Chapter 86 - Booties

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Natsu's POV

As soon as work finished, I rushed home to see how Lucy was doing. I called Wendy during my lunch break, and she said that Lucy was doing fine which was good to hear. When I walked through the front door, I found Lucy cooking a steak dinner plus a fish dish for Happy. "Honey I'm home!" I said happily as I took my shoes off at the door. I'm never going to get sick of saying that. "Welcome home" she replied with a smile.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "How are you feeling?" I asked as I rested my head on her shoulder. "I'm feeling great!" she replied happily which was good to hear from her lips. I noticed a white paper shopping bag with light pink tissue paper sticking out beside her on the counter. "Did you go shopping?" I asked. "Yeah, have a look at what I bought" she said and I let her go to see what was in the bag.

I put my hand in the bag and pulled out a pair of really tiny white shoes. "Lucy I think you got the wrong shoe size" I said. Wendy might need to come back to check her brain. She giggled, "it's not for me silly. Guess again" she said. If she hadn't gone bonkers then the only person who can possibly fit in these is Happy. "Why would Happy need shoes? He's a cat" I said and she giggled again. "They're not for Happy. What might wear shoes that small?" she replied, giving me a clue. The only answer I could come up with was a baby but no one in the mafia has announced a baby. "A baby? But no one has said they are having a baby" I replied. She lightly sighed and turned to face me with her hand on her stomach.

I looked down at her hand, up at her face, and back to her hand. Is she saying what I think she's saying? "Are you?" I asked cautiously and she smiled with a nod. "I'm pregnant" she said the words I was hoping she would say. Overwhelming happiness filled my body. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up while spinning around with a bright smile. "I'm going to be a father!" I cheered before I put her down and kissed her on the lips.

I can't believe I'm going to be a father! Igneel would be so proud. He would've made a great grandfather. I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a girl. Either way, I hope they have Lucy's beauty and smarts, and my strength.

Later that same day, I called for everyone from the mafia to gather in the underground bar. It was clear that everyone was tense wondering why everyone was gathered. I stood at the front of the bar with Lucy by my side holding my hand. "Why are we here Boss?" an impatient member in the back asked. "Are we under attack?" another asked. I decided it was time to tell them the reason why I gathered them.

"Lucy and I have an announcement to make" I projected my voice. Everyone quietened down to listen. I took a quick glance at Laxus who was standing at the front before I continued. "We are proud to announce that...Lucy's pregnant! We are expecting a baby! Fairy Tail will have an heir!" I said proudly as I hugged Lucy to my side and put my hand on her stomach. Almost everyone cheered but stopped when Laxus fainted.

Wow, none of us expected that reaction from him. I expected him to maybe get angry with me or be excited to be an uncle. Since the wedding, he had mellowed out when it came to anything between me and Lucy. "Laxus, wake up!" Mira shouted, kneeling beside him as she tried to slap him awake but with no success. "Here Mira, try water" Lisanna suggested as she handed Mira a cup of water. Mira grabbed the water and immediately splashed Laxus' face with it. Laxus abruptly woke up and sat up. "I had the weirdest dream. Natsu announced that Lucy was pregnant" he said as he held his head. "That was no dream Laxy. You're going to be an uncle" Lucy said and Laxus fainted again. Everyone sighed or laughed at Laxus' reaction.

"Anyway, let's party for the expecting parents!" Cana said with a beer in her hand, and everyone cheered. I smiled brightly and cuddled Lucy closer in my arms.

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