Chapter 11 - Interview

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I checked my watch and saw it was five minutes to ten. "Lev, I'm going to start heading up to Natsu's office. See ya later" I said as I stood up and walked towards the door. "See ya later Lu" she replied as I walked out of her office and into the elevator. Once the elevator stopped on the top floor, the doors opened and I saw Natsu was still in a meeting with a middle-age man who had sandy blonde hair and was wearing a midnight blue suit. Natsu was the first to notice me. "Oh hello Miss Heartfilia, is it time for our appointment?" he greeted as he looked at his watch. I didn't expect him to call me Miss Heartfilia but I guess he can't call me Lucy around important business partners.

"I can come back later if you want" I offered. "No need. Let me show you out Mr Kisaki" Natsu said politely as he stood up. 'Mr Kisaki? Aoi Kisaki, the world-famous oil painting artist?!' I thought as I recognised the name of Natsu's guest. One of Mr Kisaki's paintings can have a starting bid of $150 million jewels. "Thank you Mr Dragneel" Mr Kisaki replied as he stood up and followed Natsu to the elevator. As Mr Kisaki stepped into the elevator, he faced us and bowed respectively. "Pleasure doing business with you" he said and Natsu replied "same to you."

As soon as the elevator doors shut, Natsu sighed in relief. "Thank goodness, I thought he would never leave!" he complained as he walked back to the lounge and flopped on it. "That was the world-famous artist Aoi Kisaki, wasn't it?" I asked. "Yes it was. He's one of our oldest and most trusted business partners. We were discussing his upcoming art auction. He wanted Dragneel Inc. to be a sponsor" he replied as he covered his eyes with his forearm. "Did you agree to be a sponsor?" I asked. "Yeah, we've always sponsored his auctions" he replied. "By the way, don't mention anything about what I just said in your article" he added.

"Alright. Speaking of my article, you ready to get started?" I asked and then sat down across from him. He sat up straight and rested both arms over the back of the lounge. "Yep, hit me" he said as he got comfortable. I pulled out my recorder and notepad out of my purse, then I placed the recorder on the coffee table in between us. "Oh!" he exclaimed as he remembered something. "I almost forgot, please no personal questions about my family or past" he added which I agreed. Unlike other magazine writers, I respect people's personal space unless it's important for society to know. Some things don't need to be written.

"Are questions like 'your favourite colour' and stuff like that fine?" I clarified. "Yep and it's fire red" he replied. "Alright" I said as I wrote it down. That's one question down. I turned on my recorder and officially started the interview. "Ok first question, how did you become the successful businessman that everyone knows?" I asked. To be honest, I've been wondering this question since I first met him. "The business was handed to me by my father Igneel Dragneel when I was 18 years old. Since I took over the company, I've continued to grow the business by building friendships with other companies. Most of my success wouldn't have happened without the help of my amazing employees" he replied.

"Next question, there are rumours that there are some companies that are jealous of you and your success. What do you say to those rumours?" I asked and I noticed his eyebrow twitch slightly before flicking his eyes down to the recorder. "What other companies think of me is none of my concern. I followed the path I believed in and that's where my success comes from" he replied.

Curious about the eyebrow twitch, I paused the recorder so our conversation couldn't be recorded. "Off the record, why did you twitch your eyebrow when I asked you that question?" I asked. "My mind went to my father's number one enemy, Acnologia. Not only does his net worth rival mine but he's also a solo mafia" Natsu replied with a growl. "Solo mafia?" I questioned. "Yes, he likes to work alone. He's known as the Dragon King and loves to kill anyone who gets in his way. In the light of society, he is a very successful businessman but, in the shadows, he's a psychopath who loves to kill" he replied and narrowed his eyes slightly. I felt a shiver down my spine at this new knowledge.

"Lets get back to the interview" I said and reached for the recorder when suddenly Natsu grabbed my hand. I felt my cheeks heat up at our sudden contact. "I want you to promise me something Lucy. If you ever meet or see Acnologia, I want you to run straight to me, understand?" he said with a serious look on his face and not breaking eye contact. I could tell he was really concerned for me which I thought was sweet. "I promise" I replied and when I make a promise, I never break it.

Hearing my response, he sighed in relief and let go of my hand. The warmth his hand gave went along with him. I pressed record and continued our interview. "For our readers, can you describe what it's like to be a multibillionaire?" I asked. "For me, it's mainly been about working long hours behind a desk and going to boring events, but on the bright side, when I get a holiday I can travel anywhere in the world in my private jet with my friends" he replied with a bright smile.

"The next few questions are for all the lady readers." For some reason my brain went 'and me' and I internally shook the thought away. 'Shut up brain' I thought. "What is your relationship status?" I asked and a small smirk grew on his face. "Single" he answered confidently and I went onto the next question. "Where would you take a woman out on a romantic date?" I asked and he took a second to think. "I would take a woman to my favourite restaurant for a candle lit dinner and then take her somewhere for a midnight stroll" he replied. "Where?" I asked, urging him to explain more. "Depends on the woman" he replied with a bigger smirk.

"Alright, that should about wrap up our interview" I said as I stopped the recorder and put it away. "Before I forget Lucy, can you come up here at five o'clock? I have some mafia business I have to deal with and someone will be taking you back to my penthouse" he said. "What type of mafia business?" I asked. He suddenly became mad while looking out the window but it didn't seem to be directed at me. "I'll tell you when I come home. It makes me angry to think or even talk about it" he replied. If he is going to tell me later then there's no point pushing it now.

"Ok I'll come up here at five o'clock. If you'll excuse me I have an article to write" I said before walking towards the elevator doors with a skip in my step. Writing always excited me no matter what the topic was about. Natsu chuckled at my excitement but I ignored him as I was planning out titles. I hurried into the elevator and took it down to Levy's floor so I can start writing.

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