Chapter 25 - Walk in the Park

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After we finished our coffee and hot chocolate, I was about to head in the direction of Dragneel Inc. when Natsu stopped me. "Ah, how about we take a quick walk through the park? It might be a while before you can go out again" he suggested while pointing to the nearby park across the road. A walk through the park sounded nice as long as we weren't too long. Who knows if my father's men are watching us. "Yeah that sounds nice" I replied with a smile which he returned with a smile of his own.

As we were walking through the park, I noticed there weren't many people around today which was a tad strange, but I didn't think too much about it. Maybe it's normal around this time of the day and everyone is at work or school. It is a weekday.

"Hey, let's go this way" Natsu suggested as he grasped my hand and pulled me over towards the lake. The water looked beautiful and clear blue in colour. Sunlight danced on top of the water's surface like diamonds. Leaves from the surrounding trees sprinkled the edge of the water. "This is beautiful" I said as I looked at the scenery. "It is" he replied but I noticed he was looking at me instead of the scenery. I turned to look at him with a curious expression. I was about to say something when he abruptly turned his attention with a glare towards a tree behind me. "Lucy get back" he quickly said as he pushed me behind him but then he was shot in the chest. I screamed in shock as he fell to the ground.

Before I could check to see if he was alright, a silver ninja with white spiky hair jumped out of the tree where the shot came from. His silver mask covered half of his face to hide his identity. 'A ninja?!' I thought in surprise. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he ran at me at full speed. Before he could reach me, a golden ninja with orange spiky hair intercepted him. Both ninjas clashed with kunai knives in their hands. "I won't let you touch her" the golden ninja said, and the silver ninja glared at him.

The silver ninja pushed the other's kunai knife back and swung other kunai in his other hand towards the golden ninja's face, who pulled his head back to dodge. While the two ninjas fought, I turned my attention towards Natsu. 'He needs medical help' was the first thing I thought of as I rushed towards him with tears in my eyes, but as soon as I sat beside him, he sat up casually. "Woah, you shouldn't be moving!" I warned, worriedly. He smiled brightly before lifting up his red t-shirt to reveal a goddamn bulletproof vest.

"Aw, you care about me" Natsu teased with a cheeky smile. I immediately pushed him back down onto his back before standing up with my back turned to him to hide the blush heating up my cheeks. Behind me, I heard him chuckled before standing up. "So, what did you think of my acting?" he asked with a slight tease in his voice. "You could've got up earlier instead of making me worried" I pouted while crossing my arms. He made me more worried than I needed to be. "I'm sorry but I had to make it believable" he replied, taking a step or two closer to me, but I think his reason was just an excuse and the real goal was to tease me.

"Don't be mad" he said before I felt two arms wrap around my waist and tickle my sides. I instantly burst out into uncontrollable laughter. I tried to remove his hands, but it was useless. He had me trapped in his arms. "Are you still mad at me?" he teased while continuing to tickle me. "N-No haha! Now haha please stop haha before I haha accidentally haha wet myself!" I replied in between laughs and then he finally let me go.

While I was trying to catch my breath and Natsu was busy laughing, a cough caught our attention. We turned to the source and found Gray, Laxus, and the golden ninja with the captured silver ninja. I could tell that Laxus was restraining himself not to beat up Natsu by how his eyebrow was twitching dangerously.

"We caught him Boss" the golden ninja said to Natsu and then turned to me. "And hello there beautiful" he complimented as he pulled down his mask and then gave me a wink. Laxus glared at him and he nervously chuckled. "Anyway, we haven't met yet. My name is Loke" he introduced as he held out a hand for a handshake. I grasped his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you Loke, I'm Lucy. Thanks for saving me back there" I greeted back and he smiled. "Anytime for a beautiful lady" he replied.

"Ok! Now that everything is settled, let's get out of here before the police show up" Natsu ordered. He seemed mad, but I didn't know why. As we started walking towards the exit, Loke covered his face again to hide his identity. "Why were you three here?" I asked, wondering how they knew the silver ninja would attack. "It was all part of Natsu's plan" Gray explained. "What plan?" I asked and then this time Laxus answered. "We'll explain when we get back" he replied, and I nodded. "I'd say my plan was a walk in the park. Wouldn't you say Lucy?" Natsu joked. I laughed at his little joke and then he, along with the other guys except for the silver ninja, laughed with me.

When we reached the back exit of the park, I noticed a black van waiting for us. The van window lowered to reveal Gajeel in the driver's seat. "Get in" he said and then we filed into the side of the van. As soon as we were all in, he immediately pulled out onto the street and then speedily drove towards Dragneel Inc. I wonder what Fairy Tail is going to do with the silver ninja?

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