Chapter 53 - The Moment I Saw Her

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Natsu's POV (Flashback)

It was the day after Gramps passed on the mafia over to me and the same day Laxus told me privately as the new Mafia Boss about his secret little sister. They told me her name was Lucy Heartfilia and gave me a file on her. It had information like her birthday, where she works, where she lives, etc. Right now, I was sitting down at a local café called 'Love & Lucky' waiting to get a glimpse of her. Apparently, she likes to come here every Saturday morning to get a coffee and a late breakfast after a hard week of work.

I was surprised to find out that Laxus had a little sister but I understood why he and Gramps wanted to keep her a secret. To keep her safe and away from our dangerous world. They also mentioned Ivan, Laxus' father and Gramps' son, who is the boss of the Raven Tail mafia. Gramps and Laxus has been keeping tabs on Raven Tail to make sure they don't go after Lucy and luckily Ivan and Raven Tail have been keeping their distance.

Inside Love & Lucky, I sat in a booth on the far wall where I got a good view of all the tables inside and outside depending on where she decided to sit. I took out the photo of her that Laxus gave me, so I knew what she looked like. The photo was taken a long distance away at a train station while she was waiting for a train. She wore a white cami top and a pink floral pleated skirt with a pink purse over her shoulder. Her two short pigtails and skirt were blowing slightly in the wind. As soon as I saw her photo, my first thought was that I really wanted to meet her in the flesh and my second thought was how could a supermodel like her be related to a big brute like Laxus. So, that led me to sitting here in Love & Lucky to get a glimpse of her.

"Welcome miss, take a seat anywhere you wish and someone will take your order shortly" I heard one of the waitresses greet and I looked up to see she was finally here. She looked ten times hotter than in her photo. She was wearing a white backless crop top with a loose black corset around the waist, a red mini skirt with a silver belt and thigh-high brown boots. Her hair was tied up in two pigtails like in her photo.

"Thank you" Lucy replied to the waitress with a smile. I swear my heart skipped a beat at the sight of her smile. She took a seat by the window and rested her head on her hand as she looked out the window. A waitress walked over to her table. "Good morning miss, my name is Akari and I'll be your server. I'll be back in about five minutes to take your order" the waitress said while handing her a menu. Lucy thanked her before studying the menu as the waitress walked away.

"Would you like anything else sir?" the waitress serving me asked. Ever since I got here, I've only ordered a cup of coffee and it was almost finished. If I wanted to stay here a bit longer, I needed to order something else. As I was thinking that, I wondered what Lucy was going to have and then had a brilliant idea. "I'll have whatever that lady is having" I said while subtly pointing at Lucy. "Are you sure sir?" the waitress asked and I immediately replied "yes." She nodded before walking away. Once she was gone, I went back to secretly watching Lucy.

After a few minutes, Lucy's waitress came back to her. "Have you decided what to order?" she asked. "Yes I have, could I have the pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries, and could I have a regular strawberry milkshake, please" Lucy replied and then handed the menu back to the waitress. Sounds like she loves strawberries. "Excellent choices. I'll be back with your order in a few minutes but before I go would you like any water while you wait?" the waitress asked. "No thanks I'm fine" Lucy replied and then the waitress left.

While she waited for her food, I saw her pull out a medium-sized notebook and began writing down something. She looked so passionate and focused on what she was writing. 'What is she writing?' I wondered, wanting desperately to peek into her book but I would blow my cover.

When Lucy's food arrived, she put her notebook away and thanked the waitress. A couple of minutes later, I received her exact same order. She said a quick prayer before cutting into her pancakes. I dug into my pancakes to taste and it was delicious, I could see why she ordered it. Next, I took a sip of my strawberry milkshake and it was just as delicious as the pancakes. I wondered if she orders this every time or was this a one-time order.

After I finished my meal, I watched Lucy finished hers. She waved over the waitress and paid for her meal in cash before standing up. She thanked the waitress before walking out of the café. I felt sad as I watched her leave. I really wanted to get to know her but I can't talk to her or I might put her in danger. An idea popped into my head. Even though I can't talk to her, I planned to secretly come here every Saturday morning to see her and order the same meal she orders.

This routine went on for months before Lucy made her surprise appearance down by the dock on that fateful night. I never thought Lucy would find our world all by herself, but to be honest, I'm glad she did.

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