Chapter 7 - Fairy Tail's Underground Bar

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The elevator dinged opened to reveal a rowdy modern lounge bar. They had a fully-stocked bar, stage and dancefloor. "This is Fairy Tail's underground bar. We use this room for mafia meetings, planning attacks and hanging out after work" Natsu told me with his arms outstretched to the side like he's a tourist guide. "First the gun, and now the underground bar, you just love to brag about your cool stuff to Lucy, don't ya Flame Brain?" Gray said with a smirk as he walked over to us. "Hey Lucy" he added, greeting me. "Shut up Ice Princess!" Natsu shouted at him. "Make me Dragon Boy!" Gray retorted and the Natsu threw the first punch.

As the boys started to fight, I noticed no one was stepping in to help. I looked at Mira worriedly, "isn't anyone going to stop them?" I asked. "Don't worry this is normal. They like to fight every chance they get. Come with me to the bar" she replied and then followed behind her. "Have a seat" she said while gesturing to the bar stools on the right side of the bar before walking behind the counter. I sat down on one of the stools. "Do you want something to drink?" Mira asked. My first thought was Mama's strawberry milkshakes. "No alcohol for me but could I have a strawberry milkshake?" I asked. "Sure" she replied with a smile and walked away.

I decided to look around the place while I wait for my milkshake. There was a man with white spiky hair shouting "manly!", a woman in a blue bikini top drinking a barrel of beer and the boys were still fighting. Suddenly the elevator dinged and the doors open to reveal Erza. The boys didn't seem to notice her presence until she grabbed them by their hair and slam their foreheads together. Both boys grabbed their foreheads and groaned in pain. When they looked up, they shook in fear as they saw Erza. "What have I told you two about fighting?" she said in a deadly tone which scared the crap out of me. "S-Sorry ma'am" both boys replied while hugging each other. 'Note to self don't get on Erza's bad side' I thought.

I then noticed three people walking towards me. The first man had waist-length light-green hair, gathered at the end and tied with a grey ribbon, bangs that were brushed to the right side of his face. He was wearing a dark red knee-length double-breasted coat and had a sword strapped to his belt. The second man had dark blue hair sticking up and was wearing a black with thin white stripes suit. Four small totem drones were flying around him. The last person was a woman with long wavy brown hair. She was wearing a revealing green dress with black stockings and black high heels.

"Are you Lucy, Laxus' sister?" the man with light-green hair asked. "That's me" I replied, "well it's very nice to meet you Lucy. My name is Freed, this is Bixlow and this is Evergreen. We are a part of the Thunder Legion and Laxus' bodyguards" Freed replied. "Oh, I remember Laxus mentioning you once. Thank you for taking care of my big brother" I said. "You know Lucy, we would be honoured to have you on our team" Evergreen said. "Yeah and I think Laxus wouldn't mind" Bixlow added.

Before I could answer, someone slammed their fist down on the bar between me and the Thunder Legion. The owner of the fist was Natsu. "No way! If Lucy is going to be teaming up with anyone it should be with me" he argued. Before the Thunder Legion could argue, Natsu grabbed my wrist and pull me away. He led me towards the special red velvet lounge booth which I guessed was the VIP section. Erza and Gray were already sitting down on a lounge each. Gray smirked as he saw Natsu pulling me over to them. Natsu released my wrist as we got into the VIP section and sat down on the centre lounge which overlooks the entire bar. He patted the seat beside him, "sit here Lucy" he said with a bright grin. If I met Natsu on the street, I wouldn't believe he was a Mafia boss with that bright grin of his. I sat beside him and then he threw his arm over the back of the lounge behind me.

"So what's the meeting about?" Erza asked. "Is it about Raven Tail?" Gray asked on top. "Yes, we need to find out what they're up to before they can strike up first" Natsu replied. "So, what's our plan of attack?" Gray asked, "that's what I was going to announce to the gang" Natsu replied before standing up. "Oi listen up!" he shouted and the whole lounge went silent. "We are at war with Raven Tail and I need everyone's help. Thunder Legion, you three will join Laxus on his S-Class mission. Laxus will brief you and you need to leave by tomorrow morning" he started and said people nodded. "Levy, I want you to hack into their ...thingy" Natsu said, confused by the end. "Main database? You got it" Levy replied, "yeah that thingy!" he replied. "The rest of you, be on the lookout for any of their members on our territory. That's all" Natsu finished and everyone replied "aye!" before going back to drinking.

Mira came over with my strawberry milkshake, a mug of beer with ice cubes, a mug with a fireball whisky and a plate of strawberry shortcake. She laid them in front of their respected people and then gave me a smile. "Still no sign of Laxus?" Natsu asked Mira before she could leave. "Sadly no" she replied and Natsu nodded before taking a swig of his fireball whisky. With that Mira left to go back to serving drinks.

"Why did you get a milkshake Lucy? Aren't you going to drink with us?" Gray asked. "Well, recently I felt nostalgia for my mother's strawberry milkshakes. Plus, I'm not very good with alcohol" I replied honestly before taking a sip of the milkshake. It was one of the best milkshakes I ever had beside Mama's. "So how is it?" Natsu asked as he put down his empty mug. "It's delicious" I replied with a smile and he smiled in return.

The rest of the night, I got introduced to different people in the mafia. There was Cana, Elfman, Lisanna, Wendy, Macao, Wakaba, Romeo and many more. When it was time to go Natsu stood up, "Laxus still hasn't shown up so it looks like you're staying at my place tonight" he said. "Ah Natsu don't you think-" "well we'll see you tomorrow" Natsu quickly interrupted Erza and then he pulled me out of my seat by my wrist. He quickly pulled me to the elevator like he was in a hurry. Once we were inside the elevator and the doors had closed, he let out a huge sigh as if he was holding his breath the whole time.

We took the elevator up one floor to the underground parking lot. I followed Natsu to a fiery red Lamborghini. "Woah, is this your car?" I asked as I admired the car. "Yeah" he replied and pressed a button on his keys that opened the car doors like wings. "Awesome!" I said with excitement. "What are you waiting for? Get in" he said as he walked over and sat in the driver's seat. As soon as I sat in the passenger seat, both doors closed on their own. We both put our seatbelts on before he roared the engine and sped off onto the open road.

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