Chapter 62 - Private Island

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Lucy's POV

When Natsu mentioned we were going to be taking a plane, I didn't imagine we would be taking a private jet! I knew Natsu was rich, but I didn't expect this. The interior left me speechless when I arrived on the jet. Near the back, there were four seats facing each other. Another two seats facing each other with a dark oak table in between, and a long three-seat couch were near the front. Expensive white leather-covered the jet seats and couch.

I sat on the couch while watching a movie on the television while Natsu was working on his laptop from the table. If you're wondering, he managed to escape Laxus' wrath and still has his dick thanks to Mira. She managed to calm Laxus down, letting Natsu escape. Speaking of Laxus, he's sitting at the back of the jet with Gray and Erza trying to glare a hole into the back of Natsu's head. If looks could kill, then Natsu would be dead ten times over. Sweat protruded from Natsu's face rapidly, knowing he's got a pair of murderous eyes glaring behind him. I'm sure Laxus will get over me losing my virginity before being wedded eventually.

I gave Laxus a glare to back off and he immediately looked out the window to avoid my gaze. "What are you working on, Natsu?" I asked as I walked up to the table. "Just some last-minute business. I don't want anything to interrupt our one-on-one holiday" he replied without looking up from his screen. "We're here too you know" Gray commented as he walked past behind me, in only his boxers, to get another glass of champagne from the front. Natsu quickly stood up from his seat. "Shut up Ice Stripper and don't strip in my jet!" he shouted. "Ah!" Gray exclaimed as he looked down at his half-naked body. "Calm down boys, we're on this trip to relax, especially for Lucy. So let's just enjoy ourselves" Erza said as she was dressed in a summer dress and a big straw hat with an orange and red cocktail in her hand. Natsu and Gray stared at her dumbfounded. "That was fast" they both muttered since she was in her armour a few seconds ago.

"Attention Master Natsu, the beautiful Lady Lucy and guests, please prepare for landing" a familiar voice spoke over the announcement. "Is that Loke?" I asked as I took my seat across from Natsu and buckled my seatbelt. "Yeah, he's my pilot for my private jet" Natsu replied. Wow, I didn't know Loke knew how to fly a plane. "Although he won't be my pilot for much longer if he keeps flirting with my girl" he added in a quiet grumble. I'm confident I wasn't supposed to hear that, so I pretended I didn't hear him. I must admit though it was cute to hear him say that.

"Look outside" Natsu said with a toothy grin. I looked out the window amazed and shocked by the sight. "Is island?!" I exclaimed. The island was the size of a small city with lush green forests, soft crystal pale yellow sand and beautiful clear water. Not only that, I saw an incredible large white mansion near the beach with red ornaments decorating the outside. Behind the mansion was a massive garden with all kinds of flowers and a cherry blossom tree sitting in the middle.

"That is my private island. I like to come here to take a break from work and Mafia business. Welcome to Dragneel Island" Natsu said happily. "Egotistical name if you ask me" Gray muttered from his seat behind Natsu. "What was that?!" Natsu shouted as he whipped his body around his chair. Gray whipped his body around his own chair so he was face-to-face with Natsu. Both boys glared at each other. "You could've named that island anything, but you decided to name it after you. How egotistical" Gray replied. "It's my island so I can call it anything I want and it's not eggo-tsk-tit-cow" Natsu argued. I think he meant to say 'egotistical'. "It's egotistical you idiot!" Gray shouted. "No it's not, bastard!" Natsu shouted back. "That's not what I meant!" Gray shouted. "What?" Natsu said in confusion and then had a look of pain on his face as he looked upwards. Great, I think Gray broke my boyfriend.

Soon our jet landed on a landing strip on the other side of the island. I was the first one off the jet and looked around. I can't believe I'm here on such a beautiful island. The sound of an engine caught my attention and I turned to spot a white limo driving down the runway towards us. When it stopped in front of us, Natsu walked up and opened the back passenger door. "Your carriage awaits my Lady" he said in a mock English accent. I laughed, "thank you kind sir" I joked back before stepping into the limo.

"Move over" Gray said as he shuffled into the seat next to me. "HEY! I didn't open the door for you!" Natsu shouted while glaring at Gray. Gray gave me a wink and then turned to Natsu. "Oops. With that stupid accent of yours, I mistook you for a butler" he said mockingly. "Gr why you...!" Natsu growled and raised his fist. "Boys" Erza's stern voice boomed and both boys turned away from each other. "No fighting on this holiday. Is that clear?" Erza ordered. Behind her, I noticed Laxus moving our luggage to the limo boot. "Yes ma'am" both boys replied in unison with a pout. One thing was certain, this was going to be a very eventful holiday.

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