Chapter 28 - Mafia Deal

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Natsu's POV

It's been 2 weeks since we captured Luke but no information about Raven Tail's plan has slipped from his lips. No matter what anyone says, I trust Loke will get through to him soon. Right now, I was busy teaching Lucy hand-to-hand combat. She's been improving immensely since I've started training her. Still not as good as me but getting better. No surprise though, she does have an excellent and handsome teacher. I blocked one of her incoming punches with my arm then I grabbed her wrist before throwing her over my shoulder and onto the floor. "That makes seven points for me" I playfully smirked.

She smiled cheekily before grasping my arm that was holding her wrist and pulling my upper body down. My balance was slightly thrown off. She then lifted her hips up and wrapped one of her legs around my arm, pulling my body down further, while her other leg kicked up towards my head. Her foot stopped a centimetre from hitting my face. I wasn't expecting that. If she didn't stop when she did, I would've been kicked in the face. "That makes two points to me" she smirked, and I chuckled. "You still counting that kick from day one? Whatever, well played" I complimented with a proud smile and then she released my arm. I walked around her and held my hand out. She gladly accepted my hand and let me help her to her feet.

"Ready for another round Spider Monkey?" I teased as I stepped back and raised my fists. "Bring it on Flame Brain" she joked, imitating Gray as she raised her fists. I playfully groaned, "don't copy that jerk" I complained, and she giggled at my reaction. It would be a nightmare if Lucy started talking like him. One of that jerk is more than enough.

For calling me that, I decided to initiate the first attack and throw a punch towards her face She leaned her upper body to the side to dodge it while pushing my arm away. Her reflexes are getting better too. She then leant forward to knee my exposed side which I blocked with my palm. You're not going to get me again that easily. I slid my foot around and quickly slipped behind her.

Before she could react, I wrapped an arm around her neck in a chokehold. "Remember what I taught you when someone grabs from behind you like this?" I reminded, waiting for her to practice the self-defence move I taught her. "Yeah" she replied with confidence. She grabbed my arm with both of her hands and pulled it down with her body weight, locking me in place. Next, she moved her hips to the side and placed her leg behind mine. She slipped under my arm, then twisted and pinned it behind my back. Before she could do the next step, my phone rang from my bag.

Lucy released my arm and then I walked over to my duffle bag to go answer it. Who could be calling me right now? I shuffled through my bag and then pulled out my phone. The caller id was 'Sting Eucliffe' and I groaned. 'What does he want?' I thought before answering the phone. "Hello?" I answered in a serious business tone. 'Hey Natsu' Sting's voice spoke through the phone. "What do you want?" I asked angrily at the sound of his voice.

He chuckled which made me think he's up to something. 'I want to make a deal' he said. "What kind of deal?" I asked, a little interested in what he has to offer. 'I've got a new shipment of magic weapons. Bring ten mil in cash' he replied. This deal sounded like it was worth my time. "When and where?" I asked simply. 'Tomorrow midnight, inside warehouse number seven at Crocus docks' he replied. "See you there" I said and hung up the phone before he could say anything else.

As soon as I hung up, my usual childish self came back. "Who was it?" Lucy asked as she put down her bottle of water that she was drinking. "Sting from the Sabertooth mafia" I replied rolling my eyes while wiping the sweat off my face with my towel. "That blonde guy from the other night?" she asked. I forgot she saw his face that night when I confronted him about his men trespassing on my turf. "Yeah him. He's got some new weapons and I plan to maybe buy some tomorrow night" I replied, putting my towel back in my bag. "So I'm guessing Laxus and the others are coming with you?" she asked. "Yeah, plus a few other men since we're going into Sabertooth's turf" I replied.

Since we've been training for almost an hour and I have to get some paperwork done, I decided to end our training session here for today. I think she's ready to move onto Erza's weapon training. "I think we should end our training here for today. Starting tomorrow, Erza will teach you how to fight with a weapon after my sessions" I said before taking a sip of my water bottle. She looked hesitant when I said that. "Do you think I'm ready to use a weapon yet?" she asked with concern in her voice. I can understand her worry. It can be scary picking up and fighting with a weapon for the first time. "I know you're ready" I replied, giving her a confident smile. She smiled back gratefully.

After having a quick shower, I changed into my suit and then waited for Lucy, outside the girls' showers, to finish changing. It wasn't long until Lucy came out dressed in a blue and white crop top and blue skirt. We took the elevator up and stopped on Levy's floor. Soon I'm thinking about returning her to work at Sorcerer Weekly with some bodyguards. It's been almost a month since she first joined Fairy Tail and I did promise her she could go back to work. Now that she knows how to fight, I'm confident she'll be safe enough to go back to work.

Lucy stepped out of the elevator and smiled cheekily as she turned around. "Have fun with your paperwork" Lucy joked. "Don't remind me" I playfully cried, and she giggled. "See you later" she waved and I waved back before the doors closed. I took the elevator the rest of the way up to my office. As the doors opened, I saw Loke sitting at one of my lounges waiting for me. "I got something Boss" he said proudly and I smirked. 'Finally' I thought. "Tell me everything" I ordered.

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