Chapter 21 - Loke

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Natsu's POV

'What the hell was he doing here?! Maybe he has some connection to the mystery shooter. When I get back, I need to have a chat with Loke. It seems like the mystery shooter was aiming for me and not Lucy. I better start her training tomorrow' thoughts raced through my head as I sped away from the Aquarium.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Did you get shot?" Lucy asked with worry as soon as we were safe while looking over my body for any injuries from where she sat. I gave her a reassuring smile as I quickly glanced at her. "I'm fine, I didn't get hit" I replied and she sighed in relief. It's so cute how worried she was for me. If I couldn't dodge a few bullets then I wouldn't be a mafia boss, would I? On the other hand, if I got shot around Gray and Erza they would scold me about being careless. Her concern for me is comforting but I don't like to worry her. Although I'll probably worry her more in the future with my line of work.

"I'm thinking of starting your training with me tomorrow" I told her. "Training?" she questioned as she turned her head to me. "Since you're a part of my mafia and a target, you'll need to learn some self-defence. I'll teach you hand-to-hand combat, Gray will teach you how to wield a gun and Erza will teach you to wield a dagger" I explained. "That's a lot to learn but if it means I can help the mafia and Laxus then I'll do it" she replied with determination. "That's what I like to hear" I said with a proud smile and then went back to giving my full attention to the road.

I stopped the car at my favourite seafood restaurant by the waterfront and Lucy looked at me curiously. Probably thinking we were supposed to go back to the company after being shot at. "I'm still hungry after dodging bullets" I said, jokingly and she giggled. We entered the restaurant and a waiter seated us at a table for two. He handed us menus before leaving us to decide. "Pick anything you want. I'll pay" I told her. "No, you don't have to do that. I'll pay for my meal" she replied. "I want to. Please order anything you like, it'll be my treat" I insisted. "Ok if you insist but I don't know which one to choose so since you're paying then I think you should choose for me" she replied confidently and then closed the menu. A compromise, I like it.

"Alright" I said with a bright smile and then signalled the waiter that we're ready. "We'll both have the lobster" I told him as I handed him the menu. The waiter wrote our order on a notepad and then took both menus with a bow before leaving us.

"Did you see who did it?" Lucy asked, striking a conversation. I knew she was subtly referring to the person who shot the bullet at the Aquarium carpark. "Unfortunately not but we shouldn't talk about that right now" I replied. She grasped a bread roll from the small basket on the table and cut it open on her bread plate. I grabbed three bread rolls of my own while she spread butter on hers. We engaged in some small talk until our meals arrived.

As soon as the waiter left, I instantly began to eat my meal. While I was taking my first bite, I watched Lucy's reaction. Curious to see what she thought of my choice. She delicately took a bite of the lobster and her face lit up slightly. "This is really good. I've never tried lobster before" she commented. I was glad she liked it. It made my heart leap with joy and want to give her more pleasures like this.

After we finished our lunch, I paid the waiter and then led Lucy to my car. While walking to the car, I kept an eye out in case the mysterious shooter had followed us. Fortunately, nothing happened, and then I drove us back to my company, Dragneel Inc.

As soon as we arrived and walking to the elevator, I texted Gray, Erza, Laxus and Loke to meet me in my office. "I'll see you later Lucy" I said as the elevator stopped on Levy's floor. 'I should give Lucy her own office here one day' I thought. "See you later Natsu. Thanks again for lunch" she replied as she stepped out of the elevator. "Anytime" I replied before the doors shut.

When the elevator doors reopened on my office floor, I noticed my office desk clear of paperwork, but my chair frozen in a crystal of ice. "Gr, GRAY!" I shouted so loud that I was sure he would be able to hear me from anywhere in the building. A moment later, the elevator dinged and the shirtless devil slayer himself walked out with a proud smirk on his face. "Like my little gift for finishing all your damn paperwork, Pyro?" he asked smugly. I growled, it's going to take hours to thaw my chair.

I stomped over to him and threw a punch at his face. He gritted his teeth and retaliated with a punch of his own. Before I could throw another punch, the elevator dinged again and Erza and Laxus stepped out. I retracted my fist and crossed my arms. "So why have you called us here Natsu?" Erza asked. "We're missing one more person" I replied. Not a moment later, the elevator dinged one more time and Loke stepped out, "that's everyone" I stated. "What's going on Natsu?" Loke asked as he saw the others in the room. "Someone shot at me and Lucy while we were at the Aquarium's press conference" I started. "What?! Is Lucy alright?!" Laxus exclaimed with clear concern for his sister. "Yes she's fine. Neither of us got shot" I replied and he sighed in relief. I then turned towards Loke, "Loke, I need you to tell me everything you know about your twin brother" I ordered. 

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