Chapter 6 - Fire Dragon Burger

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As we were eating our burgers at a Cafeteria table, Levy and I found out we had a lot in common. We both love books and we even had the same taste in books. The burger I got was the 'Fire Dragon Burger' which was two beef patties with cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion, two layers of bacon and drenched in smoky barbeque sauce inside a traditional bun. While Levy got the 'Iron Dragon Burger' which was two steak patties with cheese, lettuce, tomato, beetroot and drizzled with a bit of mustard inside a sourdough bun.

I was surprised by how good this 'Fire Dragon Burger' was. So much that I almost couldn't stop moaning after every bite. "The food is amazing right? The food here is better than any restaurant in the area" Levy said. "Yeah, where has this burger been all my life!" I raved and Levy giggled. "Mind if we join you?" someone asked and we turned to see Erza and a blue haired woman standing next to us with food in their hands. "Yeah sure" I replied and they pulled up a chair to join us.

"Lucy, this is Juvia" Erza introduced the blue haired woman. "It's nice to meet you Juvia" I greeted with a smile. "It's nice to meet you too Lucy. Juvia has heard a lot about you. Stay away from Juvia's darling Gray" she replied. 'She speaks in third person?' I thought and raised an eyebrow when she said to stay away from Gray. "Are you and Gray a couple?" I asked. "No they're not. Don't mind Juvia, she is madly in love with Gray and does this to all the girls close to him" Levy replied. "Oh, well you have nothing to fear Juvia I'm not after Gray" I said to Juvia. "Love rival" Juvia muttered quietly but I still heard it.

"Anyway, what are you guys eating? It looks yummy" I asked as I looked at their food. "I got the Seigrain Salad with a strawberry shortcake for dessert" Erza replied. "Juvia got the Ice Devil Sandwich" Juvia replied before taking a bite. "Are you coming to the meeting Lucy?" Erza asked. "What meeting?" I asked and she sighed. "I thought Natsu or Laxus would've told you" Levy sighed and then brought her mouth close to my ear. "The mafia is having a meeting tonight at eight o'clock" she whispered. I'm guessing Laxus purposely didn't tell me because he still doesn't like the idea of me being in the mafia while Natsu probably forgot.

After we finished lunch, Levy and I went back to Natsu's office. When we arrived, Gray and Gajeel were gone and Natsu was on the phone while sitting on his desk. "Great, thank you for your cooperation" Natsu said professionally before hanging up the phone. "Perfect timing Lucy" Natsu said with a big smile as he greeted us. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well I just got off the phone to your boss Jason" he replied and I freaked out. "Oh my! I totally forgot to report into work! Did they fire me?!" I panicked. "Woah woah slow down Lucy, you haven't been fired. I've told them that why you haven't been reporting into work was because you have been busy doing an interview with me" he explained with a proud grin.

"Woo that's amazing Lucy!" Levy cheered. "Why is that amazing?" I asked. "Natsu never lets anyone interview him. Every publishing firm has been begging for an interview with him for years. You'll be the very first reporter to interview the multi-billionaire Natsu Dragneel" she replied and my eyes widened. "This would be amazing for my career!" I said, excited since this is the big break I've been looking for. Natsu chuckled at my excitement.

"You can go back to work Levy. Lucy and I have some other things to discuss" he said and Levy nodded. "I'll see you later Lu" she said before walking towards the elevator. "Lu?" I questioned and she said "it's a nickname for my new best friend" with a wink as the elevator doors closed.

"Come sit with me" Natsu said as he walked over to the white leather lounges. We both sat across each other and then he talked. "So first off, where did you and Levy run off to?" he asked as he leaned back with his arm over the backrest. "Levy took me to the Cafeteria" I replied. "Ah my favourite place! So, what did you get to eat?" he asked, "the Fire Dragon Burger and it was delicious" I replied and he smirked. "Oh that's my favourite. Actually now that I think about it, I'm starving! Wait here for a moment" he said before running to his phone. "Hey Mira, can you please make three Fire Dragon burgers and bring them up to my office please...Thanks Mira you're the best!" he said and then hung up the phone. 'Wow Levy wasn't kidding when she said he loves food' I thought.

"Anyway, there are some things I need to talk to you about your job. First of all, until there is no target on your back, you are going to be working from here. I've discussed this with your boss Jason and he says it's ok" he said as he sat back down. "Does Jason know about the mafia?" I asked and Natsu shook his head. "The only people who know about the mafia are the people who work here. Speaking of that, now that you are a part of our mafia, I have a special job for you. As a writer for Fiore's number one selling magazine, you can help keep some of our activities secret. Can you do that?" he asked with a smirk. I thought about it for a second and I knew this would help Laxus so I agreed. "I'll do it" I said and he smiled. "Great!" he replied and then pulled out a gold keycard and key. "There's your keycard for the special elevator and a key to Laxus' room since I expect you will be living with him from now on" he said. I thanked him as I took the keycard and key.

Suddenly the elevator dinged and a woman with long white hair in a long purple dress walked in with a tray of burgers. "Yes my burgers are here! Lucy, I want you to meet Mira" Natsu said as he excitedly took the tray from Mira. "Nice to meet you Lucy. I've heard a lot about you" she said with a sweet smile on her face. "It's nice to meet you too Mira. I hope it's only good things you've heard about me" I replied. "Of course" she replied. "Hath Maxus num ack?" Natsu asked Mira with his mouth full. "Don't talk with your mouth full" she said and Natsu swallowed. "Has Laxus come back?" he repeated. "No he hasn't" she replied with a bit of a frown. "Alright, thanks Mira" he said before looking at his watch. "It's nearly eight o'clock so we better head downstairs for the meeting" he said as he removed his tie and unbutton the top two buttons. All three of us walked to the elevator and Natsu swiped his gold keycard against a panel underneath the buttons. I was shocked to see the panel slide away to reveal a FT button. He gave me a grin before pressing it which made the elevator descend. I wondered what this secret floor would look like.

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