Chapter 85 - Positive

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Lucy's POV

It's been 6 weeks since I married Natsu and I was still in the honeymoon phase. After the wedding, Natsu and I went to Europe for two weeks for our honeymoon. It was amazing, we enjoyed every second of it and took loads of photos together. I abruptly woke up from my sweet dream with a sick feeling in my stomach. I rushed to the bathroom and allowed the contents of my stomach to empty into the toilet. "Lucy, are you alright?" Natsu asked worriedly as he walked into the bathroom. I must've accidentally woken him up.

He walked over and pulled my hair out of my face, holding it back. Once I stopped, I looked up at him. "Sorry I woke you up. It's probably just a stomach bug" I said. "My sleep isn't important right now, you are. I'll call Wendy up to check on you. Did you eat or drink anything odd recently?" he asked. "What do you mean by 'odd'?" I asked. I'm pretty sure this was just a passing stomach bug. "Has someone drugged or poisoned you?" he asked. I giggled at his overprotectiveness. "No, you're being paranoid. I'm sure this is just a stomach bug. Wendy will be able to confirm it" I replied as I stood up. The stomach sickness disappeared which was odd.

I washed my hands and then Natsu grasped my hand. He led me back to my side of the bed. "Lie down. I'll make breakfast and call Wendy. What are you hungry for?" he asked as I laid down and he pulled the sheets up to my chest. "Thanks babe. Could I get some strawberries and yoghurt please?" I asked. "Anything for you" he replied with a smile and left the room. As soon as he had left, Happy ran in and curled up on top of the sheet on my legs.

Soon Natsu came back with a bamboo bed tray with a bowl of strawberries and a bowl of vanilla yogurt. He sat the tray on my lap. "I'm going to get changed and eat at the office. I've called Wendy and she should be here soon. Is there anything else you need from me before I go?" he asked. "No, go to work. I'll be fine" I replied. He smiled and then walked into his walk-in closet. Luckily for me, I could see inside the walk-in closet from my spot on the bed. I liked this breakfast with a show. "Enjoying the show?" Natsu smirked half-naked, noticing my glance. "Very" I replied as I took a bite of my strawberry.

When he finished changing, he walked towards the bedroom door. "I'm going now. Call me if you need me and Happy, I want you to protect her while I'm gone" he said. Happy meowed in response. "Your trust in Happy is too great" I playfully rolled my eyes. Happy meowed in protest while glaring at me. "No offense Happy" I said while patting him. He purred and fell asleep on my legs. "I better go before Erza gets mad. See you tonight" Natsu said and walked out of the room.

Half an hour later, I finished my strawberries and yoghurt and then I heard a knock on the door. I got out of bed and went to open the front door to see Wendy with her white cat Carla in her arms. "Hi Lucy, Natsu told me you were sick" Wendy said. "Hi Wendy, hi Carla, yeah I just randomly felt like throwing up as soon as I woke up. Come in" I explained. They came in and we sat down on the lounge. Happy raced over from the bedroom with a fish in his mouth and jumped onto the lounge next to Carla. Carla hissed and ran off. Happy's ears and tail flopped down sadly. "Keep trying Happy" I said to encourage him. He perked up before jumping off the lounge to find Carla.

"So Lucy, have you been experiencing any other weird symptoms?" Wendy asked. "Not that I'm aware of" I said in thought and then I felt a strange craving for spicy chicken wings. "Excuse me, I barely ate much breakfast. Give me a moment" I said as I stood up and walked to the kitchen. From the fridge, I grabbed a plate of leftover spicy chicken wings and put it in the microwave. "Usually I don't like spicy chicken wings but for some reason I'm craving for it" I told Wendy as part of casual conversation. Wendy began to look a bit concerned.

"Ah, Lucy...If you don't mind me asking, when was your last period?" Wendy asked. I thought back and froze. "It's late" I replied and Wendy's eyes widened at the same conclusion I had. "I think you might need a pregnancy test" she said. "I-I might be pregnant?" I stuttered and felt tears wanting to fall. 'Calm down, you don't know for sure' I thought as I took a few deep breaths. "Let's go to the store and buy a test to be sure" Wendy suggested and I nodded. "Carla, Happy, we're going to the store. We'll be back soon" she called out and we left to the pharmacy.

As soon as we came back, I rushed into the bathroom and took the pregnancy test. I anxiously waited five minutes for the test to show either one or two lines. My hand shook and I covered my mouth with my hand as tears fell looking at the result. "Are you okay Lucy?" I heard Wendy asked on the other side of the door. I opened the door and dropped my hand. "What does it say?" she asked. "It's positive" I replied and Wendy immediately hugged me. 'Meow, meow meow?!' we heard Happy which I was sure it was him saying 'Lucy's pregnant?!'

I was so happy that Natsu and I were going to be parents. My mind wondered if it was going to be a boy or a girl. I didn't care as long as they grew up happy and healthy. I hope Natsu will be as excited as I am. "Wait, how am I going to tell Natsu?!" I exclaimed.

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