to stay over at Natsu's" I replied and then grasped the front door handle. "Like hell you are" he growled as he put his hand over mine, stopping me from leaving. "Then I'll go back to my apartment because I'm not staying here" I said while looking up at his angry eyes with my own. We stayed like that for about ten seconds, not wanting to back down, until he looked away and let go of my hand. Knowing I won our argument, I opened the door and left the apartment.

I took the elevator to the top floor and then knocked on Natsu's door. Natsu opened the door and smiled at me. He was dressed in his usual red boxers but this time he had a plain black t-shirt on. "Hey Lucy, come in" he said while moving aside for me. "Thanks for letting me stay over" I said as I walked in. "Anytime" he replied with a bright grin and then closed the door behind me. Happy came running up to me with a meow and then rubbed his body against my leg. "Hi Happy" I greeted as I pet his back.

"You can leave your stuff in my room" Natsu said and then his phone rang from the kitchen counter. I walked over to his bedroom while he walked over to his phone. "It's Laxus" he told me and I stopped by the doorway. "Oh no" I muttered, knowing what might be coming next. "Hello?" Natsu answered as he put the phone to his ear but then had to yank it away from his ear. "IF YOU DARE TOUCH OR HURT MY LITTLE SISTER IN ANY WAY, I WILL COME UP THERE, BEAT YOUR ASS AND THEN THROW YOU OFF YOUR BALCONY!" I heard Laxus shout through the phone even though I was a few metres away from Natsu and his phone wasn't on speaker.

I stomped over, leaving my suitcase behind, and snatched Natsu's phone off of him. "I'LL BE FINE AND LEAVE US ALONE!" I shouted back at Laxus through the phone and then hung up. "Sorry about that" I said as I handed Natsu his phone back. "That's ok. You both have really loud voices" he commented while rubbing his ear. I giggled, "so, do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked while crossing his arms. "Let me get changed into my pyjamas and then I'll tell you" I replied and then walked into his room to change. 

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