Chapter 45 - The Rescue Plan

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Natsu's POV

I'm so dead. When Laxus noticed Lucy wasn't here, he shifted a glare towards me. "You" he growled deadly as he stomped towards me. I deserve any pain he plans to do to me. Erza and Gray were about to stop him, but I held my hand up saying to stand down. Laxus grabbed me by the neck and threw me across the room. Wendy gasped as I crashed onto the floor.

Laxus stomped his way over to me and without hesitation, punched me across the face. He didn't stop there since he threw another punch. I laid on the floor taking every punch he was throwing at me without fighting back. After two more punches, Gray and Erza couldn't take it anymore and tackled Laxus off of me. "Laxus stop! It's not Natsu's fault. Lucy chose to save him" Erza said and I looked away in shame. Being reminded of my own failure to protect Lucy hurts more than any punch or bullet wound.

"Did you notice Natsu wasn't fighting back? He obviously already feels bad about what happened" she added. Laxus stopped struggling and analysed my behaviour. After a short moment, I turned to look him directly in his eyes and said, "I swear on my life that I will save Lucy. No matter what it costs." He noticed my determination and stepped back. Erza and Gray released him and stepped back as well. "Alright, so what's the plan?" Laxus asked, crossing his arms and then I stood up. "I have an idea" I replied.

"Did Laxus' punches knock some sense back into you?" Gray chuckled, in his boxers. He's stripped again. "Shut up Stripper and put some clothes on" I replied and then he looked down. "Shit, not again!" he exclaimed before gathering his discarded clothes. "Anyway, this plan of yours?" Laxus asked impatiently. "I'll explain in a moment but first, I need Levy here" I said as I walked over to the phone, but Erza stopped me. "You need to be healed first and then you can explain your plan. I'll call Levy for you" she said and then picked up the phone. I reluctantly headed back to the lounge and sat down next to Wendy so she could continue healing my wounds.

Ten minutes later, all my wounds were healed thanks to Wendy and the elevator dinged. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Levy came out followed by Gajeel. "Why were you with Levy, Gajeel?" I asked with a smirk. I'm sure that Metal Head has feelings for his Shrimp. "I was on my way here when I bumped into Shrimp here" Gajeel replied while pointing his thumb at Levy. "Sure you were" I replied, not believing him. "I told you not to call me Shrimp!" Levy complained but Gajeel purposely ignored her. "How's my car?" Laxus asked. "It'll take me a few days to fix. Raven Tail did a number on it" Gajeel replied.

"So what's your big plan Dragon Boy? We don't even know where Raven Tail's HQ is" Gray said with his arms crossed. I smirked and then turned to Levy. "Levy, I want you to take your laptop out and search for everything within two hours from Dragneel Inc." I said. While Lucy and I were being taken to Raven tail's headquarters, I took note of the time it took us to get there.

Levy nodded and rushed to my desk. As she took out her laptop and opened it up, everyone crowded behind her. After three minutes of fast typing, she showed a digital map on her screen with a large green radius around everything within two hours from Dragneel Inc. "Good, now take out everything within an hour and a half away and then take out all the homes and businesses with legal documents" I said and she removed at least 90% of the buildings within the map. "Ok, now take out every building that's too small for a mafia to stay in" I said and she got rid of more buildings until there was only one possible choice. 'Gotcha Raven Tail' I thought with a smirk as I stared at the red highlighted building on the screen.

I looked up at the others behind me and they all stared at me with wide eyes. "What?" I asked, wondering why they were staring at me like that. "How did you narrow it down so fast?!" Gray asked in amazement. "After Raven Tail took me and Lucy, the car ride took two hours. So that narrowed down the possible places. Then from what I saw when we were captured, I noticed the building was worn down, which I guessed it's abandoned. I also noticed it was big enough for all their members to live in so that removes all the small buildings in the area. Now we have only one possible location" I replied, and he just blinked in shock. "Can't believe Salamander worked all that out by himself" Gajeel said. "Did you just call me dumb Metal Head?!" I shouted. "Usually you are" he retorted.

"Guys, focus. How can we be sure this is Raven Tail's headquarters?" Laxus asked, stopping our fight before it could start. I pulled out my phone and then started typing a text to Loke. "Who are you texting?" Gray asked. "Loke, I'm going to get him to confirm the location and then return to Fairy Tail. I'm going to need all the men-" "ahem" Erza interrupted. "And women I've got to defeat Raven Tail and to save Lucy" I replied. After I sent the text, I put my phone away and then faced everyone. "So the rest of the plan is, we'll have two special teams. Team one will go after Ivan while Team two will search and rescue Lucy. The rest of Fairy Tail will keep Raven Tail busy" I explained.

"Ok. So who's going to be on these special teams?" Laxus asked. "I was thinking. Laxus, Erza and I will go after Ivan while Gray, Juvia, Mira and Wendy rescue Lucy" I replied. "Why am I on the special team?" Wendy asked. "Because if Lucy is injured then we'll need your Sky Dragon Healing gloves" I replied and she nodded in understanding. The rest of the night we didn't get a wink of sleep planning out Lucy's rescue. A war is coming and I'm sure Raven Tail knows it too. I'm coming for you Lucy and this time I'm not leaving until you're by my side again. 

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