Chapter 60 - Surprise

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Natsu's POV

It's been a week since Lucy's encounter with Acnologia and...WE HAVEN'T FOUND HIM! I shoved all the objects off my desk. "Why can't we find him?!" my voice boomed across my office. I've had every available member in Fairy Tail search hard almost all day and night for him but it's like he vanished into thin air after the horrific crime he committed. Levy tried tracking him through the city cameras but he disappeared through the blind spots. Even all our allied mafias couldn't find him.

"I think we need to take a break on the search" Gray said as he laid lazily on my lounge. "What?!" I shouted, whipping my head towards him. I can't believe he said that. That bastard hurt someone I love and he's suggesting I stop trying to find him. He sighed before sitting up. "Look, I'm not saying we stop searching for him but I think everyone needs a break. We've been searching all day and night for an entire week. Don't you see everyone is exhausted" he said. What he said made me step back and think. I was so blinded by wanted to kill Acnologia that I forgot to think about how tired everyone else was getting.

"You're right. I want everyone to take a week off but for safety, no one should be left alone. Who knows if Acnologia will target someone else in Fairy Tail" I said and he smiled. "I'll let everyone know" he replied as he stood up and then walked to the elevator. Before the elevators began to close, he said "I'm going to remember you saying 'you're right'" with a smirk. "You better not!" I shouted back and then the doors shut. Damn Ice Stripper.

I took a minute to calm myself and then my phone began to ring. "Hello" I answered and what I heard next made my heart jump with happiness. "Lucy's awake" Erza said happily. Without a reply, I hung up the phone and rushed towards the elevator. It's been a long week without her and she's finally awake! I was so happy and excited. Now I can hold her in my arms and kiss her again.

As soon as the elevator reached the lobby, I ran at full speed towards the infirmary. Every single person I passed looked at me strangely before realisation crossed their faces. When I burst through the infirmary door panting and sweat dripping down my face, my eyes frantically searched the room for Lucy. Almost immediately, I found her sitting up on her infirmary bed and more importantly she was awake! Wendy was checking over Lucy while Erza stood beside them.

All three girls turned their attention to me when they heard me burst through the door. "Lucy!" I cried out happily as I ran to her bedside and held her hand in both of mine. "I'm not dreaming, am I?" I said, hoping I wasn't dreaming and wasn't going to wake up to find her still in a coma. "OW!" I yelled in pain as Erza pinched my upper arm hard. Her pinch hurt like hell. I swear she put all her strength into that pinch. It felt like I was being stabbed. I glared at her as I rubbed the sore spot on my arm. She crossed her arms, "what? You wanted to make sure this wasn't a dream" she said plainly. I swear she takes some things too literally.

Lucy's giggle filled my ears and brought my attention back to her. "Lucy! How are you feeling?" I asked her urgently. Please tell me there were no lasting side effects from whatever drug Acnologia made her take. "I feel perfectly fine" she replied but I began to inspect her body. I grasped her head in my hands and lifted each of her arms up but as soon as I lifted her leg she screamed. "Natsu, I've checked her over three times and she's fine. The drug is one hundred percent out of her system" Wendy said. Her words gave me relief and I released Lucy's leg.

"So does that mean Lucy can come home with me now?" I asked. "Sorry but no. She's not back up to one hundred percent health" Wendy replied. "But you said she's fine and the drug is out of her system" I said, confused. "What Wendy is trying to say is, even though the drug is out of my system I still need time to recover. Is that right Wendy?" Lucy said and Wendy nodded. "I'd say you'd be ok to return home by the end of the day" she said and I figuratively had stars in my eyes. I was so happy to hear I could take her home later today.

With Lucy awake, I remembered I need to do something important before taking her home. Oh my Mavis, I can't wait to take her home and cuddle with her all night. Oops, focus. "I just remembered I've got some paperwork I need to finish so I have to go" I lied. Me, willing to do paperwork instead of hanging out with Lucy? Especially when she's just woken up. Pfft, yeah right but I hope they buy my excuse. I need to set up my surprise for her.

"But I promise to pick you up later today and spend the rest of the day with you" I added while grasping Lucy's hand. She smiled up at me and tightened her grasp in my hand. It made me happy to know she had strength in her grasp. It was a sign that she was safe and fine. "Ok, I wouldn't want you to miss out on important paperwork. I'll see you later today" she replied. Suddenly I heard a click and we look up to see Erza taking a photo of us. "Mira would want a photo of this" she said as she put her phone back into her pocket. There would be no point in trying to fight her for the photo even if I wanted to.

"Anyway, I better going" I said before giving Lucy a quick kiss on the lips. Damn I missed that a lot. As I was walking towards the door, I stopped by Erza. "Please send me a copy of that photo" I quietly said to her before walking out of the room. I headed towards the lobby where Mira and Lisanna should be stationed. I easily found them at the front desk. "Hi Natsu" they both greeted when they saw me. "Hi Lisanna, hi Mira, I need you two to do something for me" I said as I leant an arm on the front desk. "Sure, what do you need?" Mira asked. "I need the private jet to be ready to fly early tomorrow morning" I replied. "We can sort that out for you" Lisanna said with a smile. "Thank you. I better get going. See ya" I said before walking away from the front desk with a wave. Now I need to organise the rest of Lucy's surprise.

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